Is there any way to accomplish something like this using the PivotGrid:
In this example the measure is volume on one row and amount on other rows. It also has calculations on row level (Average Price and Brokerage Percent).
Two questions:
1. Is there a way to have calculation on row level in the PivotGrid?
2. Is it possible to format on row or cell level?
I was able to achieve the calculated rows by adding one row to the flat data source for every combination of rows that make up the calculation and then handle AggregateMeasure to do the actual calculation. I guess this is doable, but please let me know if there is a way to somehow put in row that does some basic calculation using values from other rows on the same level.
I am still looking for a way to custom format on row or cell level. Please let me know if there is a way to do this.
This would be a new feature request. Perhaps better suited would be our UltraGrid.
Thanks Michael,
I may indeed give up on the PivotGrid and custom write this using the UltraGrid. There is much to like about the PivotGrid, but at same time it seems lacking in options.
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