
WebHierarchicalDataGrid class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebHierarchicalDataGrid.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyajaxIndicatorGets reference to instance of Infragistics.Web.UI.AjaxIndicator or null.  
Public PropertyanimationGets reference to container of properties related to animation of expand and collapse effects for child grids. That is type of Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideFadeAnimation  
Public PropertybandsArray of child bands. An array of Infragistics.Web.UI.Band objects  
Public Propertyclientbindingprops  
Public PropertycolumnKeysThis function is no longer supported and should be moved An array of string  
Public PropertydataMemberIdentifies a particular data member of the DataSource.  
Public Propertyelement  
Public Propertyevents  
Public PropertygridViewGets reference to the root container grid.  
Public PropertygroupingSettingsObject for column group by settings.  
Public Propertyid  
Public PropertyisInitialized  
Public PropertyisUpdating  
Public PropertykeyBand key.  
Public PropertynameReturn's the name of the control.  
Public Propertyparent  
Public PropertypropsFor Internal Use Only. Contains ClientState information for the control.  
Public PropertyuniqueIDReturn's the Unique ID of the control.  
Public PropertyvisibilityMode  
Public Propertyvisible  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddClientEventHandlerAdds a function handler to process a ClientEvent.  
Public MethodaddCssClass  
Public MethodbeginUpdate  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid object.  
Public MethodendUpdate  
Public MethodfindFinds WebHierarchicalDataGrid by its client ID.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebHierarchicalDataGrid type.  
Public MethodgetClientEventPostBackFor internal use only.  
Public MethodgetClientEventPostBackForObjectFor internal use only.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes the WebHierarchicalDataGrid object.  
Public MethodonBubbleEvent  
Public MethodraiseBubbleEvent  
Public MethodraisePropertyChanged  
Public MethodremoveClientEventHandlerRemoves a function handler of a ClientEvent.  
Public MethodremoveCssClass  
Public MethodresolveItemTranslates an address string specifier into the resolved NavItem object that lives at the specified address.  
Public MethodsetClientEventFor internal use only.  
Public MethodtoggleCssClass  
Public Methodupdated  
Public Events
Public Eventdisposing  
Public EventpropertyChanged  
See Also