
Creation Filter

Users of Infragistics controls normally don’t need an understanding of how UIElements are implemented and most often have no need for using a UIElement creation filter. This advanced extensibility mechanism is available for developers who want to modify, add to and/or replace the UIElements of a control.

All controls that are based on the PLF expose a UIElement creation/positioning extensibility mechanism. To customize the size and/or location of UIElements or to add or replace one or more UIElements of a control you need to implement the IUIElementCreationFilter interface on an object and set the CreationFilter property of the control to that object at runtime.

The IUIElementCreationFilter interface has the following 2 methods (each of which gets passed the parent element as a parameter):

  • BeforeCreateChildElements  — called from inside the VerifyChildElements method if the child elements were marked dirty. This is called before PositionChildElements. A returned True from this method indicates that the default creation logic should be bypassed and PositionChildElements will not be called.

  • AfterCreateChildElements  — called after PositionChildElements is called.

The ChildElements collection property is used to add/remove/replace elements.


when replacing elements with custom elements it is recommended that you derive a class from the class of the element being replaced in case the control’s logic is expecting that element type.

The following sample code illustrates how to add a button element to an UltraGrid cell:

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
' Implement the IUIElementCreationFilter interface on a class
' (in this case the form)
Public Class Form1
  Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
  Implements Infragistics.Win.IUIElementCreationFilter
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	' Set the grid's CreationFilter property to the object that
	' implements the IUIElementCreationFilter interface.
	Me.UltraGrid1.CreationFilter = Me
End Sub
Public Function BeforeCreateChildElements( _
  ByVal parent As Infragistics.Win.UIElement) _
  As Boolean Implements _
	' return false so PositionChildElements will get called
	' to do the default child element creation
	Return False
End Function
Public Sub AfterCreateChildElements( _
  ByVal parent As Infragistics.Win.UIElement) _
  Implements Infragistics.Win.IUIElementCreationFilter.AfterCreateChildElements
    Dim column As UltraGridColumn
    Dim child As UIElement
    Dim rc As Rectangle
    Dim childRect As Rectangle
    Dim elementToAdd As ButtonUIElement
	' if the parent element is not a cell element return
	If (Not (TypeOf (parent) Is CellUIElement)) Then Return
	' get the associated column
	column = parent.GetContext(GetType(UltraGridColumn))
	' Return if the column isn't the one we want to add the button to.
	If column Is Nothing Then Return
	If Not column.Key = "City" Then Return
	' create a new button element
	elementToAdd = New ButtonUIElement(parent)
	' hook into its click event
	AddHandler elementToAdd.ElementClick, AddressOf Me.OnCustomButtonClick
	' get the rect of the parent element inside its borders
	rc = parent.RectInsideBorders
	' set the width of the button's rect
	rc.Width = 12
	' set the button element's rect
	elementToAdd.Rect = rc
	' loop over the child elements and adjust their
	' rects so they don't overlap the button
	For Each child In parent.ChildElements
		childRect = child.Rect
		If (childRect.Left < rc.Right) Then
			childRect.Width -= rc.Right - childRect.Left
			childRect.X += rc.Right - childRect.Left
			child.Rect = childRect
		End If
	' append the button element to the
	' child elements collection
End Sub
Private Sub OnCustomButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As UIElementEventArgs)
	Dim cell As UltraGridCell
	' get the associated cell
    cell = e.Element.GetContext(GetType(UltraGridCell))
	' display the cell's text or do something more meaningful
	If (Not cell Is Nothing) Then
		MessageBox.Show( _
		  "Custom cell button clicked. Cell.Text = " + cell.Text)
	End If
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
// Implement the IUIElementCreationFilter interface on a class
// (in this case the form)
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form,
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	// Set the grid's CreationFilter property to the object that
	// implements the IUIElementCreationFilter interface.
	this.ultraGrid1.CreationFilter = this;
public bool BeforeCreateChildElements(Infragistics.Win.UIElement parent)
	// return false so PositionChildElements will get called
	// to do the default child element creation
	return false;
public void AfterCreateChildElements(Infragistics.Win.UIElement parent)
	// if the parent element is not a cell element return
	if ( !(parent is CellUIElement ) )
	// get the associated column
	UltraGridColumn column =
	  parent.GetContext( typeof( UltraGridColumn ) ) as UltraGridColumn;
	// Return if the column isn't the one we want to add the button to.
	if ( column == null || column.Key != "City" )
	// create a new button element
	ButtonUIElement elementToAdd = new ButtonUIElement( parent );
	// hook into its click event
	elementToAdd.ElementClick +=
	  new UIElementEventHandler(this.OnCustomButtonClick);
	// get the rect of the parent element inside its borders
	Rectangle rect = parent.RectInsideBorders;
	// set the width of the button's rect
	rect.Width = 12;
	// set the button element's rect
	elementToAdd.Rect = rect;
	// loop over the child elements and adjust their
	// rects so they don't overlap the button
	foreach ( UIElement child in parent.ChildElements )
		Rectangle childRect = child.Rect;
		if ( childRect.Left < rect.Right )
			childRect.Width -= rect.Right - childRect.Left;
			childRect.X     += rect.Right - childRect.Left;
			child.Rect = childRect;
	// append the button element to the
	// child elements collection
	parent.ChildElements.Add( elementToAdd );
private void OnCustomButtonClick( object sender, UIElementEventArgs e )
	// get the associated cell
	UltraGridCell cell =
	  e.Element.GetContext( typeof( UltraGridCell ) ) as UltraGridCell;
	// display the cell's text or do something more meaningful
	if ( cell != null )
		 "Custom cell button clicked. Cell.Text = " + cell.Text);