
Add a Special Character in WebHtmlEditor

WebHtmlEditor™ lets end users enter special characters that are uncommon on most keyboards by selecting them from a list without having to know their esoteric encoding. WebHtmlEditor handles the translation into "character entity references" The WebHtmlEditor control provides a starter list containing some common special characters. Your application can add to this list.

WebHtmlEditor How Do I Add a Special Character 1.png

In the example code below, you will add the Greek letter sigma (S), to the SpecialCharacterList property so your end users receive the Special Characters drop-down list shown above.

In the Page_Load event handler of your Web form, add an HTML character entity reference for the special character that you want to be available in the Special Characters Toolbar drop-down list.

In Visual Basic:


In C#:


For a list of all HTML character entity references, consult on the W3C® web site.