
Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework Namespace (Infragistics.Web)

ClassAppSettings This static class contains settings related to Infragistics Web AJAX framework. The examples of thesttings are: Application Styling Management, Script Combining, AJAX Post Back flag etc.
ClassCallbackObject This class encapsulates AJAX callback logic on behalf of the ControlMain object to which it is attached. The ControlMain object must implement the IControlCallback interface so that the CallbackObject can correctly interact with it. This object is used by Control Developers only.
ClassClientEventsBase Base class for ClientSideEvents properties exposed by controls. This object handles the persistence and rendering of client events on behalf of a control. This object also enables the developer to determine if a client event will cause a postback to the server when fired. The GetClientEventNameList method is called by the base class to allow derived classes to add their client events to the list which will be processed at render time.
ClassClientSideEventArgumentsAttribute ClientSideEventArgumentsAttribute class is used to provide a standart way of passing event arguments for client side event handlers.
ClassCollectionControlObject This class represents a WebControl object that is a member of a collection of objects. The collection of objects would be derived from the ObjectCollection base class so the two classes work together to carry out collection related tasks. For the CollectionControlObject, these tasks include providing and maintaining the Owner ObjectCollection as well as calling the OnAddedToCollection a and OnRemovedFromCollection overrides to notify the object when these events occur. This class derives from ControlObject so that base class maintains ViewState for the object. The ID property of this class overrides the ID property to prevent it from being set because for Templates, the ID must be managed by the framework.
ClassCollectionUIObject This class represents an object that is a member of a collection of objects. The collection of objects is normally derived from the ObjectCollection base class so the two classes work together to carry out collection related tasks. For the CollectionObject, these tasks include providing and maintaining the Owner ObjectCollection as well as calling the OnAddedToCollection and OnRemovedFromCollection overrides to notify the object when these events occur. This class derives from UIObject so that base class maintains ViewState for the object.
ClassCompression Implements HTTP module to compress AJAX response data sent by ISS.
ClassControlMain The base class for controls in the Framework. This class communicates and coordinates with other classes in the framework such as RendererBase, ExtenderBase and DesignerBase to perform tasks on behalf of the control.
ClassControlObject This class forms the base for objects which need to derive from WebControl. It implements templating support, viewstate getters and setters, clientstate support as well as support for uiFlags.
ClassCustomAJAXResponse Container for values passed to client within AJAX response.
ClassDisabledImageButton Represents an Image Button capable of display in several visual states including a Disabled state..
ClassGridCheckBox Represents an object for customizing the checkboxes inside a BoundCheckBoxField column.
ClassHierarchicalObjectCollection This class encapsulates the functionality of managing a collection of objects that are part of a series of collections arranged in a tree structure. The class exposes a series of methods that serve to abstract the basic collection operations to allow for collection manipulation independant of the concrete classes that are derived from it.
ClassHierarchicalUIObject This class serves as the base class for items that are contained in a hierarchical tree structure and which are also data bound. The properties that relate to Hierarchical items are: HierarchicalDataBoundControlMain Index Level FullAddress ParentItem Owner InnerItems HasChildren The properties that relate to DataBindings are: DataPath Populated DataItem
ClassImageButton Represents an Image Button capable of display in several visual states.
ClassImageCheckBox Represents an Image CheckBox capable of display in tri-state or bi-state mode. In bi-state the checkbox offers two states - checked and unchecked. In tri-state the checkbox offers three states - checked, unchecked and partial.
ClassImageObject Represents an Image object capable of display in several visual states.
ClassObjectBase Foundation class from which many other classes within the framework are derived. ObjectBase can be considered a light-weight verion of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl class. It is used to represent various objects within the context of a larger WebControl. One of the primary responsibilities of ObjectBase is to maintain ViewState and provide methods for interacting with ViewState. The Property Get methods and Property Set method are used to simplfy and channel property access through a single mechanism. A variation of the ObjectBase class is the ControlObject. The ControlObject class provides similar functionality except that it is derived from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl base class and is used in situations where that is required.
ClassObjectCollection ObjectCollection
ClassRendererBase The principle base class for implementation of the Visitor pattern for rendering markup. This base class contains context information and utility methods to support rendering methods that output markup to the HtmlTextWriter. This class is used by control developers only as a base class for specific rendering implementations.
ClassRootItem This class is used as a container for the Topmost Items collection in an object hierarchy. There is only one of these created for each HierarchicalDataBoundControl. This object automatically gets created by the control at initialization so that the actual hierarchical items can be hung off of it.
ClassRoundedCorners Base class for rounded corners.
ClassRunBot The RunBot class is a companion to the main control class of a companion. It's primary function is to offload control functionality so that the main control is free to inherit from any other control class in the ASP.NET framework. Since the main control object is a rather heavy object, it is best to put as much functionality into base classes so that it can be shared and reused. But if the main control object must inherit from a base class other than one defined in the framework, then it would not be able to participate in the framework without duplicating a great deal of code. Therefore, by offloading the majority of functionality from the control object itself to a RunBot derivation class, the framework logic can be kept in the RunBot and the control can derive from any base class it needs to.
ClassSlideFadeAnimation Animation for close and open actions.
ClassStateBot Contains static methods for performing various state management tasks as well as the StateBot class itself which can be instanited by Controls to carry out the ClientState serialization process.
ClassSwitchToDesignViewAttribute SwitchToDesignViewAttribute class is used to determine whether automatically switching to Design View is allowed.
ClassUIObject The UIObject class implements basic functionality appropriate to an object that will be represented in the user interface and which the user may choose to interact with. This functionality closely parrallels that of the ControlObject class where the main difference is that the UIObject derives from ObjectBase and not from WebControl. This makes the UIObject class a light weight object that still possesses the necessary capabilities for rendering elements of the control such as collections of objects that need to have a low memory footprint and yet are still offer high performance.
ClassViewStateJournal Keeps track of changes to the collection once viewstate tracking is on Changes are then played back on PostBack prior to loading ViewState
See Also