I have an UltraWinTree control that is bound to a bindingsource which is in turn bound to a dataset. There are three tables in the dataset and they are related in such a wat as to display a hierarchy in the tree control. All fields in the datatables are code fields and these values are represented using Valuelists to lookup the textual value.
My problem is that i would like to sort the tree on the text from the valuelist and not on the code fields. I have tried setting the "tree.override.sorted" property but this doesnt make any difference.
How do i sort the tree nodes based on the nodes text?
The tree should sort based on the text that is visible to the user. If it's sorting based on the underlying value, then something is wrong. Are you setting the SortStyle property on the ValueList? You should not have to set this, but if you are, I think it might cause a problem.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply.
I've removed all the things that ive tried to get this working. So i have practically a new ultratree that is bound to the bindingsource and it still does not sort.
From a totally new object what are the properties that i need to set to get this working? Does it behave differently if it is databound?
Hm, yes using Standard ViewStyle might make a difference. Are you sorting on the column in the ColumnSet? Or are you sorting the nodes on the Override?
I would think it would work either way, but I'm honestly not sure. Perhaps you should submit a sample to Infragistics Developer Support so they can check it out. Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support
Thanks again for your reply.
Just to clarify i have changed the ViewStyle to standard so you dont actually see any of the column names. Would this make a difference? Based on what you say this doesnt make any sense, could a column sort be overriding the default text sort?
You should not have to do anything. When the user clicks on a column header, the tree should sort based on the displayed text. If that's not working, then make sure you have the latest Hot Fix. If that still doesn't help, then it sounds like a bug and you should Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support