
WinRadialMenu Events

Topic Overview


This topic provides an overview of the WinRadialMenu component’s common events.

Events Summary

Event name Description Cancellable?

This event is triggered when a tool is clicked.


This event is triggered when the following actions take place:

  1. Color selection is changed via the User Interface (UI), for example the Font tool exposes color tools for styling a document. Selecting a color triggers this event.

  2. Color property is changed via code-behind as demonstrated in the following code:

    In C#:

    var cTool = (RadialMenuColorTool)ultraRadialMenu1.CenterTool.Tools["Color"].Tools["Fill"];
    if (cTool != null)  cTool.Color = Color.BlueViolet;
  3. ColorWell tool selection is changed.

Each ColorWell tool contains child collection of ColorWell tools, and color changes propagate up the chain. For example when a child ColorWell tool’s selection is changed, it changes the color of the parent ColorWell tool.

This can be better illustrated with the following screenshots in steps.

On a parent ColorWell tool the Blue color tool is drilling down to the child collection of ColorWell tools, which consists of different shades of Blue.

WinRadialMenu Events 1.png

On a child collection of ColorWell tools different shade of Blue is selected, and this selection (below) triggers the event for the selected tool and its parent up in the chain.

WinRadialMenu Events 2.png

After a selection is made in the (above) child ColorWell, going back to parent menu displays the changed color on the parent menu.

WinRadialMenu Events 3.png


Trigger this event by toggling a checkable tool between “checked” and “unchecked” state via the User Interface ( UI ). Disabling (false), the tool’s Checkable property precludes this event from triggering.

This event will also be raised when changing the tool’s checked property via code-behind such as:

In C#:

RadialMenuTool tool = ultraRadialMenu1.CenterTool.Tools["Copy"];
if (tool != null)  tool.Checked = true;


Executes the ToolCheckedChanging event’s through the UI in order to commit changes triggers this event for a checkable tool.

If the ToolCheckedChanging event is cancelled, this event will not be triggered.


Selecting an item from a ListTool triggers this event.

The item selection can be made from the drop down list, or with a keyboard arrow key by traversing up and down a list of items triggering this event with each item selection. After selecting an item pressing the Enter key commits the selection.

This event will also be raised when an item is changed in code. For example, the following code sets a selected item, and using the second parameter (true) triggers the event’s execution.

In C#:

var listTool = (RadialMenuListTool)ultraRadialMenu1.CenterTool.Tools["List"];
if (listTool != null)  listTool.SetSelectedValue("Item2", true);


This event is triggered after the ListToolSelectedValueChanged event’s execution.

The reason for this sequence of events is that you may select an item using the arrow key on the keyboard by moving up and down until you decide which item to select, rather than clicking on a single item on a drop-down. This triggers the ListToolSelectedValueChanged event’s execution upon each item change. After you select an item pressing the Enter key triggers this even to be raised.


Clicking the tool’s drill-down button triggers this event.


Clicking the RadialMenu’s center button triggers this event.

The following operations trigger this event’s execution.

  1. The center button on the main menu performs two functions: Expand and collapse.

WinRadialMenu Events 4.png
  1. The back button (also a center button) performs a function to go back to the parent menu.

WinRadialMenu Events 5.png
  1. On a ColorWell tool the “parent preview color button” (located in the center) also functions as a back button that triggers this event.

WinRadialMenu Events 6.png


Performing a keyboard action triggers this event. The event responds to the radial menu’s KeyActionMappings.


Completing a keyboard action triggers this event after the BeforePerformAction event. If the BeforePerformAction event is cancelled, this event will not be raised.


Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This section contains the help topics covering the WinRadialMenu component.