
UltraExplorerBarEventIds Enumeration

Value that uniquely identifies each UltraExplorerBar event.
Public Enum UltraExplorerBarEventIds 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum UltraExplorerBarEventIds : System.Enum 
ActiveGroupChangedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveGroupChanged event.
ActiveGroupChangingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveGroupChanging event.
ActiveItemChangedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveItemChanged event.
ActiveItemChangingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveItemChanging event.
ContextMenuInitializingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ContextMenuInitializing event.
GestureCompletedThe GestureCompleted event.
GestureQueryStatusThe GestureQueryStatus event.
GestureStartingThe GestureStarting event.
GroupAddedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupAdded event.
GroupAddingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupAdding event.
GroupClickEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupClick event.
GroupCollapsedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupCollapsed event.
GroupCollapsingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupCollapsing event.
GroupDraggingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDragging event.
GroupDragOverEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDragOver event.
GroupDroppedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDropped event.
GroupEnteredEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupEnteredEditMode event.
GroupEnteringEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupEnteringEditMode event.
GroupExitedEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExitedEditMode event.
GroupExitingEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExitingEditMode event.
GroupExpandedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExpanded event.
GroupExpandingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExpanding event.
GroupRemovedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupRemoved event.
GroupRemovingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.GroupRemoving event.
ItemAddedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemAdded event.
ItemAddingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemAdding event.
ItemCheckStateChangedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemCheckStateChanged event.
ItemCheckStateChangingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemCheckStateChanging event.
ItemClickEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemClick event.
ItemDoubleClickEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDoubleClick event.
ItemDraggingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDragging event.
ItemDragOverEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDragOver event.
ItemDroppedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDropped event.
ItemEnteredEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemEnteredEditMode event.
ItemEnteringEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemEnteringEditMode event.
ItemExitedEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemExitedEditMode event.
ItemExitingEditModeEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemExitingEditMode event.
ItemRemovedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemRemoved event.
ItemRemovingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.ItemRemoving event.
MouseEnterElementEvent ID that identifies the Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.MouseEnterElement event.
MouseLeaveElementEvent ID that identifies the Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.MouseLeaveElement event.
NavigationContextMenuInitializingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationContextMenuInitializing event.
NavigationOptionsDialogDisplayingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationOptionsDialogDisplaying event.
NavigationPaneCollapsedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneCollapsed event.
NavigationPaneCollapsingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneCollapsing event.
NavigationPaneExpandedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneExpanded event.
NavigationPaneExpandingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneExpanding event.
NavigationPaneFlyoutClosedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutClosed event.
NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayed event.
NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying event.
OpenInNewWindowEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.OpenInNewWindow event.
PanGestureThe PanGesture event.
PressAndHoldGestureThe PressAndHoldGesture event.
PressAndTapGestureThe PressAndTapGesture event.
RotateGestureThe RotateGesture event.
SelectedGroupChangedEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroupChanged event.
SelectedGroupChangingEvent ID that identifies the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroupChanging event.
TwoFingerTapGestureThe TwoFingerTapGesture event.
ZoomGestureThe ZoomGesture event.
The following code demonstrates how to use the Event Manager to manage event firing.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

	Private Sub button94_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button94.Click

		' Get UltraExplorerBar's event manager.
		' The event manager is used to temporarily disable events
		' to prevent them from being raised. This can be very
		' convenient in a situation where one or more properties
		' are being set in code and the events they would normally 
		' raise would cause unnecessary or counter-productive
		' code to be executed.
		' Note: All events are enabled by default.
		Dim eventManager As UltraExplorerBarEventManager = Me.ultraExplorerBar1.EventManager

		' Disable the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged, False)
		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging, False)

		' The event manager exposes an 'IsEnabled' method to see if an event
		' is enabled or disbled.  Display the enabled status of the
		' ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events to verify that they are disabled.
		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanged event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged).ToString()))
		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanging event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging).ToString()))

		' Re-enable the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging, True)
		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged, True)

		' Display the enabled status of the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
		' to verif that they have been re-enabled.
		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanged event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged).ToString()))
		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanging event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging).ToString()))

		' The 'AllEventsEnabled' property lets you enable/disable
		' all events will a single line of code. If any event is 
		' disabled the 'AllEventsEnabled' property returns false.
		If (eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = False) Then
			eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = True
		End If

		' The event manager also exposes overloaded 
		' 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods that take an  
		' event group so that, for example all 'before' or all
		' 'after' events can be enabled/disabled. If any event
		' in the group is disabled the 'IsEnabled' method returns
		' false.
		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents, False)

		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the 'before' events", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.BeforeEvents).ToString()))
		Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the 'after' events", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents).ToString()))

		eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents, True)

		' The 'InProgress' method will return true if the 
		' specified event is currently being raised. This
		' is often helpful in methods that can be called
		' from various points in an application to determine
		' what is triggering the call.
		If (eventManager.InProgress(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.GroupAdding)) Then
			' ... 
		End If
	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;

		private void button94_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// Get UltraExplorerBar's event manager.
			// The event manager is used to temporarily disable events
			// to prevent them from being raised. This can be very
			// convenient in a situation where one or more properties
			// are being set in code and the events they would normally 
			// raise would cause unnecessary or counter-productive
			// code to be executed.
			// Note: All events are enabled by default.
			UltraExplorerBarEventManager eventManager = this.ultraExplorerBar1.EventManager;

			// Disable the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged, false );
			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging, false );

			// The event manager exposes an 'IsEnabled' method to see if an event
			// is enabled or disbled.  Display the enabled status of the
			// ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events to verify that they are disabled.
			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanged event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged).ToString()));
			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanging event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging).ToString()));

			// Re-enable the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging, true );
			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged, true );

			// Display the enabled status of the ActiveGroupChanged/ActiveGroupChanging events
			// to verif that they have been re-enabled.
			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanged event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanged).ToString()));
			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the ActiveGroupChanging event", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.ActiveGroupChanging).ToString()));

			// The 'AllEventsEnabled' property lets you enable/disable
			// all events will a single line of code. If any event is 
			// disabled the 'AllEventsEnabled' property returns false.
			if (!eventManager.AllEventsEnabled )
				eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = true;

			// The event manager also exposes overloaded 
			// 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods that take an  
			// event group so that, for example all 'before' or all
			// 'after' events can be enabled/disabled. If any event
			// in the group is disabled the 'IsEnabled' method returns
			// false.
			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents, false);

			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the 'before' events", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.BeforeEvents).ToString()));
			Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEnabled returns '{0}' for the 'after' events", eventManager.IsEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents).ToString()));

			eventManager.SetEnabled(UltraExplorerBarEventGroups.AfterEvents, true);

			// The 'InProgress' method will return true if the 
			// specified event is currently being raised. This
			// is often helpful in methods that can be called
			// from various points in an application to determine
			// what is triggering the call.
			if (eventManager.InProgress(UltraExplorerBarEventIds.GroupAdding))
				// ... 

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also