| Name | Description |
| ActivateCell | Cell activation (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ActivateRow | Row activation (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| AddRow | Adds a new row to the grid band (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CancelAsynchronousExport | Cancels an Asynchronous export, if one is currently being done. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CancelCellUpdate | Cancel The update in a specific cell. Equal to press Escape key. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CellEditorButtonCheck | Check a state editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CellEditorButtonClick | Clicks an editor button in a cell (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CellEditorButtonCloseUp | Closes the editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CellEditorButtonDropDown | Dropdown an editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CellEditorSpinButtonClick | Clicks an editor spin button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ClickCellButton | Click the cell button if exist (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ClickControl | Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ClickSubItem | Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| CollapseChildBand | Collapses the specified child band (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CollapseColumnGroup | Collapse the specified column group (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CollapseRow | Collapses the specified row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ColumnCount | Gets the count of columns in the current band (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CompressCard | Compresses the specified card in card view style. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| CreateObjRef | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| DblClickControl | Double Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| DblClickSubItem | Double Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| DeleteRow | Delete the row with the specific path; This function gets recorded when stepping out of a TemplateAddRow row without changing any cell, or when the user cancel updates for the added row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DeleteSelectedRows | Deletes the currently selected rows in the grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| Disconnect | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| DisplayColumnChooser | Perform a click over the Column Chooser button for the band with index (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DisplayFilterUIProvider | Opens the FilterUIProvider when one is used. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| Dispose | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing) |
| DoubleClickCell | Performs a double click on a cell in the grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DoubleClickFilterRow | Performs a double click on the filter row of the parent row collection of the specified row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DoubleClickHeader | Performs a double click on a column header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DoubleClickRow | Performs a double click on a row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| DragAndDrop | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| DragSubItem | Starts a drag operation on the specified subitem, by mousing down on it, and moving the cursor. It needs to be followed by a subsequent drop action to be completed successfully. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| DropOnControl | Continues a previously executed Drag command, and ends it by dropping it on the control where stated. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| DropOnSubItem | Continues a previously executed Drag command, and ends it by dropping it on the subitem where stated. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| EditHeaderCaption | Changes the caption of a Band, Group, or Column Header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ExpandCard | Expands the specified card in card view style. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ExpandChildBand | Expands the specified child band (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ExpandColumnGroup | Expands the specified column group (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ExpandRow | Expands the specified row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetCellAppearance | Returns the specified Appearance property for the supplied cell. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetCellData | Retrieves the contents of the specified cell from a table (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetCellProperty | Return the value of the specified property for a specific cell in the grid. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetColumnControl | Return the control attached to a column in the grid. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetColumnHeaderCheckState | Get the ColumnHeader checkstate for the specified column header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetLifetimeService | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| GetNAProperties | This method will returns a list of the visible properties of a given object, and their data types. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetNAProperty | This method will return the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetProxySetting | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetRowAppearance | Returns the specified Appearance property for the supplied row. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetSettingsValue | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| GetSettingsXML | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| GetSubItemProperties | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetSubItemProperty | Return a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetSummaryValue | Get the value of the specified summary value. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetSummaryValueActiveRow | Get the value of the specified summary value using the active row as the source row. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GetWndMessageFilter | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| GridItemResize | Resize a column or group header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| GridItemSpanChange | Span size change a column or group header to a new size (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderEditorButtonCheck | Check a state editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderEditorButtonClick | Clicks an editor button in a cell (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderEditorButtonCloseUp | Dropdown an editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderEditorButtonDropDown | Closes the editor button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderEditorSpinButtonClick | Clicks an editor spin button (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HeaderMove | Moves a header (column or group) to a new position (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HideBand | This method gets recorded whenever the user hide a band using the column chooser control. On replay, this action will make the specified band hidden. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| HideColumn | This method gets recorded whenever the user hide a column using the column chooser dialog. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| Init | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| InitEventListener | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| InitializeLifetimeService | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| KeyDown | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| KeyUp | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MakeCellVisible | Move the scrolling area of the grid to make the specified cell visible. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| MouseActionOnControl | Performs the requested MouseAction on the Control (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseActionOnSubItem | Performs the requested MouseAction on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseClick | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MouseDblClick | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MouseDown | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MouseMove | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MouseUp | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| MoveColumn | Moves columns to a new position (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| MoveColumnToRelativePosition | Positions one column next to another depending on the relative position (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| OnMessage | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| OpenLink | This action will be recorded whenever a link inside the grid cell is clicked. On replay, this action will simulate clicking the link area inside the specified cell. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| OpenRowEditTemplate | Opens the RowEditTemplate for the given row by the method supplied. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| OpenSummaryDlg | Expands the specified row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| PerformAction | Calls the controls a PerformAction method. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| PerformClipBoardAction | This method gets recorded for any clipboard action performed in the grid. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| PrepareForReplay | Overloaded. (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| PressKey | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| PressNKeys | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| Record | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| RecordAUTValidate | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing) |
| RecordFunction | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| RecordQTPValidate | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing) |
| ReleaseEventListener | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ReplayReportStep | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| ReplayThrowError | Overloaded. (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| ReplayValidate | (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing) |
| ResizeColumn | Resizes the specified column to a new width (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ResizeRow | Resizes the specified row to a new height (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RightClick | Perform a right click over a row, Column header, or a cell (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RightClickControl | Right Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| RightClickSubItem | Right Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| RowCount | Returns the numbers of rows in the current band (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RowLayoutColumnMove | Moves a column to a new position when using row layouts (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RowLayoutColumnResize | RowLayoutColumnResize (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RowLayoutColumnSpanResize | Changes the number of rows or columns that a column is spanned when using row layouts (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RowLayoutLabelResize | Resize Label in RowLayout (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| RowLayoutLabelSpanResize | Changes the number of rows or columns that a column header label is spanned when using row layouts (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SelectCell | Selects the specified cell in a grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SelectColumn | Selects the specified column in a grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SelectMultiple | Selects multiple rows, columns, and cells in a grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SelectRow | Selects the specified row in a grid (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SendKeys | (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase) |
| SetCellData | Sets the contents of a cell with the specified string (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetColumnHeaderCheckState | Sets the Checkbox in the Column Header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetFilter | Applies a filter to a column (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetFilterRowCell | Sets the filter conditions in the filter row for a specified column (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetFixedGroupHeader | Sets/unsets the fixed state of a group header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetFixedHeader | Sets/unsets the fixed state of a column header (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetFixedRow | Fixes or Unfixes the specified row (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetGroupByColumns | Set GroupBy columns (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetHardBreakOnAllErrors | Sets the HardBreakOnAllErrors for all replay actions on this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SetInvalidDataCell | This function is used to type an invalid data in a specific cell to prompt cell data validation (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SetNAProperty | This method will set the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SetProxySetting | This method will set the boolean value of one of the customizable proxy settings. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SetSubItemProperty | Sets a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ShowBand | This method gets recorded whenever the user show a band using the column chooser control. On replay, this action will make the specified band visible. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| ShowColumn | This method gets recorded whenever the user show a column using the column chooser dialog. On replaying this action, column is displayed in its original position. (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| Sort | Sort rows (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SpellCheck | Display SpellCheck Dialog if the specified cell includes misspelled words (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SwapColumns | Swaps the position of two columns (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |
| SwapHeaders | Swap two headers, group or column, with another of the same type (Inherited from Infragistics.QTPServer.WinGrid.WinGridReplayServerBase) |