
Keyboard Navigation

WebMonthCalendar™ supports keyboard navigation so that your end-users can easily and quickly navigate between the days, months, years, decades and select the dates.

Key Combination Month Calendar View Month Selection View Year Selection View Decade Selection View

Up Arrow

Moves to the same week day in the previous week.

Moves to the month above in the same year; if in the top row, then moves to the last month in the same column in the previous year.

Moves to the year above in the same decade; if in the top row, then moves to the last year in the same column of the previous decade.

Moves to the decade above in the same decade selection view; if in the top row then moves to the last decade in the same column of the previous decade selection view.

Down Arrow

Moves to the same day in the next week.

Moves to the month below in the same year; if in the last row, then moves to the top month in the same column in the next year.

Moves to the year below in the same decade; if in the last row, then moves to the top year in the same column of the next decade.

Moves to the decade below in the same decade selection view; if in the last row, then moves to the top decade in the same column of the next decade selection view.

Right Arrow

Moves to the next day; if on the last day of the month, moves to the first day of the next month.

Moves to the next month; if on December, moves to January of next year.

Moves to the next year; if on the last year in a decade, moves to the first year in the next decade.

Moves to the next decade; if in the last decade in the "decade selection", moves to the next decade.

Left Arrow

Moves to the previous day; if on the first day of the month, moves to the last day of the previous month.

Moves to the previous month; if on January, moves to December of previous year.

Moves to the previous year; if on the first year in that decade, moves to the last year in the previous decade.

Moves to the previous decade, if in the first decade in the "decade selection", moves to the previous decade.

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Displays the Month Selection View.

Displays the Year Selection View.

Displays the Decade Selection View.

Does nothing.

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Does nothing.

Displays the Calendar Selection View.

Displays the Month Selection View.

Displays the Year Selection View.

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Moves to the same day in the next month; if the next month doesn’t contain that day, then goes to the last day in the next month.

Moves to the same month in the next year.

Moves 10 years ahead.

Moves to the next Decade Selection View; if on the last one, then moves to the last decade in that view.

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Moves to the same day in the previous month; if the previous month doesn’t contain that day, then goes to the last day in the previous month.

Moves to the same month in the previous year.

Moves 10 years behind.

Moves to the previous Decade Selection View; if on the last one, then moves to the first decade in that view.


Does Nothing.

Displays Calendar View without selecting anything.

Displays Calendar View without selecting anything.

Displays Calendar View without selecting anything.


Moves to the first day in the month displayed.

Moves to the first month in this view.

Moves to the first year in the decade displayed.

Moves to the first decade in the century displayed.


Moves to the last day in the month displayed.

Moves to the last month in this view.

Moves to the last year in the decade displayed.

Moves to the last decade in the century displayed.


Selects the day.

Selects the month and displays Month Calendar View.

Selects the year and displays the Month Selection View.

Selects the decade and displays the Year Selection View.

Page Up

Same as Ctrl +Left Arrow.

Same as Ctrl +Left Arrow.

Same as Ctrl +Left Arrow.

Same as Ctrl +Left Arrow.

Page Down

Same as Ctrl + Right Arrow.

Same as Ctrl + Right Arrow.

Same as Ctrl + Right Arrow.

Same as Ctrl + Right Arrow.