Is it possible to add a new record in GroupBy View of the UltraGrid (wingrid)? I've a situation where I'm recording some financial Trades in the grid. Each Trade has a Market Number. In one view, I want to show Trades grouped by Market. If the Market exists, I should be able to add a new Trade in that Market. If I have to enter a trade for a new Market, I should be able to do that as well.
I don't think the grid supports this, although I am not certain why. You should submit this to Infragistics as a feature request:
Submit a feature request to Infragistics
Hi! I also would be needing that feature... is there a way of knowing if it's already implemented?
Mariano Abdala.
Hi Mariano,
This has not been implemented as far as I know.
It's good to know, thanks!
You saved me some time :-)
I did a small "work around" to get this functionality... You could probably try that if it satisfies your requirement.... This is what I did:
Oh, I'm sorry... I think I misunderstood the subject of this conversation... What I'm looking for is a way of setting programmaticaly a column as GroupBy.
For instance, if I click the "By clients" button group all by clients, instead of having to drag the Clients column into the group by box.
You can do a "Group By" programatically...
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.Add("ColumnName", false, true);
where you need to replace "ColumnName" by the "Clients" column in your case... whatever be the real name of the column.
Sorting and grouping are related since it must sort to do a groupby.
That worked great! Thanks!
I just wonder why the groupping is set into the sortedColumns...