
ButtonRoundedCorners Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ButtonRoundedCorners.

Public Fields
Public FieldDefMaxHeight  
Public FieldDefMaxWidth  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldnumberOfImagesNumber of images.  
Protected FieldownerOwner control.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDisabledImageUrlUrl for the background image that is used for a disabled control.  
Public PropertyFocusImageUrlUrl for the background image that is used when a control has input focus and the mouse is outside of the bounds of the control.  
Public PropertyHeightOfBottomEdgeHeight of a rectangle on the bottom side of a control that is used to render the bottom edge of a background image.  
Public PropertyHoverImageUrlUrl for the background image that is used when the mouse is moved over a control.  
Public PropertyImageUrlUrl for the background image that is used for the control in the normal state.  
Public PropertyMaxHeightMaximum allowed height of the control.  
Public PropertyMaxWidthMaximum allowed width of the control.  
Public PropertyPressedImageUrlUrl for the background image that is used when control is in a pressed state (set by mouse or by action key).  
Public PropertyRenderingTypeType of rendering logic that is used to create rounded corners around button.  
Public PropertyWidthOfRightEdgeWidth of the rectangle on the right side of a control that is used to render the right edge of a background image.  
Public Methods
Public MethodResetReset all properties to thier defaults.  
Public MethodToStringString formatted for visual designer.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGetPropGet a string property using its ViewState ID.  
Protected MethodSetPropSet string property value using its ViewState ID.  
See Also