
ButtonRenderUp Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ButtonRenderUp.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorButtonRenderUp ConstructorConstructor  
Public Fields
Public FieldincharInchar string. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Public Fieldlevel (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Public FieldnewLineNew line string. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Public FieldoOutput. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected Fields
Protected FieldA_BackColorFlag to pass attribute to client for BorderColor  
Protected FieldA_BackgroundImageFlag to pass attribute to client for ForeColor  
Protected FieldA_BorderColorFlag to pass attribute to client for  
Protected FieldA_BorderStyleFlag to pass attribute to client for BorderStyle  
Protected FieldA_BorderWidthFlag to pass attribute to client for BorderWidth  
Protected FieldA_CssClassFlag to pass attribute to client for FontStrikeout  
Protected FieldA_CustomRule1Flag to pass attribute to client for filter  
Protected FieldA_CustomRule2Flag to pass attribute to client for letter-spacing  
Protected FieldA_CustomRule3Flag to pass attribute to client for writing-mode  
Protected FieldA_CustomRule4Flag to pass attribute to client for  
Protected FieldA_FontBoldFlag to pass attribute to client for FontSize  
Protected FieldA_FontItalicFlag to pass attribute to client for FontBold  
Protected FieldA_FontNameFlag to pass attribute to client for BackgroundImage  
Protected FieldA_FontOverlineFlag to pass attribute to client for FontUnderline  
Protected FieldA_FontSizeFlag to pass attribute to client for FontName  
Protected FieldA_FontStrikeoutFlag to pass attribute to client for FontOverline  
Protected FieldA_FontUnderlineFlag to pass attribute to client for FontItalic  
Protected FieldA_ForeColorFlag to pass attribute to client for BackColor  
Protected FieldA_ID_BackColorId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_BackgroundImageId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_BgColorId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_BorderColorId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_BorderStyleId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_BorderWidthId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_CssClassId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_CustomRule1Id for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_CustomRule2Id for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_CustomRule3Id for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_CustomRule4Id for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_FontBoldId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_FontItalicId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_FontNameId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_FontSizeId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_ForeColorId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_ImageUrlId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_InnerBorderColorId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_InnerBorderStyleId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_InnerBorderWidthId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_PaddingId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ID_TextDecorationId for attribute that is used on client to identify its name  
Protected FieldA_ImageUrlFlag to pass attribute to client for Image  
Protected FieldA_InnerBorderColorFlag to pass attribute to client for InnerBorderColor  
Protected FieldA_InnerBorderStyleFlag to pass attribute to client for InnerBorderStyle  
Protected FieldA_InnerBorderWidthFlag to pass attribute to client for InnerBorderWidth  
Protected FieldA_PaddingFlag to pass attribute to client for Padding  
Protected Fielda_scriptSet or attributes to be passed to client  
Protected FieldappearanceCurrent appearance  
Protected FieldcontrolStyleControlStyle merged with Apperance.Style  
Protected FieldcssClassCurrent CssClass  
Protected FieldfixDesignStyleRequest to fix/validate/build style (border, background) for design-time appearance  
Protected FieldinputWasPaintedFlag if input field was already painted  
Protected FieldownerOwner of that renderer  
Protected FieldroundedImage used for rounded corners. The null means rounded corners are used  
Protected FieldstateInstant/current state of button.

0-normal, 4-disabled, 5-checked, 9-checked/disabled  
Public Methods
Public MethodRenderRender control. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Public MethodVisitObjectsOverridden.   
Protected Methods
Protected MethodborderStyleToStringReturn bs.ToString (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodDrawFieldsAppend to output string text, image and input html elements.  
Protected MethodDrawImageAppend to output string html that will render image.  
Protected MethodDrawInputAppend to output string html that will render invisible button element.  
Protected MethodDrawTextOverloaded. Append to output string html that will render text.  
Protected MethodHasAttributeCheck if attribute should be passed to script  
Protected Methodindent (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected Methodiw (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodiwlOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected Methodoutdent (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodRenderAttributesAppend to StringBuilder custom and standard attributes of WebControl such as: position, top, left, z-index, etc.
It is used within style=\"...\"
(Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected Methodw (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected Methodwf (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodwiOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodwlOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodWriteBorderOverloaded. Append border to StringBuilder (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodWriteFontOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodWriteFontNameAppend font name to StringBuilder (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodWriteRectAppend Padding or Margin to StringBuilder for style=\"...\" (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
Protected MethodWriteRoundedInnerBorderWrite border for rounded corners built by TDs for current appearance.  
Protected MethodWriteRoundedTableEndWrite last part of table that creates rounded corners. It may draw 2 TRs straight after main TD and 2 TRs with 5 TDs.  
Protected MethodWriteRoundedTableStartWrite first part of table that creates rounded corners. It may draw 2 TRs with 5 TD and TR with 2 TDs that comes before main TD.  
Protected MethodWriteScriptAppearanceWrite data for script for a particular appearance.  
Protected MethodWriteScriptRoundedTableWrite data for script related to rounded corners built by TDs for a particular appearance.  
Protected MethodwriteStylesOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.RendererBase)
See Also