| Class | Description |
| Annotation | The base class for annotations. |
| AnnotationsAppearance | Appearance class containing settings which affect chart annotations. |
| AppearanceHelper | The base class for auxillary Appearance objects with members that notify parent Appearance objects of changes. |
| AreaChartAppearance | The Appearance object that contains all of the presentation-related properties for Area charts. |
| AxisAppearance | The Appearance object that contains all the appearance-related properties for a chart axis. |
| AxisItem | Appearance class for Axes to be contained by an AxisCollection. |
| AxisLabelAppearance | The appearance object that houses all the style information for the Labels property of an AxisAppearance object. |
| AxisLabelAppearanceBase | Base class for axis label appearance settings. |
| AxisLabelInfo | Class representing a single axis label. |
| AxisLabelInfoCollection | Collection class for AxisLabelInfo objects. |
| AxisLabelLayoutAppearance | Appearance class for Axis Label Layout. |
| AxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Base class for Axis Label Layout Behaviors |
| AxisLabelLayoutBehaviorCollection | Collection class for AxisLabelLayoutBehavior objects. |
| AxisLabelLayoutBehaviorGroup | A class containing methods and properties of an axis label layout behavior group. |
| AxisMargin | Appearance class for settings on an axis margin. |
| AxisMarginAppearance | Appearance class for margins on an axis. |
| AxisSeriesLabelAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect axis series labels. |
| BarChart3DAppearance | An Appearance object containing the style properties of a 3-D Bar Chart and their subclasses. |
| BarChartAppearance | The Appearance object that contains all of the appearance-related properties of a Bar chart. |
| BorderAppearance | The Appearance object that contains all the appearance-related properties of a chart border. |
| BoxAnnotation | Class for annotations which look like rectangles, with optional text displayed inside. |
| BoxChartAppearance | Appearance class with settings related to Box Charts. |
| BoxSet | DataPoint class for Box Charts. |
| BoxSetCollection | DataPoint collection class for BoxSets. |
| BoxSetSeries | Series class for BoxSets. |
| BoxSetSeriesDataAppearance | DataAppearance class for BoxSetSeries |
| BubbleChartAppearance | The appearance object that houses all the style properties related to Bubble charts. |
| CalloutAnnotation | Class for annotations which look like speech bubbles, with optional text displayed inside. |
| CandleChartAppearance | The appearance object that houses all style properties related to Column charts. |
| CandleDataPoint | Class for datapoints used for Candle charts. |
| CandleSeries | Series class for Candle data. |
| ChartAppearance | This is the base class for all UltraChart Appearance objects. These objects will be used to style the chart at design- and run-time by exposing properties of each chart drawing layer. |
| ChartAppearanceCollection | Collection class for ChartAppearance objects. |
| ChartArea | Class representing a region upon which charts can be drawn within an UltraChart control. |
| ChartAreaCollection | Collection class used for ChartAreas. |
| ChartAxisFormatSource | Source of default item format strings by Chart type and Axis style. |
| ChartGridAppearance | A base class containing the shared feature set for any Chart grid associated with AxisAppearance objects that represent one or more axes (X-, Y-, Z-, second X-, and second Y-Axis.) |
| ChartLayerAppearance | Class with settings which affect the appearance of a ChartLayer. |
| ChartTextAppearance | An Appearance object that represents how an individual on-chart text label is presented. |
| ChartTextAppearanceConverter | Auxillary class that helps with ChartTextAppearance object conversions. |
| ChartTextCollection | ChartTextCollection manages a set of ChartTextAppearance objects. |
| ChartTypeAppearance | Base class for all Appearance objects specific to a particular chart type. |
| ClipTextAxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Axis Label Layout Behavior which clips text. |
| ColorAppearance | The ColorAppearance object holds color information for the Color Model of the Chart. |
| ColumnChart3DAppearance | An Appearance object containing properties related to 3-D Column Charts and their subclasses. |
| ColumnChartAppearance | This is an Appearance object encapsulating the properties related to a Column Chart's presentation. |
| ColumnLineChartAppearance | An Appearance object governing the presentation qualities for the hybrid Column-Line Chart. |
| CompositeChartAppearance | Contains settings which affect the appearance of a Composite chart. |
| CompositeLegend | Class used for settings and renderings of legends which are drawn using composite charts. |
| CompositeLegendCollection | Collection class for CompositeLegend objects. |
| Cone3DAppearance | Appearance class for 3D Cone Charts. |
| DataAppearance | An Appearance object that encapsulates those properties related to the data for a chart, and how that data should be filtered. |
| DataPointBase | Base class for DataPoints. |
| DoughnutChartAppearance | An Appearance object providing presentation qualities for how Doughnut Charts are distinctly displayed. |
| DrillDownAppearance | DrillDownAppearance provides properties used in the preparation and processing of drill down charts. |
| Effect | Base class for Effects. |
| EffectsAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect chart visual effects. |
| EllipseAnnotation | Class for annotations which look like ellipses or circles, with optional text displayed inside. |
| EmptyAppearance | Class to hold appearance settings which affect how empty values are displayed. |
| EmptyAppearanceCollection | Collection class for EmptyAppearance objects. |
| FontScalingAxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Axis Label Layout Behavior which scales fonts larger or smaller. |
| FourDimensionalNumericDataPoint | Class for DataPoints which contain 3 numeric coordinates. |
| FourDimensionalNumericSeries | Class for Series which contain FourDimensionalNumericDataPoints. |
| Funnel3DAppearance | Appearance class for 3D Funnel Charts |
| FunnelChartAppearance | Appearance class for Funnel Charts. |
| GanttChartAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect Gantt charts. |
| GanttColumnAppearance | Appearance class containing settings for the setup of data columns for Gantt Charts, if the DataSource is a DataTable. |
| GradientEffect | Effect class which applies gradients to chart elements. |
| GridlinesAppearance | An Appearance object describing the style for Axis Gridlines (major and minor). |
| HeatMapChartAppearance | An Appearance object containing the style properties which relate to Heat Map and Heat Map 3-D Charts. |
| Hierarchical3DAppearance | Appearance base class for Hierarchical 3D charts like Funnel3D, Pyramid3D, and Cone3D. |
| HierarchicalChart3DLabelsAppearance | Appearance class for 3D Hierarchical Chart labels. |
| HierarchicalChartAppearance | Appearance class for Hierarchical Charts. |
| HierarchicalChartLabelsAppearance | Appearance class for labels in hierarchical charts. |
| HistogramChartAppearance | Histogram appearance class. |
| HistogramColumnAppearance | Column appearance class of the histogram chart. |
| HistogramLineAppearance | Line appearance class of the histogram chart. |
| IconAppearance | Class containing appearance settings for drawing icons. |
| LegendAppearance | An Appearance object containing all the style properties for Chart legend boxes. |
| LineAnnotation | Class for annotations which look like lines with optional start and end caps such as arrows or circles. |
| LineAppearance | Appearance class with settings for lines in a chart layer. |
| LineAppearanceCollection | Collection class for LineAppearance objects. |
| LineChartAppearance | An Appearance object representing the presentation qualities for Line Charts. |
| LineImageAnnotation | Class for annotations which look like Images connected to lines with optional start and end caps such as arrows or circles. |
| Location | Class used for placement of elements on a chart. |
| MarginsAppearance | This child Appearance class defines the margins surrounding (usually) text regions on the chart. |
| NumericDataPoint | Class for DataPoints which contain a scalar value. |
| NumericSeries | Class for a Series containing NumericDataPoints. |
| NumericTimeDataPoint | Class for DataPoints which contain a numeric and a date/time value. |
| NumericTimeSeries | Class for Series which contain NumericDataPoints. |
| OffsetableAnnotation | Base class for Annotations which must be placed using a base location and an offset location. |
| Override | Class for overriding settings of chart elements during the rendering process. |
| OverrideAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect chart overrides. |
| OverrideCollection | Collection class for Override objects. |
| PaintElement | The characteristics applied when filling and outlining Primitives and Appearance properties. |
| PaintElementCollection | Collection of paint elements. |
| PaintElementConverter | Auxillary class that helps with PaintElement object conversions. |
| ParetoChartAppearance | Appearance class with settings that affect Pareto Charts. |
| PieChartAppearance | An Appearance object that describes the presentation qualities of Pie Charts. |
| PieLabelAppearance | An Appearance object defining the presentation qualities of text labels appearing alongside 2-D and 3-D Pie Charts. |
| PointChart3DAppearance | An Appearance object that encapsulates the style and presentation properties of 3D Point Charts. |
| PointStyle | Contains appearance settings relevant to Points. |
| PolarChartAppearance | Appearance class with settings that affect Polar Charts. |
| ProbabilityChartAppearance | Appearance class used for Probability charts and Probability chart layers. |
| Pyramid3DAppearance | Appearance class for 3D Pyramid charts. |
| PyramidChartAppearance | Appearance class for Pyramid Charts. |
| RadarChartAppearance | An Appearance object housing the style and presentation properties for Radar Charts. |
| RotateAxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Axis Label Layout Behavior for rotating labels. |
| ScatterChartAppearance | An Appearance object that encapsulates the style and presentation properties of Scatter Charts. |
| ScatterLineAppearance | An Appearance object governing the presentation of the Scatter-Line hybrid chart. |
| ScrollScaleAppearance | Appearance object governing how Scrolling and Scaling behave for the end user, and whether scrollbars should be enabled. |
| Section508ChartImage | Class representing the Section 508 compliant chart image. |
| Section508ChartItems | Contains appearance settings related to Section 508 compliant chart items. |
| Section508ChartMisc | Appearance class with settings related to miscellaneous Section 508 compliance features. |
| Section508WebAppearance | Appearance class with settings related to Section 508 compliance. |
| ShadowEffect | Effect class which draws shadows near chart elements. |
| SkinAppearance | An Appearance object that governs the presentation of a consistent motif for chart elements. |
| SplineAppearance | An Appearance object representing the style properties for a Spline. |
| SplineAreaChart3DAppearance | Class containing appearance methods and properties of the SplineAreaChart3D. |
| SplineAreaChartAppearance | An Appearance object representing the style properties for the hybrid Spline-Area Chart. |
| SplineChart3DAppearance | Class containing appearance methods and properties of the SplineChart3D |
| SplineChartAppearance | An Appearance object containing the style properties for Spline Charts. |
| StackAppearance | An Appearance object containing style information for presenting stacked chart types, in 2-D and 3-D. |
| StaggerAxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Axis Label Layout Behavior for staggering labels. |
| StripLineAppearance | An Appearance containing the style and presentation information for displaying strip lines on an Axis. |
| StrokeEffect | Effect class which applies strokes to chart elements. |
| TextureEffect | Effect class which applies a Texture to chart elements or the chart image. |
| ThreeDEffect | Effect class which gives a 3-D look to certain primitives. |
| TimeAxisAppearance | An Appearance object containing style information for presenting TimeAxis chart types, in 2-D and 3-D. |
| TitleAppearance | An Appearance object encapsulating the style properties for each of the titles displayed on a chart. |
| TitleAppearanceCollection | A strongly-typed collection of TitleAppearance instances. |
| TreeMapChartAppearance | Appearance class with settings related to TreeMapCharts. |
| TreeMapChartAppearance.ColorInterval | ColorInterval object that represents a range from startValue (inclusive) to endValue (exclusive). |
| TreeMapDataPoint | Class for TreeMapDataPoints. |
| TreeMapSeries | Class for a Series containing TreeMapDataPoints. |
| View3DAppearance | An Appearance object controlling the user's perspective on 3-D charts. |
| WebTooltipAppearance | The appearance object that houses the set of properties related to the display of tooltips and highlighting of data at run-time for UltraWebChart. |
| WrapTextAxisLabelLayoutBehavior | Axis Label Layout Behavior for wrapping text on labels. |
| XYDataPoint | Class for DataPoints which contain two numeric values. |
| XYSeries | Class for Series which contain XYDataPoints. |
| XYZDataPoint | Class for DataPoints which contain 3 numeric coordinates. |
| XYZSeries | Class for Series which contain XYZDataPoints. |