
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinPivotGrid Namespace

ClassActiveCellChangedEventArgs Contains information about the ActiveCellChanged event.
ClassActiveCellChangingEventArgs Contains information about the ActiveCellChanging event.
ClassAppearanceSetBase Exposes an appearance for the normal and updating states.
ClassButtonAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a drop area item.
ClassCancelableDataItemEventArgs Base arguments class for cancelable events which involve a data item such as a row, column, or cell.
ClassCannotModifyObjectException Thrown when an attempt is made to modify an object when a data source update operation is currently in progress.
ClassCannotModifySelectionException Thrown when an attempt is made to modify selection when a previously requested selection change is still in progress.
ClassCellAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a cell.
ClassColumnDropArea Encapsulates the area to which OLAP elements can be dragged in order to change the data displayed on the column axis.
ClassColumnResizedEventArgs Contains information related to the ColumnResized event.
ClassColumnResizingEventArgs Contains information related to the ColumnResizing event.
ClassColumnSortedEventArgs Contains information related to the ColumnSorted event.
ClassColumnSortingEventArgs Contains information related to the ColumnSorting event.
ClassDataItemEventArgs Base arguments class for events which involve a data item such as a row, column, or cell.
ClassDropAreaAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a DropAreaUIElementBase derived UIElement.
ClassDropAreaDragDropEventArgs Contains information about the DropAreaDragDrop event.
ClassDropAreaDragOverEventArgs Contains information about the DropAreaDragOver event.
ClassDropAreaEventArgs Base arguments class for events which involve a drop area.
ClassDropAreaItemAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a drop area item.
ClassDropAreaItemEventArgs Base arguments class for events which involve a PivotGridDropAreaItem.
ClassFilterDropArea Encapsulates the area to which OLAP elements can be dragged in order to change the filter criteria.
ClassFilterSelectorClosedEventArgs Contains information related to the FilterSelectorClosed event.
ClassFilterSelectorDisplayingEventArgs Contains information related to the FilterSelectorDisplaying event.
ClassHeaderAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a HeaderUIElement.
ClassInitializeColumnEventArgs Contains information related to the InitializeColumn event.
ClassInitializeDropAreaItemEventArgs Contains information related to the InitializeDropAreaItem event.
ClassInitializeRowEventArgs Contains information related to the InitializeRow event.
ClassKeyNotFoundException Thrown when a non-existent key is specified.
ClassMeasureDropArea Encapsulates the area to which OLAP elements can be dragged in order to change the Measures displayed by the control.
ClassOlapDataSourceTypeConverter TypeConverter for OlapDataSource-derived types
ClassPivotGridAxisItemHeaderAppearanceSet Exposes an appearance for each state that is applicable for a row or column header.
ClassPivotGridDropAreaBase Encapsulates an area which acts as a drop target.
ClassPivotGridDropAreaBase.ItemsCollection<T> Collection class for drop items.
ClassPivotGridDropAreaFilterableItem Encapsulates an item within a drop area which supports filtering.
ClassPivotGridDropAreaItem Encapsulates an item within a drop area.
ClassPivotGridFilterableDropAreaBase Encapsulates an area which acts as a drop target and supports filterable items.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassRowDropArea Encapsulates the area to which OLAP elements can be dragged in order to change the data displayed on the row axis.
ClassRowHeaderResizedEventArgs Contains information related to the RowHeaderResized event.
ClassRowHeaderResizingEventArgs Contains information related to the RowHeaderResizing event.
ClassSelectedCellsCollection Collection class for selected Cells.
ClassSelectedCellsCollectionBase Collection class for selected cells.
ClassSelectedColumnsCollection Collection class for selected columns.
ClassSelectedColumnsCollectionBase Collection class for selected columns.
ClassSelectedDataItemCollection<T> Abstract base class for collections which contain selected items.
ClassSelectedRowsCollection Collection class for selected Rows.
ClassSelectedRowsCollectionBase Collection class for selected rows.
ClassSelection Class which exposes methods through which rows, columns, and cells can be selected.
ClassSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains information related to the SelectionChanged event.
ClassSelectionChangingEventArgs Contains information related to the SelectionChanging event.
ClassSortedColumnsCollection Collection class which provides an interface through which to change the sort direction of one or more columns.
ClassSortedColumnsCollectionBase Collection class used to provide a list of the PivotGridColumn on which a sort direction has been specified.
ClassUltraPivotGrid Infragistics Windows Forms control which presents OLAP data.
ClassUltraPivotGridEventManager Class which manages events for the UltraPivotGrid control
ClassUltraPivotGridKeyActionMapping Determines how the the control reponds to keyboard input.
ClassUltraPivotGridKeyActionMappings A collection of objects which define the default keyboard behavior for the UltraPivotGrid control.
ClassUltraPivotGridKeyActionMappings.UltraPivotGridKeyActionMappingEnumerator Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping
DelegateActiveCellChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveCellChanged event.
DelegateActiveCellChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveCellChanging event.
DelegateColumnResizedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnResized event.
DelegateColumnResizingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnResizing event.
DelegateColumnSortedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnSorted event.
DelegateColumnSortingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ColumnSorting event.
DelegateDropAreaDragDropHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DropAreaDragDrop event.
DelegateDropAreaDragOverHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DropAreaDragOver event.
DelegateFilterSelectorClosedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the FilterSelectorClosed event.
DelegateFilterSelectorDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the FilterSelectorDisplaying event.
DelegateInitializeColumnHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the InitializeColumn event.
DelegateInitializeDropAreaItemHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the InitializeDropAreaItem event.
DelegateInitializeRowHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the InitializeRow event.
DelegateRowHeaderResizedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RowHeaderResized event.
DelegateRowHeaderResizingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RowHeaderResizing event.
DelegateSelectionChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectionChanged event.
DelegateSelectionChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the SelectionChanging event.
EnumerationAllowDisparateSelection Constants which determine whether concurrent selection of disparate items (i.e., rows, columns, and cells) is allowed.
EnumerationAllowSelection Constants which determine whether selection is allowed.
EnumerationCellClickAction Constants which determine the action taken when a cell is clicked or tapped.
EnumerationCellHotTracking Constants which identify whether a CellUIElement is currently exhibiting the hot tracking visual effect.
EnumerationCellHotTrackingBehavior Exposes constants which define the hot tracking behavior for a PivotGridCell.
EnumerationCellStates Flagged enumeration which exposes a constant for each possible user interface state available to a PivotGridCell.
EnumerationColumnAutoSizeFlags Flagged enumeration which contains a constant for each of the criteria that determines the ideal size for a Infragistics.Win.UltraWinPivotGrid.Data.PivotGridColumn
EnumerationColumnHeaderClickAction Constants which determine the action taken when a column header is clicked or tapped.
EnumerationDataSourceUpdatingEffects Flagged enumeration which contains a constant for each of the visual effects available to depict the 'updating' state.
EnumerationDropAreaStates Flagged enumeration which exposes a constant for each user interface state depicted by a DropAreaUIElementBase derived element.
EnumerationHeaderStates Flagged enumeration which exposes a constant for each possible user interface state available to a HeaderUIElement.
EnumerationPropertyIds Constants which identify properties.
EnumerationRowHeaderAutoSizing Constants which determine whether row headers can be automatically sized via user interaction.
EnumerationRowHeaderLayout Constants which describe the manner in which row headers are positioned in the user interface.
EnumerationRowHeaderSizing Constants which determine whether the size of row headers can be changed via user interaction.
EnumerationSelectionChangeType Constants which describe the type of change that was made to the control's Selection.
EnumerationSortIndicatorVisibility Constants which determine whether a column's sort indicator is visible in the user interface.
EnumerationUltraPivotGridAction Constants which define the user actions available through keyboard mappings.
EnumerationUltraPivotGridEventIds Uniquely identifies each event exposed by the UltraPivotGrid control.
EnumerationUltraPivotGridStates Flagged enumeration which contains a constant for each possible state of the UltraPivotGrid control.
See Also