'Declaration Public Enum PropertyIds Inherits System.Enum
public enum PropertyIds : System.Enum
Member | Description |
AccessibleDescription | The SharedProps.AccessibleDescription property. |
AccessibleName | The SharedProps.AccessibleName property. |
AccessibleRole | The SharedProps.AccessibleRole property. |
ActivationActionDelay | The PopupGalleryTool.ActivationActionDelay property. |
ActivationInitialActionDelay | The PopupGalleryTool.ActivationInitialActionDelay property. |
ActiveCaptionAppearance | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.ActiveCaptionAppearance property |
ActiveContentTool | The NavigationMenu.ActiveContentTool property. |
ActiveTabItemAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.ActiveTabItemAppearance property. |
AllowAllUp | The AllowAllUp property. |
AllowAutoHide | The Ribbon.AllowAutoHide property. |
AllowCustomize | The AllowCustomize property |
AllowDockBottom | The AllowDockBottom property |
AllowDockLeft | The AllowDockLeft property |
AllowDockRight | The AllowDockRight property |
AllowDockTop | The AllowDockTop property |
AllowFloating | The AllowFloating property |
AllowHiding | The AllowHiding property |
AllowMultipleInstances | The SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances property. |
AllowNavigationViaMenu | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.AllowNavigationViaMenu property |
AllowResize | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.AllowResize property |
AllowResizeDropDown | The PopupGalleryTool.AllowResizeDropDown property. |
AllowTearaway | The AllowTearaway property |
AlwaysShowFullMenus | The AlwaysShowFullMenus property. |
AlwaysShowMenusExpanded | The AlwaysShowFullMenus property. |
Appearance | The Appearance property |
AppearanceOnMenu | The SettingsBase.Appearance property. |
AppearanceOnRibbonGroup | The ToolAppearances.AppearanceOnRibbonGroup property |
AppearanceOnToolbar | The SettingsBase.Appearance property. |
Appearances | The UltraToolbarsManager.Appearances collection property. |
AppearancesLarge | The ToolPropsBase.AppearancesLarge property. |
AppearancesSmall | The ToolPropsBase.AppearancesSmall property. |
ApplicationMenu | The Ribbon.ApplicationMenu property |
ApplicationMenu2010 | The Ribbon.ApplicationMenu2010 property. |
ApplicationMenu2010BackButtonAppearance | The ApplicationMenu2010.BackButtonAppearance property. |
ApplicationMenu2010BackButtonHotTrackAppearance | The ApplicationMenu2010.BackButtonHotTrackAppearance property. |
ApplicationMenu2010BackButtonPressedAppearance | The ApplicationMenu2010.BackButtonPressedAppearance property. |
ApplicationMenu2010HeaderAppearance | The ApplicationMenu2010.HeaderAppearance property. |
ApplicationMenuButtonImage | The Ribbon.ApplicationMenuButtonImage property. |
AutoActivateControl | The TaskPaneTool.AutoActivateControl property |
AutoCollapseThresholdHorizontal | The Ribbon.AutoCollapseThresholdHorizontal property |
AutoCollapseThresholdVertical | The Ribbon.AutoCollapseThresholdVertical property |
AutoComplete | The ComboBoxTool.AutoComplete property. |
AutoGenerateKeyTips | The UltraToolbarsManager.AutoGenerateKeyTips property. |
AutoShow | The MiniToolbar.AutoShow property. |
BorderStyle | The BorderStyle property |
BorderStyleDocked | The BorderStyleDocked property |
BottomAreaAppearance | The QuickAccessToolbarSettings.BottomAreaAppearance property. |
ButtonGroup | The InstanceProps.ButtonGroup property. |
CanCollapse | The RibbonGroupSettings.CanCollapse property |
CanSetWidth | The ControlContainerTool.CanSetWidth property. |
Caption | The ToolPropsBase.Caption property. |
CaptionAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.CaptionAppearance property |
CaptionAreaActiveAppearance | The Ribbon.CaptionAreaActiveAppearance property. |
CaptionAreaAppearance | The Ribbon.CaptionAreaAppearance property |
CaptionButtonsAppearances | The Ribbon.CaptionButtonsAppearances property |
CaptionInactive | The Ribbon.CaptionInactive property. |
CaptionPlacement | The CaptionPlacement property |
Category | The Category property |
CausesValidationOnClose | The CausesValidationOnClose property. |
CharacterCasing | The TextBoxTool.CharacterCasing property. |
Checked | The Checked property. |
ClientAreaAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.ClientAreaAppearance property |
CloseButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.CloseButtonAppearances property |
CollapsedAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.CollapsedAppearance property |
ColumnSpan | The GalleryToolItem.ColumnSpan property. |
ContentArea | The ApplicationMenu2010.ContentArea property. |
ContentAreaAppearance | The Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ApplicationMenu2010.ContentAreaAppearance property. |
ContextHelpButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.ContextHelpButtonAppearances property |
ContextMenuTools | The QuickAccessToolbar.ContextMenuTools property. |
ContextualTabGroup | The RibbonTab.ContextualTabGroup or a ContextualTabGroup was modified |
ContextualTabGroups | The Ribbon.ContextualTabGroups property |
Control | The Control property. |
CustomizerCaption | The SharedProps.CustomizerCaption property. |
CustomizerDescription | The SharedProps.CustomizerDescription property. |
DefaultButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.DefaultButtonAppearances property |
DefaultCaptionButtonsAppearances | The Ribbon.DefaultCaptionButtonsAppearances property |
Description | The GalleryToolItem.Description property. |
DescriptionOnMenu | The SharedProps.DescriptionOnMenu property. |
DialogBoxLauncherKey | The RibbonGroup.DialogBoxLauncherKey property |
DisableQAT | The ApplicationMenu2010.DisableQAT property. |
DisplayArrangeIconsCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayArrangeIconsCommand property. |
DisplayCascadeCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayCascadeCommand property. |
DisplayCheckmark | The ListTool.DisplayCheckmark property. |
DisplayCloseWindowsCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayCloseWindowsCommand property. |
DisplayMinimizeCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayMinimizeCommand property. |
DisplayMode | The Ribbon.DisplayMode property. |
DisplayStyle | The DisplayStyle property |
DisplayTileHorizontalCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayTileHorizontalCommand property. |
DisplayTileVerticalCommand | The MdiWindowListTool.DisplayTileVerticalCommand property. |
DistanceFromTop | The ContentArea.DistanceFromTop property. |
DockAreaAppearance | The UltraToolbarsManager.DockAreaAppearance property. |
DockAreaVerticalAppearance | The UltraToolbarsManager.DockAreaVerticalAppearance property. |
DockedAppearance | The DockedAppearance property |
DockedColumn | The DockedColumn property |
DockedContentExtent | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.DockedContentExtent property |
DockedContentExtentMax | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.DockedContentExtentMax property |
DockedContentExtentMin | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.DockedContentExtentMin property |
DockedPosition | The DockedPosition property |
DockedRow | The DockedRow property |
DockWithinContainer | The DockWithinContainer property. |
DropDownArrowStyle | The PopupToolBase.DropDownArrowStyle property. |
DropDownStyle | The DropDownStyle property. |
EditAppearance | The EditAppearance property |
Enabled | The Enabled property |
FileMenuButtonActiveAppearance | The Ribbon.FileMenuButtonActiveAppearance property. |
FileMenuButtonAppearance | The Ribbon.FileMenuButtonAppearance property. |
FileMenuButtonCaption | The Ribbon.FileMenuButtonCaption property. |
FileMenuButtonCaptionVisible | The Ribbon.FileMenuButtonCaptionVisible property. |
FileMenuButtonHotTrackAppearance | The Ribbon.FileMenuButtonHotTrackAppearance property. |
FileMenuStyle | The Ribbon.FileMenuStyle property. |
FillEntireRow | The FillEntireRow property |
FilterBarAppearance | The PopupGalleryTool.FilterBarAppearance property. |
Filters | An item in the Filters collection |
FloatingAppearance | The FloatingAppearance property |
FloatingContentSize | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.FloatingContentSize property |
FloatingContentSizeMax | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.FloatingContentSizeMax property |
FloatingContentSizeMin | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.FloatingContentSizeMin property |
FloatingLocation | The FloatingLocation property |
FloatingSize | The FloatingSize property |
FloatingToolbarFadeDelay | The FloatingToolbarFadeDelay property. |
FooterToolbar | The ApplicationMenu.FooterToolbar property. |
FormDisplayStyle | The UltraToolbarsManager.FormDisplayStyle property. |
GalleryToolItem | An item in the GalleryToolItems collection |
GesturesEnabled | The GesturesEnabled property. |
GrabHandleStyle | The GrabHandleStyle property |
GroupBorderStyle | The Ribbon.GroupBorderStyle property. |
GroupFilters | The PopupGalleryTool.GroupFilters property. |
GroupItemAreaPadding | The PopupGalleryTool.GroupItemAreaPadding property. |
Groups | The Groups property. |
GroupSettings | The GroupSettings property |
HeaderAppearance | The HeaderAppearance property. |
HeaderCaption | The TaskPaneTool.HeaderCaption property |
HomeTaskPaneTool | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.HomeTaskPaneTool property |
HorizontalToolbarGrabHandleAppearance | The UltraToolbarsManager.HorizontalToolbarGrabHandleAppearance property. |
HorizontalToolbarGrabHandleWidth | The UltraToolbarsManager.HorizontalToolbarGrabHandleWidth property. |
HotTrackAppearance | The HotTrackAppearance property |
HotTrackAppearanceOnMenu | The SettingsBase.HotTrackAppearance property. |
HotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroup | The ToolAppearances.HotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property |
HotTrackAppearanceOnToolbar | The SettingsBase.HotTrackAppearance property. |
HotTrackCaptionAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.HotTrackCaptionAppearance property |
HotTrackCollapsedAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.HotTrackCollapsedAppearance property |
HotTrackFilterBarAppearance | The PopupGalleryTool.HotTrackFilterBarAppearance property. |
HotTrackGroupAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.HotTrackGroupAppearance property |
HotTrackPressedAppearance | The ToolAppearances.HotTrackPressedAppearance property. |
HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenu | The ToolAppearances.HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenu property. |
HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup | The ToolAppearances.HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property. |
HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbar | The ToolAppearances.HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbar property. |
HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance | The PopupGalleryTool.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance property. |
HotTrackScrollButtonAppearance | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.HotTrackScrollButtonAppearance property |
HotTrackSelectedAppearance | The HotTrackSelectedAppearance property. |
HotTrackSelectedTabItemAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.HotTrackSelectedTabItemAppearance property |
HotTrackTabItemAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.HotTrackTabItemAppearance property |
IconAreaAppearance | The MenuSettings.IconAreaAppearance property. |
IconAreaExpandedAppearance | The MenuSettings.IconAreaExpandedAppearance property. |
ImageAreaSize | The GalleryToolItemSettings.ImageAreaSize property. |
ImageHighlightAppearance | The GalleryToolItemSettings.ImageHighlightAppearance property. |
ImageListLarge | The ImageListLarge property. |
ImageListSmall | The ImageListSmall property. |
ImageListTouchLarge | The ImageListTouchLarge property. |
ImageListTouchSmall | The ImageListTouchSmall property. |
ImagePadding | The GalleryToolItemSettings.ImagePadding property. |
ImageSizeLarge | The ImageSizeLarge property. |
ImageSizeSmall | The ImageSizeSmall property. |
ImageSizeTouchLarge | The ImageSizeTouchLarge property. |
ImageSizeTouchSmall | The ImageSizeTouchSmall property. |
ImageTransparentColor | The ImageTransparentColor property. |
InstanceProps | The InstanceProps property. |
IsFirstInGroup | The IsFirstInGroup property |
IsGlassSupported | The UltraToolbarsManager.IsGlassSupported property. |
IsMainMenuBar | The IsMainMenuBar property |
IsMinimized | The Ribbon.IsMinimized property |
IsSideStripVisible | The MenuSettings.IsSideStripVisible property. |
IsStockToolbar | The UltraToolbar.IsStockToolbar property |
ItemAreaAppearance | The ItemAreaAppearance property. |
ItemPadding | The PopupGalleryTool.ItemPadding property. |
Items | The Items property. |
ItemSettings | The ItemSettings property. |
ItemSizeInDropDown | The PopupGalleryTool.ItemSizeInDropDown property. |
ItemSizeInPreview | The PopupGalleryTool.ItemSizeInPreview property. |
ItemStyle | The PopupGalleryTool.ItemStyle property. |
Key | The Key property |
KeyTip | The KeyTip property. |
KeyTipForSegmentedButton | The PopupToolBase.KeyTipForSegmentedButton property. |
LabelDisplayStyle | The MenuSettings.LabelDisplayStyle property. |
LayoutAlignment | The RibbonGroup.LayoutAlignment property. |
LayoutDirection | The RibbonGroup.LayoutDirection property |
ListToolItem | An item in the ListToolItems collection |
ListToolItems | The ListToolItems property. |
Location | The QuickAccessToolbar.Location property. |
Locked | The Locked property. |
LockToolbars | The LockToolbars property. |
MaskClipMode | The MaskedEditToolBase.MaskClipMode property |
MaskDisplayMode | The MaskedEditToolBase.MaskDisplayMode property |
MaskInput | The MaskedEditToolBase.MaskInput property |
MaxDropDownColumns | The PopupGalleryTool.MaxDropDownColumns property. |
MaximizeButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.MaximizeButtonAppearances property |
MaximizedMdiChildFormCaptionButtonsAppearances | The Ribbon.MaximizedMdiChildFormCaptionButtonsAppearances property |
Maximum | The ProgressBarTool.Maximum property |
MaximumNavigationItems | The NavigationToolbar.MaximumNavigationItems property. |
MaxItemsToDisplay | The MaxItemsToDisplay property. |
MaxLength | The MaxLength property. |
MaxPreviewColumns | The PopupGalleryTool.MaxPreviewColumns property. |
MaxWidth | The ToolPropsBase.MaxWidth property. |
MdiMergeable | The UltraToolbarsManager.MdiMergeable property. |
MenuAnimationStyle | The MenuAnimationStyle property. |
MenuDisplayStyle | The MenuDisplayStyle property. |
MenuItems | The MenuItems property. |
MenuSettings | The PopupMenuTool.Settings property. |
MergedTools | The UltraToolbarsManager.MergedTools property. |
MergeOrder | The MergeOrder property |
MergeType | The MergeType property |
MinDropDownColumns | The PopupGalleryTool.MinDropDownColumns property. |
MinimizeButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.MinimizeButtonAppearances property |
Minimum | The ProgressBarTool.Minimum property |
MinimumFormSize | The ApplicationMenu2010.MinimumFormSize property. |
MinimumSizeOnRibbon | The InstanceProps.MinimumSizeOnRibbon property |
MiniToolbar | The UltraToolbarsManager.MiniToolbar property. |
MinPreviewColumns | The PopupGalleryTool.MinPreviewColumns property. |
MinWidth | The MinWidth property |
Mnemonic | The Mnemonic property |
MoreItemsText | The MoreItemsText property. |
MruItems | The MruItems property. |
MultiMonitorDropDownBehavior | The MultiMonitorDropDownBehavior property |
NavigationButtonAreaAppearance | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.NavigationButtonAreaAppearance property |
NavigationButtonStyle | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.NavigationButtonStyle property |
NavigationMenu | The ApplicationMenu2010.NavigationMenu property. |
NavigationToolbar | The UltraToolbarsManager.NavigationToolbar property. |
NavigationToolbarBackButtonAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.BackButtonAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarBackButtonHotTrackedAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.BackButtonHotTrackedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarBackButtonPressedAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.BackButtonPressedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarButtonAreaAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.ButtonAreaAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarForwardButtonAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.ForwardButtonAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarForwardButtonHotTrackedAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.ForwardButtonHotTrackedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarForwardButtonPressedApperance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.ForwardButtonPressedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarMenuSettings | The NavigationToolbar.MenuSettings property. |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.RecentHistoryButtonAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonHotTrackedAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.RecentHistoryButtonHotTrackedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonOffset | The NavigationToolbarSettings.RecentHistoryButtonOffset property. |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonPressedAppearance | The NavigationToolbarSettings.RecentHistoryButtonPressedAppearance property. |
NavigationToolbarSettings | The NavigationToolbar.Settings property. |
NotificationBadgeSettings | The ToolNotificationBadgeSettings property. |
NotificationBadgeText | The NotificationBadgeText property. |
Office2007UICompatibility | The UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility property. |
OptionSet | The OptionSet property. |
OptionSets | The OptionSets property |
PaddingBottom | The PaddingBottom property |
PaddingLeft | The PaddingLeft property |
PaddingRight | The PaddingRight property |
PaddingTop | The PaddingTop property |
PasswordChar | The PasswordChar property. |
PopularCommand | The SharedProps.PopularCommand property. |
PopupAppearance | The PopupAppearance property |
PopupStyle | The PopupStyle property. |
PreferredDropDownColumns | The PopupGalleryTool.PreferredDropDownColumns property. |
PreferredSizeOnRibbon | The InstanceProps.PreferredSizeOnRibbon property |
PreferredToolSize | The RibbonGroup.PreferredToolSize property. |
PressedAppearance | The SettingsBase.PressedAppearance property. |
PressedAppearanceOnMenu | The SettingsBase.PressedAppearance property. |
PressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup | The ToolAppearances.PressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property |
PressedAppearanceOnToolbar | The SettingsBase.PressedAppearance property. |
PressedCollapsedAppearance | The RibbonGroupSettings.PressedCollapsedAppearance property |
PreviewItemAreaAppearance | The PopupGalleryTool.PreviewItemAreaAppearance property. |
Priority | The Priority property. |
ProgressAppearance | The ProgressBarTool.ProgressAppearance property |
ProgressBorderStyle | The ProgressBarTool.ProgressBorderStyle property |
ProgressFillAppearance | The ProgressBarTool.ProgressFillAppearance property |
ProgressFormat | The ProgressBarTool.ProgressFormat property |
ProgressText | The ProgressBarTool.ProgressText property |
PromptChar | The MaskedEditToolBase.PromptChar property |
QuickAccessToolbar | The Ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar property |
RecentlyUsed | The RecentlyUsed property |
ReplaceableColor | The PopupColorPickerTool.ReplaceableColor property. |
ReservedKeyTipToolTipText | The Ribbon.ReservedKeyTipToolTipText property. |
ReservedKeyTipToolTipTitle | The Ribbon.ReservedKeyTipToolTipTitle property. |
ReserveImageSpace | The NavigationMenu.ReserveImageSpace property. |
ReserveMenuBarKeyTips | The Ribbon.ReserveMenuBarKeyTips property. |
ResizeMode | The TaskPaneTool.ResizeMode property |
RestoreButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.RestoreButtonAppearances property |
Ribbon | The UltraToolbarsManager.Ribbon property |
RibbonAreaAppearance | The Ribbon.RibbonAreaAppearance property |
RibbonCustomizationProvider | The Ribbon.RibbonCustomizationProvider property. |
RibbonDisplayOptionsButtonAppearances | The CaptionButtonsAppearances.RibbonDisplayOptionsButtonAppearances property |
RibbonGroup | A RibbonGroup was added/modified |
RibbonTab | A RibbonTab was added/modified. |
RightAlignedMenus | The UltraToolbarsManager.RightAlignedMenus property. |
RightAlignShortcutText | The RightAlignShortcutText property |
RuntimeCustomizationOptions | The UltraToolbarsManager.RuntimeCustomizationOptions property |
ScrollButtonAppearance | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.ScrollButtonAppearance property |
SelectedAppearance | The SelectedAppearance property. |
SelectedColor | The SelectedColor property. |
SelectedGroupFilter | The PopupGalleryTool.SelectedGroupFilter property. |
SelectedIndex | The SelectedIndex property. |
SelectedItem | The SelectedItem property. |
SelectedTab | The Ribbon.SelectedTab property |
SelectedTabItemAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.SelectedTabItemAppearance property |
SelectedTaskPaneTool | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool property |
SelectedText | The SelectionStart property. |
SelectedToolAppearance | The SelectedToolAppearance property. |
SelectionDisplayStyle | The GalleryToolItemSettings.SelectionDisplayStyle property. |
SelectionLength | The SelectionLength property. |
SelectionStart | The SelectionStart property. |
Settings | The RibbonTab.Settings or RibbonGroup.Settings property |
SharedProps | The SharedProps property. |
Shortcut | The Shortcut property |
ShowAutomaticColor | The PopupColorPickerTool.ShowAutomaticColor property |
ShowDefaultContextMenu | The ApplicationMenu2010.ShowDefaultContextMenu property. |
ShowFilterBar | The PopupGalleryTool.ShowFilterBar property. |
ShowFontNamesInFont | The ShowFontNamesInFont property. |
ShowFullMenusDelay | The ShowFullMenusDelay property. |
ShowHeader | The GalleryToolItemGroupSettings.ShowHeader property. |
ShowHomeButton | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.ShowHomeButton property |
ShowIconArea | The ShowIconArea property. |
ShowInCustomizer | The SharedProps.ShowInCustomizer property. |
ShowInToolbarList | The ShowInToolbarList property |
ShowItemText | The PopupGalleryTool.ShowItemText property. |
ShowMenuShadows | The ShowMenuShadows property. |
ShowPreviewInRibbon | The PopupGalleryTool.ShowPreviewInRibbon property. |
ShowQuickCustomizeButton | The ShowQuickCustomizeButton property. |
ShowShortcutsInToolTips | The ShowShortcutsInToolTips property. |
ShowToolTips | The ShowToolTips property. |
ShowTransparentColor | The PopupColorPickerTool.ShowTransparentColor property |
SideStripAppearance | The SideStripAppearance property. |
SideStripImagePadding | The MenuSettings.SideStripImagePadding property. |
SideStripText | The MenuSettings.SideStripText property. |
SideStripWidth | The MenuSettings.SideStripWidth property. |
SpaceBetweenColumns | The ContentArea.SpaceBetweenColumns property. |
SpinButtonDisplayStyle | The MaskedEditToolBase.SpinButtonDisplayStyle property |
Spring | The Spring property |
StateButtonToolbarDisplayStyle | The StateButtonTool.ToolbarDisplayStyle property. |
StatusText | The SharedProps.StatusText property |
Style | The Style property. |
TabAreaAppearance | The Ribbon.TabAreaAppearance property |
TabItemAppearance | The RibbonTabSettings.TabItemAppearance property |
TabItemAreaDisplayStyle | The Ribbon.TabItemAreaDisplayStyle property. |
TabItemToolbar | The Ribbon.TabItemToolbar property. |
Tabs | The Ribbon.Tabs property |
TabSettings | The Ribbon.TabSettings property |
TaskPaneToolbarNavigationMenuSettings | The NavigationMenuSettings property. |
Text | The Text property |
TextPlacement | The TextPlacement property |
Title | The Title property |
Tool | The Tool property. |
ToolAppearance | The ToolAppearance property |
ToolAreaLeft | The ApplicationMenu.ToolAreaLeft property. |
ToolAreaRight | The ApplicationMenu.ToolAreaRight property. |
Toolbar | The Toolbar property |
Toolbars | The Toolbars property |
ToolbarSettings | The ToolbarSettings property. |
ToolDisplayStyle | The ToolDisplayStyle property. |
ToolOrientation | The ToolbarSettings.ToolOrientation property |
ToolResizeMode | The UltraTaskPaneToolbar.ToolResizeMode property |
ToolRowCount | The MiniToolbar.ToolRowCount property. |
Tools | The Tools property |
ToolSortingPrecedence | The UltraToolbarsManager.ToolSortingPrecedence property. |
ToolSpacing | The ToolSpacing property |
ToolTipDisplayStyle | The UltraToolbarsManager.ToolTipDisplayStyle property |
ToolTipText | The ToolTipText property |
ToolTipTextFormatted | The ToolTipTextFormatted property |
ToolTipTitle | The ToolTipTitle property |
TopAreaAppearance | The QuickAccessToolbarSettings.TopAreaAppearance property. |
TouchEnabled | The UltraToolbarsManager.TouchEnabled property. |
TransitionAreas | The UltraToolbarsManager.TransitionAreas property. |
UseLargeImages | The SettingsBase.UseLargeImages property |
UseLargeImagesInItems | The PopupGalleryTool.UseLargeImagesInItems property. |
UseLargeImagesOnMenu | The UseLargeImagesOnMenu property. |
UseLargeImagesOnToolbar | The UseLargeImagesOnToolbar property. |
Value | The Value property |
ValueList | The ValueList property. |
VerticalDisplayStyle | The VerticalDisplayStyle property. |
VerticalToolbarGrabHandleAppearance | The UltraToolbarsManager.VerticalToolbarGrabHandleAppearance property. |
VerticalToolbarGrabHandleHeight | The UltraToolbarsManager.VerticalToolbarGrabHandleHeight property. |
Visible | The Visible property |
Width | The Width property |
Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2