
RelativeLocation Enumeration

Location of target element relative to container.
That contains following integer members:
NotSet (-1), TopLeft (0), TopCenter (1), TopRight (2), TopInfront (3), TopBehind (3), MiddleLeft (8), MiddleCenter (9), MiddleRight (10), MiddleInfront (11), MiddleBehind (12), BottomLeft (16), BottomCenter (17), BottomRight (18), BottomInfront (19), BottomBehind (20), AboveLeft (32), AboveCenter (33), AboveRight (34), AboveInfront (35), AboveBehind (36), BelowLeft (64), BelowCenter (65), BelowRight (66), BelowInfront (67), BelowBehind (68)
AboveBehindabove the container, behind it
AboveCenterabove the container in the center
AboveInfrontabove the container, in front of it
AboveLeftabove the container to the left
AboveRightabove the container to the right
BelowBehindbelow the container behind it
BelowCenterbelow the container in the center
BelowInfrontbelow the container in front of it
BelowLeftbelow the container to the left
BelowRightbelow the container to the right
BottomBehindon the bottom behind container
BottomCenteron the bottom in he center
BottomInfronton the bottom in front of container
BottomLefton the bottom to the left
BottomRighton the bottom to the right
MiddleBehindin the middle behind container
MiddleCentermiddle center side of container
MiddleInfrontin the middle, in front of container
MiddleLeftmiddle left side of container
MiddleRightmiddle right of container
NotSetindicates that location is not set
TopBehindbehind container
TopCentertop center
TopInfrontin front of container
TopLefttop left relative to container
TopRighttop right relative to container
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also