| Class | Description |
| Brush | Represents an abstract base class for different types of brushes. |
| Brushes | Implements a set of predefined brushes. |
| BWImageConverter | Represents an implementation of Black and White converter. |
| Color | Represents a color. |
| ColorBlend | Represents a color blend. |
| ColorBlendEntry | Represents an entry in a ColorBlend. |
| Colors | Implements a set of predefined colors. |
| DirectBrush | Represents an abstract base class for direct or absolute types of brushes. |
| FlateCompressor | Represents an implementation of a Flate compressor. |
| Font | Represents a font. |
| FontHashKey | Represents a full font hash key. |
| FontMetrics | Represents the metrics used to calculate font sizing. |
| FontPreferences | Represents font preferences. |
| Fonts | Implements a set of predefined fonts. |
| Graphics | Implements the IGraphics interface as a wrapper for the System.Drawing.Graphics object. |
| GreyImageConverter | Represents an implementation of Grey converter. |
| HatchBrush | Represents a hatched brush. |
| Image | Represents an image. |
| ImageCompressor | Represents a base compressor class. |
| ImageCompressors | Represents different types of image compressors. |
| ImageConverter | Represents a base converter class. |
| ImageConverters | Represents a static collection of different types of image converters. |
| ImagePreferences | Represents preferences for a Image object. |
| IndirectBrush | Represents an abstract base class for indirect or floating types of brushes. |
| JPEGCompressor | Represents an implementation of a JPEG compressor. |
| LinearGradientBrush | Represents a linear gradient brush. |
| LinearGradientDirectBrush | Represents a direct linear gradient brush. |
| Matrix | Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform. |
| Metafile | Represents a metafile. |
| MetafilePreferences | Defines metafile preferences. |
| Path | Represents a graphics path. |
| Pen | Represents a pen. |
| Pens | Implements a set of predefined pens. |
| Point | Represents a point. |
| PointCollection | Represents a collection of points. |
| RadialGradientBrush | Represents a radial gradient brush. |
| RadialGradientDirectBrush | Represents a direct radial gradient brush. |
| Rectangle | Represents a rectangle. |
| RGBImageConverter | Represents an implementation of RGB converter. |
| Size | Stores an ordered pair of float values, typically the width and height of a rectangle. |
| SolidColorBrush | Represents a solid color brush. |
| TextureBrush | Represents a texture brush. |
| TextureDirectBrush | Represents a direct texture brush. |