| Class | Description |
| CancelableColumnEventArgs | Cancelable event arguments class which contains information related to an UltraListViewColumnBase. |
| CancelableItemEventArgs | Cancelable event arguments class which contains information related to an UltraListViewItem. |
| ColumnEventArgs | Event arguments class which contains information related to an UltraListViewColumnBase. |
| ColumnMovedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnMoved event. |
| ColumnMovingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnMoving event. |
| ColumnResizedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnResized event. |
| ColumnResizingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnResizing event. |
| ColumnSortedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnSorted event. |
| ColumnSortingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ColumnSorting event. |
| EditErrorEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.EditError event. |
| ItemActivatedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemActivated event. |
| ItemActivatingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemActivating event. |
| ItemCheckStateChangedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemCheckStateChanged event. |
| ItemCheckStateChangingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemCheckStateChanging event. |
| ItemDoubleClickEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemDoubleClick event. |
| ItemEnteredEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemEnteredEditMode event. |
| ItemEnteringEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemEnteringEditMode event. |
| ItemEventArgs | Event arguments class which contains information related to an UltraListViewItem. |
| ItemExitedEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemExitedEditMode event. |
| ItemExitingEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemExitingEditMode event. |
| ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemSelectionChanged event. |
| ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ItemSelectionChanging event. |
| LassoSelectionRectangleUIElement | Draws the rectangle which is displayed when a lasso selection operation is in progress. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| ToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments class for the UltraListView.ToolTipDisplaying event. |
| UltraListView | Control which emulates the look and feel of the .NET ListView control. |
| UltraListViewCheckedItemsCollection | Collection class that contains the UltraListViewItem instances whose UltraListViewItem.CheckState property returns 'Checked'. |
| UltraListViewColumnBase | Defines the properties of the object that represents a column in the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewColumnBase.ColumnHeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a column. |
| UltraListViewColumnHeaderAreaUIElement | UIElement which contains the UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement instances that represent the headers for the columns displayed by the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement | Represents the header of an UltraListViewColumnBase object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewDetailsSettings | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Details' setting of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewDragColumnHeaderUIElement | Represents the header of the UltraListViewColumnBase object that is currently being dragged by the end user in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewEventManager | Class which manages events for the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewGroup | Represents an group in the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewGroup.HeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group header. |
| UltraListViewGroup.UltraListViewGroupTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraListViewGroup. |
| UltraListViewGroupContainerUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewGroup object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewGroupHeaderLineUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewGroup object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewGroupHeaderUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewGroup object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewGroupsCollection | Collection class for the UltraListViewGroup object. |
| UltraListViewGroupsCollection.UltraListViewGroupsEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewGroupsCollection class. |
| UltraListViewGroupUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewGroup object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewIconicImageAreaUIElement | Represents the image area of the UltraListViewItemUIElement object when the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property is set to 'Icons', 'Tiles', or 'Thumbnails'. |
| UltraListViewIconicSpaceUIElement | UIElement used to separate the UltraListViewImageUIElement and UltraListViewIconicTextAreaUIElement elements. |
| UltraListViewIconicTextAreaUIElement | Represents the text area of the UltraListViewItemUIElement object when the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property is set to 'Icons', 'Tiles', or 'Thumbnails'. |
| UltraListViewIconicViewSettingsBase | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Icons', 'Tiles', and 'Thumbnails' settings of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewIconsSettings | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Thumbnails' setting of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewImageUIElement | Represents the image for the UltraListViewItemUIElement object. |
| UltraListViewItem | Represents an item in the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewItem.ListViewItemAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a listViewItem. |
| UltraListViewItem.UltraListViewItemTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraListViewItem. |
| UltraListViewItemBase | Abstract base class for the UltraListViewItem and UltraListViewSubItem classes. |
| UltraListViewItemCheckBoxUIElement | Represents a checkbox for an UltraListViewItem. |
| UltraListViewItemConstituentUIElementBase | Base class for the UIElements that comprise the individual component elements of the UltraListViewItemUIElement |
| UltraListViewItemContainerUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewGroup object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewItemEditorAreaUIElement | UIElement which contains the embeddable elements when the control's view is set to 'List' or 'Details'. |
| UltraListViewItemsCollection | A collection of UltraListViewItem objects. |
| UltraListViewItemsCollection.UltraListViewItemEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewItemsCollection class. |
| UltraListViewItemsCollectionBase | Base class for the UltraListViewItemsCollection and UltraListViewSubItemsCollection classes. |
| UltraListViewItemsCollectionBase.UltraListViewItemBaseEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewItemsCollectionBase class. |
| UltraListViewItemSettings | Class which exposes properties that are relevant to UltraListViewItem objects |
| UltraListViewItemsSubsetCollection | A collection of UltraListViewItem objects that belong to a particular UltraListViewGroup. |
| UltraListViewItemsSubsetCollection.UltraListViewItemEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewItemsCollection class. |
| UltraListViewItemTextAreaUIElementBase | UIElement which contains the embeddable editor for the UltraListViewItem when the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property is set to 'Details' or 'List'. |
| UltraListViewItemUIElement | Represents an UltraListViewItem object in the user interface. |
| UltraListViewKeyActionMapping | A TreeKeyActionMapping is an object which determines how the UltraTree reponds to keyboard input. |
| UltraListViewKeyActionMappings | A collection of UltraListViewKeyActionMapping instances which dictate the default keyboard behavior for the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewKeyActionMappings.UltraListViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping |
| UltraListViewListSettings | Defines properties which are specific to the 'List' setting of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewListSettingsBase | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Details' and 'List' settings of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewMainColumn | Defines the properties of the object that represents the UltraListView.MainColumn. |
| UltraListViewMainItemTextAreaUIElement | UIElement which contains the embeddable editor for the UltraListViewItem when the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property is set to 'Details' or 'List'. |
| UltraListViewRole | Role class for the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewScrollBarLook | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinScrollBar.ScrollBarLook-derived class which exposes scrollbar related properties for the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewSelectedItemsCollection | Collection class that contains the UltraListViewItem instances which are selected. |
| UltraListViewSettingsBase | Defines properties which are specific to a particular setting of the control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewSortIndicatorUIElement | UIElement for the sort indicators that appear on the UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement |
| UltraListViewStateSpecificItemsCollectionBase | Collection class used to contain the members of the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.Items collection that share a particular state, i.e., selected or checked. |
| UltraListViewStateSpecificItemsCollectionBase.UltraListViewItemEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewStateSpecificItemsCollectionBase class. |
| UltraListViewStreamer | Provides serialization support for UltraListView. |
| UltraListViewSubItem | Represents a sub-item in the UltraListView control. |
| UltraListViewSubItem.UltraListViewSubItemTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraListViewSubItem. |
| UltraListViewSubItemColumn | Defines the properties of the object that represents the columns for which UltraListViewSubItem objects appear when the associated UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property is set to 'Details' or 'Tiles'. |
| UltraListViewSubItemColumn.UltraListViewSubItemColumnTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraListViewSubItemColumn. |
| UltraListViewSubItemColumnsCollection | Collection class for the UltraListViewSubItemColumn object. |
| UltraListViewSubItemColumnsCollection.UltraListViewSubItemColumnsEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewSubItemColumnsCollection class. |
| UltraListViewSubItemsCollection | A collection of UltraListViewSubItem objects. |
| UltraListViewSubItemsCollection.UltraListViewSubItemEnumerator | Enumerator for the UltraListViewSubItemsCollection class. |
| UltraListViewThumbnailsSettings | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Thumbnails' setting of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewTilesSettings | Defines properties which are specific to the 'Tiles' setting of the UltraListView control's UltraListView.View property. |
| UltraListViewUIElement | Represents the UltraListView control in the user interface. |
| UltraWinListViewAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |