
TabCloseButton Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TabCloseButton.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAnimationDurationGets sets duration of close animation effect in milliseconds.  
Public PropertyCssClassGets sets the custom css class applied to the close button.  
Public PropertyEnabledShows or hides close buttons on tabs.  
Public PropertyHoverImageUrlGets sets the custom css class applied to the close button when mouse is moved over it.  
Public PropertyImageAltTextGets sets the custom alt attribute for image.  
Public PropertyImageUrlGets sets the custom css class applied to the close button in normal state.  
Public PropertyIsEmptyChecks if all properties have default values.  
Public PropertySizeCssClassGets sets the custom css class applied to the tab item in order to adjust its size to fit close button.  
Public PropertyToolTipGets sets tooltip.  
Public Methods
Public MethodResetReset all properties.  
Public MethodToStringReturns string formatted for visual designer.  
See Also