| Class | Description |
| Activation | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to have an Active Cell. |
| ActivationAutoPostBackFlags | An object containing information on when the server events will be called. |
| ActivationClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the Activation behavior. |
| ActiveCellEventArgs | Provides data for the WebDataGrid.ActiveCellChanged event of a WebDataGrid control. |
| ActiveGroupedRowEventArgs | Provides data for the ContainerGrid.ActiveGroupedRowChanged event of a WebDataGrid control. |
| AutoGeneratedDataField | Represents a column or field that was generated from the DataSource of the WebDataGrid control. |
| Band | Server editing events for Band Extending the Band class so Sorting events handlers can be attached to it The Band object represents a single level of a hierarchical record set. The columns that make up a band are typically drawn from a single recordsource (table) in the data source. |
| BandBehaviors | Behaviors collection of the Band |
| BandCollection | A collection of Bands. |
| BandEventArgs | Initializes a new instance of the BandEventArgs class. |
| BandsCountObj | This is an Interger object which inherites from ObjectBase so it can be treated as a ClientObject and can help restore the Bands count in the LoadClientObjects stage. |
| BaseExportCellEventArgs | |
| BaseExporter | This class encapsulates common base logic for exporting WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid to various formats. |
| BaseExportGridFieldCaptionEventArgs | |
| BaseExportGridRecordItemEventArgs | |
| BaseExportRowEventArgs | |
| BaseExportSummaryCellEventArgs | |
| BaseGrid | Base abstract class for the grid controls. |
| BeforeOuterTableRenderEventArgs | |
| BehaviorClientEventsBase | Abstract base class for grid behavior event classes that hides AJAXResponse and AJAXResponseError |
| Behaviors | Behaviors collection of the WebDataGrid |
| BoundCheckBoxField | Represents a checkbox column or field in the WebDataGrid control. |
| BoundDataField | Represents a column or field in the WebDataGrid control. |
| CalculatingProjectedInnerTableWidthEventArgs | |
| CancelRenderingXslEventArgs | Cancelable xsl rendering event args. |
| CellEditing | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Cell. |
| CellEditingClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the CellEditing behavior. |
| ChildObjectsPropertyAttribute | |
| ClientRecordTemplateRenderingEventArgs | The class provides data for the RowSelectors behavior during the process of rendering. |
| Clipboard | A behavior that allows data from the WebDataGrid to interact with clipboard. The format in which data is placed into the cliboard is similar to the Microsoft Excel one, so that cell values can be easily copied between WebDataGrid and Excel. |
| ClipboardClientEvents | Clientside events that the Clipboard behavior will fire in the browser. |
| ColumnEditSetting | Class for column settings of behaviors that inherit from EditableBehaviorBase |
| ColumnEventArgs | |
| ColumnFilter | Class which encapsulates the filtering condition that will be applied to WebDataGrid column. |
| ColumnFilteringSetting | Column settings for Filtering behavior. |
| ColumnFilteringSettings | A collection of ColumnFilteringSetting objects. |
| ColumnFilters | A collection of ColumnFilter objects. |
| ColumnFixing | Fixed columns behavior. Enables the grid to fix columns on either left or right side. |
| ColumnFixingClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the ColumnFixing behavior. |
| ColumnFixingSetting | Column settings for ColumnFixing behavior. |
| ColumnFixingSettings | A collection of ColumnFixingSetting objects. |
| ColumnGroupingSetting | Column settings for column groupby capability. |
| ColumnGroupingSettings | A collection of ColumnGroupingSetting objects. |
| ColumnMoveSetting | The ColumnMoveSetting object allows for customizing the ColumnMoving behavior on a column by column basis. |
| ColumnMoveSettings | ColumnMoveSettings is a collection object containing ColumnMoveSetting objects. |
| ColumnMoving | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to moving a GridField. |
| ColumnMovingClientEvents | Clientside events that the ColumnMoving behavior will fire in the browser. |
| ColumnMovingEventArgs | An object that contains information about the event on the server. |
| ColumnResizeSetting | The ColumnResizeSetting object allows for customizing the ColumnResize behavior on a column by column basis. |
| ColumnResizeSettings | ColumnResizeSettings is a collection object containing ColumnResizeSetting objects. |
| ColumnResizing | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to resize a GridField. This behavior will support multiple column resizing if the Selection behavior is used. |
| ColumnResizingAutoPostBackFlags | An object containing information on when the server events will be called. |
| ColumnResizingClientEvents | Clientside events that the ColumnResizing behavior will fire in the browser. |
| ColumnResizingEventArgs | An object that contains information about the event on the server. |
| ColumnSetting | The ColumnSetting object is a base class for behaviors to allow for more granular control of the behavior. The basis for this is controlling behavior on a column level. |
| ColumnSettingCollection | Abstract class that holds collection of column setting objects |
| ColumnSummaryInfo | Defines column summaries for one column. |
| ColumnSummaryInfoCollection | A collection of ColumnSummaryInfo objects. |
| ContainerGrid | Control used for representing a row island of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid. |
| ContainerGridClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the ContainerGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid control |
| ContainerGridCollection | Collection of ContainerGrids. |
| ContainerGridRecord | Represents a record or row in the ContainerGrid control. |
| ContainerGridRecordCollection | A collection of ContainerGridRecords. |
| ContainerGridViewStateJournal | Keeps track of changes to the collection once viewstate tracking is on Changes are then played back on PostBack prior to loading ViewState |
| ContainerRowCancelEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| ContainerRowEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| ControlDataField | The class represents base object for the grid's fields. |
| ControlDataItem | A class representing a data item |
| ControlDataItemCollection | Collection of record items. |
| ControlDataRecord | The class represents base object for the grid's records. |
| ControlDataRecordCollection | Base class for the records collection of the grid. |
| CurrencyEditorProvider | Editor for WebNumericEditor object. |
| CustomSummaryEventArgs | CustomSummaryEventArgs event arguments for the CalculateCustomSummary event. |
| DataBindingEventArgs | Class representing the event arguments passed into WebDataGrid DataBinding event |
| DataGridAutoPostBackFlags | An object containing information on when the server events will be called. |
| DataSourceEventArgs | |
| DatePickerProvider | Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object. |
| DateTimeEditorProvider | Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object. |
| DefaultBooleanConverter | Class used to perform boolean conversion logic for bool values |
| DefaultEditorsEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| DefaultGroupComparer | The class contains default comparison logic for the Outlook Group By feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid |
| DictionarySerialization | |
| DocumentCellExportedEventArgs | Event arguments that are passed to event handlers for the WebDocumentExporter.CellExported event. |
| DocumentCellExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the WebDocumentExporter.CellExporting event. |
| DocumentExportedEventArgs | Document exported event arguments class. |
| DocumentExportingEventArgs | Document exporting event arguments class. |
| DocumentGridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event |
| DocumentGridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event |
| DocumentGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event |
| DocumentGridRecordItemExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event |
| DocumentGridRowExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentRowExported |
| DocumentGridRowExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentRowExporting event |
| DocumentRowExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the |
| DocumentRowExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the |
| DocumentSummaryCellExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExported event |
| DocumentSummaryCellExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExporting event |
| DropDownProvider | Editor provider for the WebDropDown. The provider allows to assign the WebDropDown to a grid's column and have the column's cells to be editable with a value list. |
| EditableBehaviorBase | Base class for editable behaviours used by WebDataGrid |
| EditableClientEvents | Class defining common client events for all editable behaviors. |
| EditedEventArgs | Edited event args object. Provides information about exception if any is thrown during the editing process. |
| EditingBehaviorCollection | Behavior collection used by the editing behavior. |
| EditingClientEvents | Class for all of the client events for editing behaviors. |
| EditingColumnSetting | Class for column setting for cell editing behavior |
| EditingColumnSettings | A collection of column settings for cell editing |
| EditingCore | Behavior that defines the grid's editing capabilities. |
| EditingEventArgs | EditingCore event args object. Provides an ability to cancel the event. |
| EditModeActions | Defines entering edit mode action for the editing behavior of the WebDataGrid. |
| EditorProvider<TEditorControl> | Editor provider |
| EditorProviderBase | Class used as base for editor providers of WebDataGrid |
| EditorProviderCollection | Collection of editor providers used by WebDataGrid |
| ElementTypeAttribute | Indicates base class for items of a heterogeneous collection. |
| ExcelCellExportedEventArgs | Excel cell exported event arguments class. |
| ExcelCellExportingEventArgs | Excel cell exporting event arguments class. |
| ExcelExportedEventArgs | Excel document exported event arguments class. |
| ExcelExportingEventArgs | Excel document exporting event arguments class. |
| ExcelRowExportedEventArgs | Excel row exported event arguments class. |
| ExcelRowExportingEventArgs | Excel row exporting event arguments class. |
| FieldCaption | The class contains methods and properties of the grid's field caption. The field captions appear in both header and footer for every column of the grid. |
| FieldCaptionColIndex | |
| FieldCaptionCollection | Field caption collection. Defines both header and footer captions of the grid's columns. |
| FieldCollection | A collection for storing fields in a grid control |
| FilteredEventArgs | Filtered event arguments. |
| Filtering | Behavior that defines the grid's filtering capabilities. |
| FilteringClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the Filtering behavior. |
| FilteringEventArgs | Filtering event arguments. |
| FilteringNode | An abstract class for filtering condition for a column of WebDataGrid |
| FilterItemMatchTemplateEventArgs | |
| FixedColumnInfo | Represents a fixed column in the ColumnFixing behavior's ColumnFixing.FixedColumns collection. |
| FixedColumnInfoCollection | Collection of FixedColumnInfo objects. |
| FixedStateChangedEventArgs | FixedStateChanged event arguments. |
| FooterCaptionCollection | A collection of FooterCaption |
| FormatCellValueEventArgs | |
| GeneratingCellAttributesEventArgs | Event args for ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculating event |
| GeneratingFooterAttributesEventArgs | Event args for GeneratingFooterAttributes event |
| GridBehavior | Abstract class that defines a skeleton of the grid behavior. Every behavior of the grid must be inheriting the class. |
| GridBehaviorAttribute | Attribute used to control properties per Behavior |
| GridBehaviorCollection | Base class for the grid's behaviors. |
| GridBehaviorContainer | The class defines a grid behavior container. Such a container allows creating hierarchies of behaviors and having certain behaviors to be made children of others. |
| GridBehaviorDesignerAttribute | |
| GridBehaviorEvents | |
| GridBehaviorsImageButton | Represents an Image Button capable of display in several visual states. This class was created to extend the ImageButton allow behaviors to specify a custom URL designer |
| GridClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the WebDataGrid class |
| GridClientRenderer | The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebDataGrid for the client rendering: Client Templates and/or JSON. |
| GridDataBot | |
| GridField | A grid field for WebDataGrid |
| GridFieldCaption | Represents a header or footer depending on the role, in the WebDataGrid control. |
| GridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs | Excel GridFieldCaption exported event arguments class. |
| GridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs | Excel GridFieldCaption exporting event arguments class. |
| GridFieldCollection | Field collection specific for the grid. The collection is used as the WebDataGrid.Columns property's type to store developer's defined columns. |
| GridFieldFooterCaption | Represents a footer in the WebDataGrid control, exposing a col span property. |
| GridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents | Object used by WebHierarchicalDataGrid to raise events for behavior so that a behaviors can take appropriate action. |
| GridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnAddedEventArgs | Object representing the event arguments for GroupedColumnAdded event. |
| GridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnsChangingInternalEventArgs | Object representing the event arguments for GroupedColumnsChanging event. |
| GridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.RowCollapsingEventArgs | Object representing the event arguments for RowCollapsing event. |
| GridIDPairCollection<T> | A base collection class that stores the underlying IDPairs of an item, as opposed to the item iteself. |
| GridRecord | Represents a record or row in the WebDataGrid control. |
| GridRecordCollection | A collection of GridRecords. |
| GridRecordItem | Represents a record item or cell in the WebDataGrid control. |
| GridRecordItemCollection | A collection of GridRecordItems. |
| GridRecordItemExportedEventArgs | Excel GridRecordItem exported event arguments class. |
| GridRecordItemExportingEventArgs | Excel GridRecordItem exporting event arguments class. |
| GridRenderer | The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebDataGrid. |
| GridResponseObject | Container for values passed to client within AJAX response. |
| GridStyleBot | |
| GridXmlLiteralNode | Represents literal node in the XML rendering engine. |
| GroupedColumn | Represents a grouped column object. |
| GroupedColumns | Collection of GroupedColumn objects. |
| GroupedColumnsChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| GroupedColumnsChangingEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| GroupedRecord | Object representing the grouped row. |
| GroupedRecordCollection | A collection of GroupedRecord objects. |
| GroupedRowEventArgs | Event arguements for GroupedRowInitializedEvent. |
| GroupEqualityComparer<T> | Objects that are derived from this class contain logic of placing certain values into their groups. Should be used with the Outlook Group By feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid to provide custom grouping. |
| GroupField | |
| GroupFieldCollection | I am keeping this class for now, because I suspect I will have to have some custom logic in this collection for the Visible indecies setup of the grouped columns |
| GroupingSettings | Column grouping settings object. |
| GroupingWalkRowInternalEventArgs | Object representing the event arguments for GroupingWalkRow event. |
| GroupRecordEnumerator | Enumerator for data rows which belong to a specific group row . |
| HandleCommandEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| HeaderCaptionCollection | A collection of HeaderCaption |
| HeaderCheckBoxEventArgs | Class representing the event arguments passed into WebDataGrid DataBinding event |
| HeaderLayout | Collection of columns used for generating the XML for rendering the grid's header when multi-header columns are present. |
| HierarchicalGridBindingManager | HierarchicalGridBindingManager is class responsible for managing the data binding process of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid control. |
| HierarchicalGridEnumDataBot | |
| HierarchicalGridGroupingSettings | Column grouping settings object for the grid. |
| HierarchicalGridRenderer | The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid. |
| HierarchicalGridStyleBot | Performs much of the Application Styling Framework(tm) logic for WebHierarchicalDataGrid |
| IDPair | Unique identifier for the grid's fields and records. |
| ItemIDPair | Uniquely identiufies a record item. |
| ItemTemplateMap | The object is used as a storage of the ItemIDPair's and template Ids. Actuale templates can be located by an item's ID object. |
| JsTypeResolver | |
| KeyChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the field's KeyChanged event. |
| MaskEditorProvider | Editor for WebMaskEditor object. |
| MissingRecordException | This exception is thrown when a record is not found by key during an update operation. |
| MonthCalendarProvider | Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object. |
| NumericEditorProvider | Editor for WebNumericEditor object. |
| ObjectITyped | |
| Paging | Behavior that defines the grid's paging capabilities. |
| PagingClientEvents | Holds client side event definitions for the paging. |
| PagingEventArgs | Event arguments for pager related events. |
| ParentObjectTypeAttribute | Marks an object with its parent class type. |
| PercentEditorProvider | Editor for WebNumericEditor object. |
| RatingEditorProvider | Editor for WebRating object. |
| RecordItemsRenderingEventArgs | |
| RecordUpdatedEventArgs | |
| RegisterScriptsEventArgs | |
| RenderEventArgs | |
| RenderingEventArgs | |
| RenderingRowSelectorXslEventArgs | |
| RenderingXslEventArgs | |
| RowAddedEventArgs | Row added event arguments object. |
| RowAdding | Row adding behavior. Adding this behavior to the EditingCore behaviors enables user interface - Add New Row - for entering and commiting new row values. |
| RowAddingClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the RowAdding behavior. |
| RowAddingColumnSetting | The RowAddingColumnSetting class allows the developer to customize row adding behaviors on a column by column basis. |
| RowAddingColumnSettings | A collection of column settings for row adding behavior |
| RowAddingEventArgs | Row adding event arguments object. |
| RowDeletedEventArgs | Row deleted event arguments object. |
| RowDeleting | Behavior that defines the grid's deletion functionality. |
| RowDeletingClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the RowDeleting behavior. |
| RowDeletingEventArgs | Row deleting event arguments object. |
| RowEditClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the RowEditing behavior. |
| RowEditing | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Row. |
| RowEditingClientBinding | The object defines a client binding of a control on the edit row template to a cell in the row that is being edited. |
| RowEditingClientBindingCollection | Collection of the client bindings for the edit row template behavior. |
| RowEditingClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the RowEditingTemplate behavior. |
| RowEditingTemplate | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Row through a templatable dialog. |
| RowEditModeActions | The edit mode actions for RowEditTemplate |
| RowEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| RowIslandEventArgs | Event arguments for events that can be handled. |
| RowSelectorClientEvents | Clientside events that the RowSelector behavior will fire in the browser. |
| RowSelectors | Adds the row selectors to the grid. Row selectors are often called the row headers. These are extra cells on the left side of every row which help navigating the rows. |
| RowUpdatedEventArgs | Row updated event arguments object. |
| RowUpdatingEventArgs | Row updating event argumets object. |
| RuleBoolNode | Filtering condition for a string type column of WebDataGrid |
| RuleDateNode | Filtering condition for a DateTime type column of WebDataGrid |
| RuleNumberNode | Filtering condition for a numeric type column of WebDataGrid |
| RuleTextNode | Filtering condition for a string type column of WebDataGrid |
| SelectedCellCollection | A collection of selected cells. |
| SelectedCellEventArgs | Provides data for the WebDataGrid.CellSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control. |
| SelectedColumnCollection | A collection of selected columns. |
| SelectedColumnEventArgs | Provides data for the WebDataGrid.ColumnSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control. |
| SelectedRowCollection | A collection of selected rows. |
| SelectedRowEventArgs | Provides data for the WebDataGrid.RowSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control. |
| Selection | A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to be selectable. |
| SelectionAutoPostBackFlags | An object containing information on when the server events will be called. |
| SelectionClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the Selection behavior. |
| SliderProvider | Editor for WebSlider object. |
| SortedColumnInfo | Represents a sorted column in the Sorting behavior's Sorting.SortedColumns collection. |
| SortedColumnInfoCollection | Collection tha holds all of the sorted columns in the grid. |
| Sorting | Behavior that defines the grid's sorting capabilities. |
| SortingClientEvents | Client events for sorting behavior |
| SortingColumnSetting | Column setting for sorting behavior |
| SortingColumnSettings | SortedColumnSettings allow for granular control of the sorting behavior on a Column basis. |
| SortingEventArgs | Sorting event arguments. |
| SpanCalculatingEventArgs | Event args for ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculating event |
| StringBuilderEventArgs | Event arguements which have a srting builder |
| Summaries | Holds all of the summaries that will be calculated for a column. |
| Summary | Defines single summary for a column. |
| SummaryCellExportedEventArgs | Excel SummaryCellExporting exported event arguments class. |
| SummaryCellExportingEventArgs | Excel SummaryCellExporting exporting event arguments class. |
| SummaryEventArgs | SummaryEventArgs event arguments for the SummaryCalculated event. |
| SummaryRow | Behavior that defines the grid's summary row capabilities. |
| SummaryRowClientEvents | ClientEvents used by the SummaryRow behavior. |
| SummaryRowSetting | Column settings for SummaryRow behavior. |
| SummaryRowSettings | A collection of SummaryRowSetting objects. |
| SummarySetting | Settings object for a particular type of summary. |
| SummarySettings | A collection of SummarySetting objects. |
| TemplateDataField | The class overrides the ControlDataField field to allow it to have templates. |
| TextBoxEditor | Extension of TextBox with overriden Color related properties to support designer. |
| TextBoxProvider | Editor for TextBox object. |
| TextEditorProvider | Editor for WebTextEditor object. |
| UnboundCheckBoxField | Represents a checkbox column that is not bound to any data. |
| UnboundCheckBoxGridRecordItem | Class representing a cell that is part of an UnboundCheckBoxField column. |
| UnboundField | Represents a column or field in the WebDataGrid control that is not bound to any data. |
| UnboundGridRecordItem | Class representing a cell that is part of an UnboundField column. |
| UnhandledCalculateSummaryException | This class is used for the exception when the default data binding of the grid is cancelled and a normal summary (Count, Min, Max, Average, Sum) is added, but the CalculateSummary event is not handled. |
| UnhandledCustomSummaryException | This class is used for the exception when a custom summary is added, but the server event CalculateCustomSummary is not handled. |
| VirtualScrolling | Behavior that enables the grid to scroll its rows in a virtual mode. |
| VirtualScrollingClientEvents | Clientside events that the VirtualScrolling behavior will raise on client. |
| VirtualScrollingEventArgs | Virtual scrolling event arguments. |
| VisibleItemsEnumerator | |
| WebDataGrid | Server editing events for WebDataGrid AJAX enabled Grid Control which is capable of displaying tabular information from a variety of datasources. |
| WebDataGridExtensionAssemblyAttribute | |
| WebDocumentExporter | Provides PDF and XPS document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid. |
| WebExcelExporter | Provides Excel document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid. |
| WebHierarchicalDataGrid | Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Activation events handlers can be attached to it Server editing events for WebHierarchicalDataGrid Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Selection events handlers can be attached to it Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Sorting events handlers can be attached to it AJAX enabled Hierarchical Grid Control which is capable of displaying hierarchical data. |
| WebWordExporter | Provides Word document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid. |
| WHDGListHierarchicalEnumerable | |
| WHDGListHierarchicalEnumerableITyped | |
| WHDGListNode | |
| WHDGListNodeITyped | |
| WordCellExportedEventArgs | Event args for the cell exported event |
| WordCellExportingEventArgs | Event args for the cell exporting event |
| WordExportedEventArgs | Word exported event arguments class. |
| WordExportingEventArgs | Word exporting event arguments class. |
| WordGridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event |
| WordGridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event |
| WordGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event |
| WordGridRecordItemExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event |
| WordRowExportedEventArgs | Word row exported event arguments class. |
| WordRowExportingEventArgs | Word row exporting event arguments class. |
| WordSummaryCellExportedEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExported event |
| WordSummaryCellExportingEventArgs | Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExporting event |
| XPathDataNavigable | Class-helper for the objects to expose themselves as XML nodes. |
| XPathDataNavigator | Provides XPath navigation for the data of the grid. |
| XPathGrid | |
| XPathGridData | Xml wrapper for the grid. This is the first and the only child node of the Root. |
| XPathGridRoot | Root Xml node. That's where it all starts. |
| XPathNavigableText | The class represents a text XML rendering node. |
| XslCapRenderingEventArgs | |
| XslRenderingEventArgs | |