| Class | Description |
| FormulaBar | Class representing the settings for the formula bar of an UltraSpreadsheet control. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| SpreadsheetActiveCellChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.ActiveCellChanged event. |
| SpreadsheetActivePaneChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.ActivePaneChanged event. |
| SpreadsheetActiveTableChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.ActiveTableChanged event. |
| SpreadsheetActiveWorksheetChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetChanged event. |
| SpreadsheetCellHitTestResult | Class that represents the result of a hit test for a point over a cell within the UltraSpreadsheet |
| SpreadsheetCellRangeFormat | Returns and sets formatting information on a range of cells. |
| SpreadsheetColumnScrollRegion | Represents one or more SpreadsheetPane instances in a vertical column |
| SpreadsheetContextMenuOpeningEventArgs | Event args for the SpreadsheetContextMenuOpening event. |
| SpreadsheetEditModeEnteredEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditModeEntered event. |
| SpreadsheetEditModeEnteringEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditModeEntering event. |
| SpreadsheetEditModeExitedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditModeExited event. |
| SpreadsheetEditModeExitingEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditModeExiting event. |
| SpreadsheetEditModeValidationErrorEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditModeValidationError event. |
| SpreadsheetEditRangePasswordNeededEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.EditRangePasswordNeeded event. |
| SpreadsheetHeaderHitTestResult | Class that represents the result of a hit test for a point over a row or column header within the UltraSpreadsheet |
| SpreadsheetHitTestResult | Base class for the result of a hit test of the UltraSpreadsheet |
| SpreadsheetHyperlinkExecutingEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.HyperlinkExecuting event. |
| SpreadsheetLook | Class that manages various colors for the Spreadsheet control that are not tied directly to the workbook. |
| SpreadsheetPane | Provides information about a visualization of a group of rows and columns in a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet |
| SpreadsheetPerformedActionEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.PerformedAction event. |
| SpreadsheetPerformingActionEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.PerformingAction event. |
| SpreadsheetRowScrollRegion | Returns one or more SpreadsheetPane instances in a horizontal row. |
| SpreadsheetScrollBarLook | A ScrollBarLook derived class which exposes appearance-related properties for the UltraSpreadsheet control. |
| SpreadsheetScrollRegion | Base class for the object that represents a row or column of SpreadsheetPane instances. |
| SpreadsheetSelection | An object that represents the selected items within a UltraSpreadsheet |
| SpreadsheetSelectionChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.SelectionChanged event. |
| SpreadsheetUserPromptDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.UserPromptDisplaying event. |
| SpreadsheetWorkbookDirtiedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraSpreadsheet.WorkbookDirtied event. |
| UltraSpreadsheet | Custom control that displays one or more worksheets. Infragistics Windows Forms control which mimics a spreadsheet. |
| UltraSpreadsheetEventManager | Class that manages events for a UltraSpreadsheet instance |
| UltraSpreadsheetKeyActionMapping | UltraSpreadsheetKeyActionMapping |
| UltraSpreadsheetKeyActionMappings | ScrollBarKeyActionMappings |
| UltraSpreadsheetKeyActionMappings.UltraSpreadsheetKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator |
| UltraSpreadsheetRole | Role class for the UltraSpreadsheet control. |
| UltraSpreadsheetUIRoleName | Static class used to provide the names of the ui roles defined in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpreadsheet assembly. |
| UltraWinSpreadsheetAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |