
WebMonthCalendar class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebMonthCalendar.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebMonthCalendar Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyanimationGets reference to container of properties related to animation. That is type of Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideFadeAnimation Reference to animation  
Public PropertycustomDaysGets array of objects which used by calendar to modify default rendering of days. Each item may contain following optional members: day: day in month in range of 1..31; month: month in year in range of 1..12; year: year in range of 2..9999; dow: day of the week in range of 0..6; disabled: value of true makes day disabled; css: name of custom css class; text: html used to render day. If it contains {0}, then it is replaced by the day of the month. Custom days in calendar  
Public PropertydaysGets array of objects which represent days in calendar and week numbers. Array which contains CalendarDay objects. If week numbers are enabled, then its length is 47, otherwise, its length is 42. Note: that object should not be modified. Days in calendar  
Public PropertyenabledGets sets enabled state of control as boolean. True: control is enabled  
Public PropertyfirstDayOfWeekGets first day of the week. 0 is Sunday, 6 is SaturdayFirst day of week  
Public PropertymaxDateGets sets maximum date as Date. The set method does not update html. In order to refresh image, application should call refresh(). Note: new value does not persist to server. Maximum date  
Public PropertyminDateGets sets minimum date as Date. Notes: New value does not persist to server. The set method does not update html. In order to refresh image, application should call refresh(). Minimum date  
Public PropertyreadOnly  
Public PropertyselectedDateGets sets selected date as Date. In case of multiselection, the get returns first selected date within array of selected dates. Selected date  
Public PropertyselectedDatesGets sets selected dates. The get method creates and returns array of selected dates in calendar as Date objects. The set method removes possible selected range. Note: when dates are set, then they should be sorted in ascending order. Array of dates  
Public PropertyselectedRangeCreates and returns array which contains minumum and maximum dates or current range. The get returns null or array of 2 Date objects. The set should contain array of minimum and maximum dates. The set does not change possible selected dates and it has effect only when multi selection is enabled. Array of dates  
Public PropertyvisibleMonthGets sets visible month as Date. The get returns 1st day of visible month. Visible date  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddCustomDayAdds new custom day. Note: new day does not persist after a postback.  
Public MethodaddDateToSelectionAdd new date to selection. Note: that method will move range of selected dates into array or selected dates.  
Public MethodcloseListClose list of months, years or year groups.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes object and event handlers.  
Public MethodfindFinds WebMonthCalendar by its client ID.  
Public MethodfocusSes input focus to control with delay.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebMonthCalendar type.  
Public MethodgetIndividualSelectedDatesCreates and returns array of individually selected dates in calendar.  
Public MethodgetOpenedListIDChecks which list is currently opened.  
Public MethodhasFocusChecks if control has input focus.  
Public MethodidFromMouseGets id of active element in calendar from the mouse event of browser. That is method used internally and can be used publically by advanced applications.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes instance of WebMonthCalendar.  
Public MethodisDateSelectedChecks if date is selected.  
Public MethodisSelectedChecks if date at year, month and day is selected.  
Public MethodremoveDateFromSelectionRemove date from selection. Note: that method will move range of selected dates into array or selected dates.  
Public MethodrepaintAdjusts month and year of calendar and repaints it.  
Public MethodsetFocusSes input focus to control without delay.  
Public MethodsetSelectedDatesAndRangeSets selected dates. That method has effect only when multi selection is enabled.  
Public MethodsetSelectedRangeMinMaxSets range of selected dates. That is a wrapper for set_selectedRange([min, max]).  
Public MethodshowListShow list of months, years or year groups.  
See Also