| Class | Description |
| ActiveTabChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.ActiveTabChanged event. |
| ActiveTabChangingEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.ActiveTabChanging event. |
| CancelableTabEventArgs | Event parameters used for cancelable events that pass in an UltraTab as an argument. |
| NotePageEarMarkUIElement | This element is used with UltraTabControlBase.Styles NotePage and NotePageFlat to display earmark images that are used to select the previous or next tab. |
| PerformedActionEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.PerformedAction event. |
| PerformingActionEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.PerformingAction event. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| SelectedTabChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.SelectedTabChanged event. |
| SelectedTabChangingEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.SelectedTabChanging event. |
| SharedControlsCollection | Collection of the controls that are shared across tabs. |
| SharedControlsCollection.SharedControlsEnumerator | Enumerator for the SharedControlsCollection |
| TabClosedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.TabClosed event. |
| TabClosingEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.TabClosing event. |
| TabDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabStripControl.TabDataInitialized event. |
| TabEventArgs | Event parameters used for non-cancelable events that pass in an UltraTab as an argument. |
| TabHeaderAreaUIElement | The element that contains all of the tabs. |
| TabMovedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.TabMoved event. |
| TabMovingEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.TabMoving event. |
| TabPageAreaUIElement | The element that represents the area outside of the tabs. |
| TabPageNumberUIElement | This element is used with UltraTabControlBase.Styles NotePage, NotePageFlat and Wizard to display the page number in the format 'x of x'. |
| TabPageResizedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTabControlBase.TabPageResized event. |
| UltraTab | The object that represents a specific tab in an UltraTabControl or UltraTabStripControl. It exposes properties and methods relating to that specific tab. |
| UltraTab.UltraTabTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraTab object. |
| UltraTabControl | Infragistics' UltraTabControl. This control is a functional superset of the TabControl provided by Microsoft. |
| UltraTabControlBase | Abstract base class for the UltraTabControl and UltraTabStripControl. |
| UltraTabControlEventManager | Class for managing an UltraToolbars's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
| UltraTabControlKeyActionMapping | An UltraTabControlKeyActionMapping is an object which determines how an UltraTabControlBase derived control responds to a specific key being pressed. |
| UltraTabControlKeyActionMappingsCollection | A Collection of KeyActionMappings that determines how the UltraTabControl or UltraTabStripControl responds to keyboard input. |
| UltraTabControlKeyActionMappingsCollection.UltraTabControlKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping |
| UltraTabControlUIElement | The main element for an UltraTabControl or an UltraTabStripControl. |
| UltraTabPageControl | This control represents an UltraTab's UltraTab.TabPage. |
| UltraTabPageControl.UltraTabPageControlUIAutomationStub | |
| UltraTabsCollection | The primary collection of UltraTab objects. |
| UltraTabsCollection.TabEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraTabsCollection. |
| UltraTabSharedControlsPage | This control contains all of the controls that are shared between tabs. |
| UltraTabStripControl | Infragistics' UltraTabStripControl. |
| UltraTabVisibleOrderSerializer | Class used internally to serialize the visible order of tabs. |
| VisibleTabsCollection | A collection of UltraTab objects maintained in the order that they are displayed. |
| VisibleTabsCollection.VisibleTabEnumerator | Enumerator for the VisibleTabsCollection. |
| WinTabAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
| WinTabRole | Role class for the controls in the Infragistics.Win.Misc assembly (which this class is part of). |
| WizardNavigationButtonUIElement | This element is used at design time with UltraTabControlBase.StyleWizard to display a a button to navigate between tabs. |
| WizardNavigationUIElement | This element is used at design time with UltraTabControlBase.StyleWizard to display a UI to navigate between tabs. |