
WebDataMenu class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebDataMenu.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebDataMenu Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyactiveItemGet the currently active item.  
Public PropertyenabledGet whether the menu is enabled.  
Public PropertyenableExpandOnClickGet whether the menu items expand when they are clicked with the mouse.  
Public PropertyenableScrollingGet whether the scrolling feature is enabled.  
Public PropertyisContextMenuGet whether the menu is displayed as context menu.  
Public PropertymenuGroupSettingsGet the menu group settings.  
Public PropertyorientationGet the menu orientation setting.  
Public PropertyscrollingSpeedGet the menu scrolling speed.  
Public PropertyselectedItemGet the currently selected item.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddItemAdd an item to the menu.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes the object.  
Public MethodfindFinds WebDataMenu by its client ID.  
Public MethodfixSizeRecalculate layout and repaint top level items for menu with enabled scrolling.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebDataMenu type.  
Public MethodgetItemsGet the collection of menu items in the WebDataMenu.  
Public MethodhideHides the menu if IsContextMenu is enabled  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes the WebDataMenu object.  
Public Methodlayout  
Public MethodremoveItemRemove an item from the menu.  
Public MethodshowAtShows the menu at specified position  
See Also