I'm receiving an error in one of my windows forms in the designer file after i upgraded to v11.1. I'm using VS2010 and CSharp I've checked all references and they are correct. I reviewed the License.licx file also and it looks correct.
Warning 1 The tool being added is not allowed in this tools collection. C:\DIAM International\CSharp Projects\IFSPOPDisplays\IFSPOPDisplays\frmInventoryMoves.designer.cs 1301 0
I have underlined and Bold the line giving the above error.
Excerpt Code:
this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar.NonInheritedTools.AddRange(new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase[] { controlContainerTool7, popupColorPickerTool1, controlContainerTool9});
Do you have SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances set to True for the tool? This is required for it to be in the QuickAccessToolbar. Also, does the tool have a Control assigned to it? If the Control is null, I believe the tool cannot be added to the QuickAccessToolbar.
I can't modify the control properties, because I can't get to the Designer/Form to change the properties.
You will have to inspect the frmInventoryMoves.Designer.cs file, specifically the InitializeComponent method, to determine which properties are set. You will not be able to do this through the designer.
I would like to let you know that I have a conversation with Mike Dour and he verified that he already fixed this issue. Thank you Mike.
I have created a support ticket for you with id CAS-67608-BHSYJX where I will provide you further details.
Thank you.
Ok, I was able to reproduce the issue. It looks like a regression caused by another fix in the toolbars manager. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue. Thank you for your help in finding the issue.
I've made the changes on the three controls shared property to true and checked that all controls are assigned a value. I'm attaching the designer file if you would like to take a look. the error is occurring at line 1302.