
Showing Multiple Owners on WinDayView

WinSchedule’s™ support for Appointment grouping is realized primarily through the Owner object. The Owner object usually represents a person, department, or other entity by which the end developer might want to group appointments. The repository for these objects is exposed through the CalendarInfo’s Owners collection.

The following code snippet adds a few members in our Owners collection, and sets up the WinDayView™ control to view these owners separately. In addition, it hides the unassigned owner, and sets the TimeSlotInterval on the WinDayView to ThirtyMinutes so we can see more TimeSlots on the screen.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Private Sub Showing_Multiple_Owners_on_WinDayView_Load( _
  ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = False
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Welby", "Dr. Marcus Welby")
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Kimble", "Dr. Richard Kimble")
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Quincy", "Dr. Quincy")
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Spencer", "Dr. Luke Spencer")
	Me.UltraDayView1.GroupingStyle = DayViewGroupingStyle.OwnerWithinDate
	Me.UltraDayView1.TimeSlotInterval = TimeSlotInterval.ThirtyMinutes
	Me.UltraDayView1.CalendarInfo = Me.UltraCalendarInfo1
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
private void Showing_Multiple_Owners_on_WinDayView_Load(
  object sender, EventArgs e)
	this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = false;
	this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Welby", "Dr. Marcus Welby");
	this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Kimble", "Dr. Richard Kimble");
	this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Quincy", "Dr. Quincy");
	this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("Spencer", "Dr. Luke Spencer");
	this.ultraDayView1.GroupingStyle = DayViewGroupingStyle.OwnerWithinDate;
	this.ultraDayView1.TimeSlotInterval = TimeSlotInterval.ThirtyMinutes;
	this.ultraDayView1.CalendarInfo = this.ultraCalendarInfo1;

If you run the project at this point, you should see something like the following:

showing multiple owners on ultradayview

The white TimeSlots represent the working hours, and the colored ones represent the non-working hours. As you can see from the screen shot, the working day begins and ends at the same time for all of the Owners. See Setting Different Working Hours for Different Owners for information on how to change each owners working hours.