
Determine if a Value is in a Specified List

WinValidator™ can validate whether or not a specific item is included in a list that you provide. Using the ContainedInListCondition object, you can provide either an Infragistics ValueList object or an in-box IList interface for WinValidator to test your end user’s values against. Therefore, if you can put it in a list, you can test against it, making for a very versatile testing pattern. Once you’ve created your ContainedInListCondition, the rest of the procedure is very similar to testing any other condition that WinValidator supports (i.e. OperatorCondition , RangeCondition ).

The following example code demonstrates how to create a ContainedInListCondition object and apply it to the ValidationSettings object of a WinTextEditor™ control.

In Visual Basic:

' Create an Infragistics ValueList
Dim theValueList As Infragistics.Win.ValueList = _
	New Infragistics.Win.ValueList()
' Populate the ValueList with names of known, system colors.
Dim color As String
For Each color In  [Enum].GetNames(GetType(System.Drawing.KnownColor))
Next color
' Create a new ContainedInListCondition object and set
' the list to the ValueList created above. Use the
' display text rather than the data value to determine
' if there is a match.
Dim listCondition As Infragistics.Win.ContainedInListCondition = _
	New Infragistics.Win.ContainedInListCondition( _
		theValueList, _
' Retrieve the ValidationSettings object associated with
' the WinTextEditor control.
Dim vs As Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings = _
' Set WinTextEditor's condition to the
' ContainedInListCondition created above.
vs.Condition = listCondition

In C#:

// Create an Infragistics ValueList
Infragistics.Win.ValueList theValueList =
	new Infragistics.Win.ValueList();
// Populate the ValueList with names of known, system colors.
foreach (string color in Enum.GetNames(typeof(System.Drawing.KnownColor)))
// Create a new ContainedInListCondition object and set
// the list to the ValueList created above. Use the
// display text rather than the data value to determine
// if there is a match.
Infragistics.Win.ContainedInListCondition listCondition =
	new Infragistics.Win.ContainedInListCondition(
// Retrieve the ValidationSettings object associated with
// the WinTextEditor control.
Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings vs =
// Set WinTextEditor's condition to the
// ContainedInListCondition created above.
vs.Condition = listCondition;