| Class | Description |
| ContainerUIElementBase | Base class for elements that do not draw anything onto the control. |
| DraggableTaskElementUIElement | Element used to provide drag functionality for a Task in the user interface. |
| GridAreaUIElement | Represents the area of the UltraGanttView control which contains the task grid. |
| TaskAreaUIElement | Represents the area in which TaskUIElements and TimeSlotUIElements are displayed for the UltraGanttView control. |
| TaskBarTextUIElement | Base class for the UIElements which draw the bar text for a Task. |
| TaskBarUIElement | Element which represents the time spanned by a Task in the user interface. |
| TaskConstituentUIElementBase | Base class for the UIElements which represent the constituent parts of the TaskUIElement, such as the start/end indicator, main bar, and percent complete bar. |
| TaskDeadlineIndicatorUIElement | Element which indicates the Deadline for a Task in the user interface. |
| TaskDependencyArrowUIElement | Represents the arrow that points to a task to indicate that it has a dependency on a predecessor task. |
| TaskDependencyLineUIElement | Represents the lines that are drawn between tasks to depict a TaskDependency. |
| TaskDependencyUIElementBase | Base class for the UIElements which draw the bar text for a Task. |
| TaskEndIndicatorUIElement | Element which indicates the EndDateTime for a Task in the user interface. |
| TaskMilestoneIndicatorUIElement | Element which represents a milestoneTask in the user interface. |
| TaskPercentCompleteBarUIElement | Element which represents the time spanned by a Task in the user interface. |
| TaskStartIndicatorUIElement | Element which indicates the StartDateTime for a Task in the user interface. |
| TaskUIElement | Represents a Task in the user interface. |
| TimelineAreaUIElement | Represents the area of the UltraGanttView which contains the timeline-related elements. |
| UltraGanttViewUIElement | UIElement-derived class which represents the UltraGanttView control in the user interface. |
| VerticalSplitterUIElement | Represents the vertical splitter which separates the GridAreaUIElement and TimelineAreaUIElement. |