| Class | Description |
| CaptionButtonAppearances | Exposes Infragistics.Win.Appearance properties used by classes which are represented by button elements in the user interface. |
| CaptionButtonsAppearances | Exposes CaptionButtonAppearances properties for the each possible caption button. |
| ControlBoxUIElement | UIElement used to display the ControlBox in the Caption of a form when using the rounded FormDisplayStyle. |
| FormStyleSettings | Represents an Office 2007 style ribbon that contains a quick access toolbar, a set of tab items that contain tools and a application menu. |
| FormStyleSettings.UltraFormAreaAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a tool. |
| FormStyleSettings.UltraFormCaptionAreaAccessibleObject | The accessible object for the Ribbon caption area |
| FormStyleSettings.UltraFormCaptionButtonAccessibleObject | Accessible object for a Ribbon caption button |
| MaximizedMdiChildFormCaptionAreaUIElement | The element that represents a menu bar of an MDI child which is maximized. |
| SystemActionButtonUIElement | An element to display a caption button for a maximized mdi child Form of an UltraFormManager. |
| UltraFormAreaUIElement | UIElement that represents the area occupied by the FormStyleSettings |
| UltraFormCaptionAreaUIElement | UIElement that represents the caption area of the form. |
| UltraFormCaptionButtonUIElement | UIElement that represents the caption buttons within the caption of the form. |
| UltraFormCaptionUIElement | The UIElement that displays the caption of the FormStyleSettings |
| UltraFormDockArea | Infragistics' UltraFormDockArea control. One of these controls is created for the top, bottom, left and right docking areas. |
| UltraFormDockAreaResizeUIElement | An element used to simulate form resizing areas when merging the UltraFormManager.FormStyleSettings into the caption area. |
| UltraFormDockAreaUIElement | This element occupies the entire dock area. |
| UltraFormManager | Manages the caption and borders of a form to provide styling. |
| UltraFormManager.DockAreaAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for the dock area. |
| UltraFormManagerRole | Role class for the UltraFormManager derived controls. |
| UltraFormUIRoleName | Static class used to provide the names of the ui roles defined in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinForm assembly. |