I am attempting to use the XamCarouselListBox for evaluation purposes and am having an issue with the size of the Items. If I make the Item too big (defined by a DataTemplate), the item is placed in a scrollviewer (I think) and scroll bars are required to view the item.
What property do I set on the XamCarouselListBox to render the entire ItemTemplate without the need for scroll bars?
If you specify a ViewSettings for the XamCarouselListBox you will find an ItemSize property. This will allow you to specify the default size for a carousel item before it starts to show scroll bars.
Changing the itemsize does not work for me. I am at a loss to know why. I generate the control dynamically like follows: I have attached document with all that is needed to show how I have implemented.
CurrentPatientView = new Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamCarouselListBox();
CurrentPatientView.Height = 800;
CurrentPatientView.Width = 1100;
CurrentPatientView.ItemsSource = CurrentPatients;
CurrentPatientView.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("CurrentPatientTemplate");
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemSize = new System.Windows.Size(270, 170);
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.IsListContinuous = true;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathAutoPad = false;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathHorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathVerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathPadding = new Thickness(200, 0, 200, 200);
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ReserveSpaceForReflections = false;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.AutoScaleItemContentsToFit = false;
CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.UseScaling = true;
Have you tried decreasing the ItemPathPadding or increasing the Width and Height in both the template and the ItemSize? Also try setting the carousel Widht and Height to Auto (don't set these two properties).
If none of this works, if you could extract your XAML and code into a sample project that replicates the problem and attach the archive here (with binaries stripped from the .zip file), I will figure out what is going on and correct it.