
Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance Namespace

ClassAnnotation The base class for annotations.
ClassAnnotationsAppearance Appearance class containing settings which affect chart annotations.
ClassAppearanceHelper The base class for auxillary Appearance objects with members that notify parent Appearance objects of changes.
ClassAreaChartAppearance The Appearance object that contains all of the presentation-related properties for Area charts.
ClassAxisAppearance The Appearance object that contains all the appearance-related properties for a chart axis.
ClassAxisItem Appearance class for Axes to be contained by an AxisCollection.
ClassAxisLabelAppearance The appearance object that houses all the style information for the Labels property of an AxisAppearance object.
ClassAxisLabelAppearanceBase Base class for axis label appearance settings.
ClassAxisLabelInfo Class representing a single axis label.
ClassAxisLabelInfoCollection Collection class for AxisLabelInfo objects.
ClassAxisLabelLayoutAppearance Appearance class for Axis Label Layout.
ClassAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Base class for Axis Label Layout Behaviors
ClassAxisLabelLayoutBehaviorCollection Collection class for AxisLabelLayoutBehavior objects.
ClassAxisLabelLayoutBehaviorGroup A class containing methods and properties of an axis label layout behavior group.
ClassAxisMargin Appearance class for settings on an axis margin.
ClassAxisMarginAppearance Appearance class for margins on an axis.
ClassAxisSeriesLabelAppearance Appearance class with settings which affect axis series labels.
ClassBarChart3DAppearance An Appearance object containing the style properties of a 3-D Bar Chart and their subclasses.
ClassBarChartAppearance The Appearance object that contains all of the appearance-related properties of a Bar chart.
ClassBorderAppearance The Appearance object that contains all the appearance-related properties of a chart border.
ClassBoxAnnotation Class for annotations which look like rectangles, with optional text displayed inside.
ClassBoxChartAppearance Appearance class with settings related to Box Charts.
ClassBoxSet DataPoint class for Box Charts.
ClassBoxSetCollection DataPoint collection class for BoxSets.
ClassBoxSetSeries Series class for BoxSets.
ClassBoxSetSeriesDataAppearance DataAppearance class for BoxSetSeries
ClassBubbleChartAppearance The appearance object that houses all the style properties related to Bubble charts.
ClassCalloutAnnotation Class for annotations which look like speech bubbles, with optional text displayed inside.
ClassCandleChartAppearance The appearance object that houses all style properties related to Column charts.
ClassCandleDataPoint Class for datapoints used for Candle charts.
ClassCandleSeries Series class for Candle data.
ClassChartAppearance This is the base class for all UltraChart Appearance objects. These objects will be used to style the chart at design- and run-time by exposing properties of each chart drawing layer.
ClassChartAppearanceCollection Collection class for ChartAppearance objects.
ClassChartArea Class representing a region upon which charts can be drawn within an UltraChart control.
ClassChartAreaCollection Collection class used for ChartAreas.
ClassChartAxisFormatSource Source of default item format strings by Chart type and Axis style.
ClassChartGridAppearance A base class containing the shared feature set for any Chart grid associated with AxisAppearance objects that represent one or more axes (X-, Y-, Z-, second X-, and second Y-Axis.)
ClassChartLayerAppearance Class with settings which affect the appearance of a ChartLayer.
ClassChartTextAppearance An Appearance object that represents how an individual on-chart text label is presented.
ClassChartTextAppearanceConverter Auxillary class that helps with ChartTextAppearance object conversions.
ClassChartTextCollection ChartTextCollection manages a set of ChartTextAppearance objects.
ClassChartTypeAppearance Base class for all Appearance objects specific to a particular chart type.
ClassClipTextAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Axis Label Layout Behavior which clips text.
ClassColorAppearance The ColorAppearance object holds color information for the Color Model of the Chart.
ClassColumnChart3DAppearance An Appearance object containing properties related to 3-D Column Charts and their subclasses.
ClassColumnChartAppearance This is an Appearance object encapsulating the properties related to a Column Chart's presentation.
ClassColumnLineChartAppearance An Appearance object governing the presentation qualities for the hybrid Column-Line Chart.
ClassCompositeChartAppearance Contains settings which affect the appearance of a Composite chart.
ClassCompositeLegend Class used for settings and renderings of legends which are drawn using composite charts.
ClassCompositeLegendCollection Collection class for CompositeLegend objects.
ClassCone3DAppearance Appearance class for 3D Cone Charts.
ClassDataAppearance An Appearance object that encapsulates those properties related to the data for a chart, and how that data should be filtered.
ClassDataPointBase Base class for DataPoints.
ClassDoughnutChartAppearance An Appearance object providing presentation qualities for how Doughnut Charts are distinctly displayed.
ClassDrillDownAppearance DrillDownAppearance provides properties used in the preparation and processing of drill down charts.
ClassEffect Base class for Effects.
ClassEffectsAppearance Appearance class with settings which affect chart visual effects.
ClassEllipseAnnotation Class for annotations which look like ellipses or circles, with optional text displayed inside.
ClassEmptyAppearance Class to hold appearance settings which affect how empty values are displayed.
ClassEmptyAppearanceCollection Collection class for EmptyAppearance objects.
ClassFontScalingAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Axis Label Layout Behavior which scales fonts larger or smaller.
ClassFourDimensionalNumericDataPoint Class for DataPoints which contain 3 numeric coordinates.
ClassFourDimensionalNumericSeries Class for Series which contain FourDimensionalNumericDataPoints.
ClassFunnel3DAppearance Appearance class for 3D Funnel Charts
ClassFunnelChartAppearance Appearance class for Funnel Charts.
ClassGanttChartAppearance Appearance class with settings which affect Gantt charts.
ClassGanttColumnAppearance Appearance class containing settings for the setup of data columns for Gantt Charts, if the DataSource is a DataTable.
ClassGradientEffect Effect class which applies gradients to chart elements.
ClassGridlinesAppearance An Appearance object describing the style for Axis Gridlines (major and minor).
ClassHeatMapChartAppearance An Appearance object containing the style properties which relate to Heat Map and Heat Map 3-D Charts.
ClassHierarchical3DAppearance Appearance base class for Hierarchical 3D charts like Funnel3D, Pyramid3D, and Cone3D.
ClassHierarchicalChart3DLabelsAppearance Appearance class for 3D Hierarchical Chart labels.
ClassHierarchicalChartAppearance Appearance class for Hierarchical Charts.
ClassHierarchicalChartLabelsAppearance Appearance class for labels in hierarchical charts.
ClassHistogramChartAppearance Histogram appearance class.
ClassHistogramColumnAppearance Column appearance class of the histogram chart.
ClassHistogramLineAppearance Line appearance class of the histogram chart.
ClassIconAppearance Class containing appearance settings for drawing icons.
ClassLegendAppearance An Appearance object containing all the style properties for Chart legend boxes.
ClassLineAnnotation Class for annotations which look like lines with optional start and end caps such as arrows or circles.
ClassLineAppearance Appearance class with settings for lines in a chart layer.
ClassLineAppearanceCollection Collection class for LineAppearance objects.
ClassLineChartAppearance An Appearance object representing the presentation qualities for Line Charts.
ClassLineImageAnnotation Class for annotations which look like Images connected to lines with optional start and end caps such as arrows or circles.
ClassLocation Class used for placement of elements on a chart.
ClassMarginsAppearance This child Appearance class defines the margins surrounding (usually) text regions on the chart.
ClassNumericDataPoint Class for DataPoints which contain a scalar value.
ClassNumericSeries Class for a Series containing NumericDataPoints.
ClassNumericTimeDataPoint Class for DataPoints which contain a numeric and a date/time value.
ClassNumericTimeSeries Class for Series which contain NumericDataPoints.
ClassOffsetableAnnotation Base class for Annotations which must be placed using a base location and an offset location.
ClassOverride Class for overriding settings of chart elements during the rendering process.
ClassOverrideAppearance Appearance class with settings which affect chart overrides.
ClassOverrideCollection Collection class for Override objects.
ClassPaintElement The characteristics applied when filling and outlining Primitives and Appearance properties.
ClassPaintElementCollection Collection of paint elements.
ClassPaintElementConverter Auxillary class that helps with PaintElement object conversions.
ClassParetoChartAppearance Appearance class with settings that affect Pareto Charts.
ClassPieChartAppearance An Appearance object that describes the presentation qualities of Pie Charts.
ClassPieLabelAppearance An Appearance object defining the presentation qualities of text labels appearing alongside 2-D and 3-D Pie Charts.
ClassPointChart3DAppearance An Appearance object that encapsulates the style and presentation properties of 3D Point Charts.
ClassPointStyle Contains appearance settings relevant to Points.
ClassPolarChartAppearance Appearance class with settings that affect Polar Charts.
ClassProbabilityChartAppearance Appearance class used for Probability charts and Probability chart layers.
ClassPyramid3DAppearance Appearance class for 3D Pyramid charts.
ClassPyramidChartAppearance Appearance class for Pyramid Charts.
ClassRadarChartAppearance An Appearance object housing the style and presentation properties for Radar Charts.
ClassRotateAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Axis Label Layout Behavior for rotating labels.
ClassScatterChartAppearance An Appearance object that encapsulates the style and presentation properties of Scatter Charts.
ClassScatterLineAppearance An Appearance object governing the presentation of the Scatter-Line hybrid chart.
ClassScrollScaleAppearance Appearance object governing how Scrolling and Scaling behave for the end user, and whether scrollbars should be enabled.
ClassSection508ChartImage Class representing the Section 508 compliant chart image.
ClassSection508ChartItems Contains appearance settings related to Section 508 compliant chart items.
ClassSection508ChartMisc Appearance class with settings related to miscellaneous Section 508 compliance features.
ClassSection508WebAppearance Appearance class with settings related to Section 508 compliance.
ClassShadowEffect Effect class which draws shadows near chart elements.
ClassSkinAppearance An Appearance object that governs the presentation of a consistent motif for chart elements.
ClassSplineAppearance An Appearance object representing the style properties for a Spline.
ClassSplineAreaChart3DAppearance Class containing appearance methods and properties of the SplineAreaChart3D.
ClassSplineAreaChartAppearance An Appearance object representing the style properties for the hybrid Spline-Area Chart.
ClassSplineChart3DAppearance Class containing appearance methods and properties of the SplineChart3D
ClassSplineChartAppearance An Appearance object containing the style properties for Spline Charts.
ClassStackAppearance An Appearance object containing style information for presenting stacked chart types, in 2-D and 3-D.
ClassStaggerAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Axis Label Layout Behavior for staggering labels.
ClassStripLineAppearance An Appearance containing the style and presentation information for displaying strip lines on an Axis.
ClassStrokeEffect Effect class which applies strokes to chart elements.
ClassTextureEffect Effect class which applies a Texture to chart elements or the chart image.
ClassThreeDEffect Effect class which gives a 3-D look to certain primitives.
ClassTimeAxisAppearance An Appearance object containing style information for presenting TimeAxis chart types, in 2-D and 3-D.
ClassTitleAppearance An Appearance object encapsulating the style properties for each of the titles displayed on a chart.
ClassTitleAppearanceCollection A strongly-typed collection of TitleAppearance instances.
ClassTreeMapChartAppearance Appearance class with settings related to TreeMapCharts.
ClassTreeMapChartAppearance.ColorInterval ColorInterval object that represents a range from startValue (inclusive) to endValue (exclusive).
ClassTreeMapDataPoint Class for TreeMapDataPoints.
ClassTreeMapSeries Class for a Series containing TreeMapDataPoints.
ClassView3DAppearance An Appearance object controlling the user's perspective on 3-D charts.
ClassWebTooltipAppearance The appearance object that houses the set of properties related to the display of tooltips and highlighting of data at run-time for UltraWebChart.
ClassWrapTextAxisLabelLayoutBehavior Axis Label Layout Behavior for wrapping text on labels.
ClassXYDataPoint Class for DataPoints which contain two numeric values.
ClassXYSeries Class for Series which contain XYDataPoints.
ClassXYZDataPoint Class for DataPoints which contain 3 numeric coordinates.
ClassXYZSeries Class for Series which contain XYZDataPoints.
InterfaceIAnnotation Interface for annotations which can be rendered on a chart.
InterfaceIOthersCategory Interface for chart appearances which separate "Others Category" data.
InterfaceITextAlignment Interface for classes which control how text can be aligned.
InterfaceITextOrientation Interface for classes which control how text can be oriented.
EnumerationChartAppearanceTypes List of objects for which a ChartAppearance subclass is used to manage the characteristics of their presentation.
EnumerationValueAlignment Specifies how the texts are aligned to the value.
See Also