<style type="text/css"> /* Active style * / .activeResource { background-color: Green; /* Most default styles use images, * remove image to see your custom style * / background-image: none; } /* Inactive style * / .inactiveResource { background-color: Silver; background-image: none; } /* Inactive hover style * / .inactiveResource:hover { background-color: Green; background-image: none; } </style> … <igsch:WebMonthView ID="WebMonthView1" runat='server' WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1"> <%--Set active button color--%> <ResourceButtonActiveStyle CssClass="activeResource"> </ResourceButtonActiveStyle> <%-- Set inactive button and appointment color --%> <FadedAppointmentStyle CssClass="inactiveResource"> </FadedAppointmentStyle> <%-- Set active appointment color --%> <AppointmentStyle CssClass="activeResource"> </AppointmentStyle> </igsch:WebMonthView>