| Class | Description |
| ActiveTaskChangedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the ActiveTaskChanged event. |
| ActiveTaskChangingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the ActiveTaskChanging event. |
| CellActivatedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the CellActivated event. |
| CellActivatingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the CellActivating event. |
| CellChangeEventArgs | Event arguments class for the CellChange event. |
| CellDeactivatingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the CellDeactivating event. |
| ContextMenuInitializingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the ContextMenuInitializing event. |
| DetailsAreaSettings | Class which manages the settings of the detailsArea area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument |
| ExpandableEditorWithText | EditorWithText class implementation |
| ExpandableEditorWithText.ExpandedStateChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the ExpandedStateChanging event. |
| ExpandableEditorWithText.ExpansionInfo | Holds information regarding the expansion state of a consumer of the ExpandableEditorWithText editor. |
| ExpandableEditorWithText.IndentationInfo | Holds information regarding level indentation for a consumer of the ExpandableEditorWithText editor. |
| ExpandableEditorWithText.IndentationLevelChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the IndentationLevelChanging event. |
| ExpandableEditorWithTextExpansionIndicatorUIElement | The expansion indicator UIElement used by the ExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement. |
| ExpandableEditorWithTextIndentationUIElement | UIElement used by the ExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement to change the level at which a Task resides. |
| ExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement | EditorWithTextUIElement class implementation |
| GanttViewContextMenu | IGContextMenu-derived class which realizes the intrinsic context-sensitive menu functionality for the UltraGanttView control. |
| GanttViewContextMenuItem | IGMenuItem-derived class which encapsulates the menu items shown by default for the UltraGanttView control. |
| GanttViewEventManager | Handles event firing for the UltraGanttView control. |
| GanttViewReadOnlyMenuItemsCollection | Encapsulates the list of menu items which are displayed by default for the GanttViewContextMenu. |
| InitializeTaskGridRowEventArgs | Event arguments class for the InitializeTaskGridRow event. |
| KeyAreaSettings | Class which manages the settings of the keyArea area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument |
| LegendSettings | Class which manages the settings of the legend area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument |
| ResolvedTaskSettings | Class which resolves the properties of a specific task in an UltraGanttView control. |
| ResourceParseErrorEventArgs | Event arguments class for the ResourceParseError event. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| TaskAddedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskAdded event. |
| TaskAddingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskAdding event. |
| TaskDeletedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskDeleted event. |
| TaskDeletingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskDeleting event. |
| TaskDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskDialogDisplaying event. |
| TaskElementDragCompleteEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskElementDragComplete event. |
| TaskElementDraggingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskElementDragging event. |
| TaskFieldInfo | Class which identifies a task and a specific field within that task. |
| TaskFieldInfoEventArgs | Event arguments class for events that provide a TaskFieldInfo. |
| TaskToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskToolTipDisplaying event. |
| Timeline | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the timeline-related aspects of the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettings | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettingsDeadline | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettingsMilestone | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettingsPercentComplete | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettingsSummary | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| ToolTipSettingsTaskDependency | Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control. |
| UltraGanttView | Windows Forms control which presents a WinSchedule Project, along with its Tasks, using a grid on one side and a timeline on the other. |
| UltraGanttViewPrintDocument | Component for rendering the ganttView information of an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraCalendarInfo to the printer. |
| UltraGanttViewRole | Role class for the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraTimelineView control. |
| UltraWinGanttViewAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
| VerticalSplitterDraggedEventArgs | Contains information about the VerticalSplitterDragged event. |
| VerticalSplitterDraggingEventArgs | Contains information about the VerticalSplitterDragging event. |