| Class | Description |
| ActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the ActiveOwnerChanged event. |
| ActiveOwnerChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the ActiveOwnerChanging event. |
| ActivitiesDataBindingBase | Base class for the NotesDataBinding and AppointmentsDataBinding classes. |
| ActivitiesDragCompleteEventArgs | Event arguments class that contains information about the UltraMonthViewSingleBase.ActivitiesDragComplete event. |
| ActivityBase | Base class for the Appointment, Holiday, and Note classes. |
| ActivityScrollButtonClickedEventArgs | Contains information about the ActivityScrollButtonClicked event. |
| ActivityScrollButtonToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed. |
| AfterActiveDayChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.AfterActiveDayChanged event |
| AfterActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs | Event args used when the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner has changed |
| AfterAppointmentEditEventArgs | Event parameters used by the AfterAppointmentEdit event |
| AfterAppointmentsMovedEventArgs | Event args after moving 1 or more appointments. |
| AfterCalendarComboPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraCalendarCombo.AfterPerformAction event. |
| AfterDayViewPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraDayView.AfterPerformAction event. |
| AfterDayViewScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used by the AfterScroll event |
| AfterDisplayMonthPopupEventArgs | Event args for the AfterMonthPopupDisplayed event. |
| AfterMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewMulti.AfterPerformAction event. |
| AfterMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewSingle.AfterPerformAction event. |
| AfterNoteEditEventArgs | Event parameters used by the AfterNoteEdit event |
| AfterRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventArgs | Event arguments that are passed to the UltraCalendarInfo.AfterRecurringAppointmentDeleted event. |
| AfterScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used by the AfterScroll event |
| AfterSpinEventArgs | Event args for the after spin event. |
| AfterWeekViewPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraWeekView.AfterPerformAction event. |
| Appointment | Represents an appointment for a specific date and time. |
| Appointment.AppointmentAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group. |
| Appointment.AppointmentTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Appointment. |
| AppointmentAction | Represents an action to take when the current system time reaches the start of the associated Appointment. |
| AppointmentAction.AppointmentActionTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule AppointmentAction. |
| AppointmentDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataError event. |
| AppointmentDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.AppointmentDataInitialized event. |
| AppointmentDialog | Dialog frmAppointment. Used to schedule appointments. |
| AppointmentEditModeEnteredEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentEditModeEntered event. |
| AppointmentEditModeExitedEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentEditModeExited event. |
| AppointmentEnteringEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentEnteringEditMode event. |
| AppointmentEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsCollection and SelectedAppointmentsCollection. |
| AppointmentEventArgs | Event parameters used for the events which pass a single Appointment. |
| AppointmentExitingEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentExitingEditMode event. |
| AppointmentLocationTextUIElement | Represents the value of the Appointment.Location property. |
| AppointmentRecurrence | Contains information that describes the associated Appointment object's recurrence pattern and range. |
| AppointmentResizedEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentResized event. |
| AppointmentResizingEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentResizing event. |
| AppointmentsCollection | A collection of Appointment objects. |
| AppointmentsDataBinding | Scheduler data bindings for appointments. |
| AppointmentsDragCompleteEventArgs | Event arguments class that contains information about the UltraDayView.AppointmentsDragComplete event. |
| AppointmentsDragDropEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentsDragging event. |
| AppointmentsDraggingEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentsDragging event. |
| AppointmentsSubsetCollection | A collection of Appointment objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day. |
| AppointmentSubsetEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsSubsetCollection. |
| AppointmentTimeTextUIElement | Represents the value of the Appointment.Location property. |
| AppointmentToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Contains information about the AppointmentToolTipDisplaying event. |
| BeforeActiveDayChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeActiveDayChanged event. |
| BeforeActiveOwnerChangedEventArgs | Cancelable event args used when the UltraDayView.ActiveOwner is about to change |
| BeforeActivitiesDeletedEventArgs | Event parameters used by the BeforeActivitiesDeleted event |
| BeforeAppointmentEditEventArgs | Event parameters used by the BeforeAppointmentEdit event |
| BeforeAppointmentResizedEventArgs | Cancelable event args when resizing an appointment. |
| BeforeAppointmentsDeletedEventArgs | Cancelable event args when deleting appointments. |
| BeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayedEventArgs | Cancelable event args used when firing the BeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayed event. |
| BeforeCalendarComboPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraCalendarCombo.BeforePerformAction event. |
| BeforeDayViewPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraDayView.BeforePerformAction event. |
| BeforeDayViewScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used by the BeforeScroll event |
| BeforeDisplayMonthPopupEventArgs | Cancelable event args when displaying a month popup. |
| BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayedEventArgs | Contains information about the BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayed event. |
| BeforeMonthScrollEventArgs | Cancelable event args for use before the month view multi control is scrolled. |
| BeforeMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewMulti.BeforePerformAction event. |
| BeforeMonthViewSinglePerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraMonthViewSingle.BeforePerformAction event. |
| BeforeNoteEditEventArgs | Event parameters used by the BeforeNoteEdit event |
| BeforeRecurringAppointmentDeletedEventArgs | Contains information about the recurring Appointment that is being deleted. |
| BeforeScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used by the BeforeScroll event |
| BeforeSelectedAppointmentsEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange event. |
| BeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange event. |
| BeforeSelectedHolidaysEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedHolidaysChange event. |
| BeforeSelectedNotesEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedNotesChange event. |
| BeforeSpinEventArgs | Cancelable event args for the BeforeSpin event. |
| BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChangedEventArgs | Cancelable event args used when firing the BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged event. |
| BeforeWeekViewPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for the UltraWeekView.BeforePerformAction event. |
| CalendarComboEventManager | UltraCalendarComboEventManager. |
| CalendarDateSettings | Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a specific date. |
| CalendarDateSettingsCollection | Provides a repository for CalendarDateSettings instances. |
| CalendarInfoChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.CalendarInfoChanged event. |
| CalendarInfoEventManager | Class for managing the events of an UltraCalendarInfo object. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count. |
| CalendarInfoStreamer | CalendarInfoStreamer provides serialization support for CalendarInfo data that is not exposed via properties and thus not automatically serialized. |
| CalendarInfoStreamerAllProps | CalendarInfoStreamerAllProps provides serialization support for all CalendarInfo data. This class is used by the CalendarInfo Load and Save methods - it is not used for normal persistence. |
| CalendarLookChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the CalendarLookChanged event |
| CalendarLookEventManager | Class for managing a CalendarLook's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
| CalendarLookStreamer | CalendarLookStreamer provides serialization support for CalendarLook data that is not exposed via properties and thus not automatically serialized. |
| CalendarLookStreamerAllProps | CalendarInfoStreamerAllProps provides serialization support for all CalendarInfo data. This class is used by the CalendarInfo Load and Save methods - it is not used for normal persistence. |
| CancelableAppointmentDragEventArgs | Base class which exposes properties relevant to the following events:
| CancelableAppointmentEventArgs | Event parameters used for a cancelable event which pass a single Appointment. |
| CancelableAppointmentsEventArgs | Cancelable event args for events that supply an array of appointments. |
| CancelableHolidayEventArgs | Event parameters used for cancelable events involving a single Holiday. |
| CancelableNoteEventArgs | Event parameters for cancelable events which need to pass a single Note. |
| CancelableTaskEventArgs | Event arguments class for cancelable events that are related to a Task. |
| CancelableUIElementEventArgs | Cancelable event args for use with UIElements. |
| ClickToAddAppointmentUIElement | Represents the "Click to Add Appointment" indicator. |
| ColumnHeaderInitializingEventArgs | Contains information about the ColumnHeaderInitializing event. |
| ColumnHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed. |
| ControlWithActivityBase | UltraScheduleControlBase-derived class from which the schedule controls that display appointments, holidays, or notes derive. |
| DataBindingsBase | Base class for scheduler data binding classes. |
| DataErrorEventArgsBase | Base class for the AppointmentDataErrorEventArgs and OwnerDataErrorEventArgs classes. |
| DateContinuationUIElement | Represents the 'From {StartDate}' and 'To {EndDate}' arrow elements which are displayed when the date on which an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayView.AllDayEventUIElement or Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewSingle.MultiDayAppointmentUIElement begins or ends is not visible in the user interface. |
| DateInterval | Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control. |
| DateNavigationButtonClickedEventArgs | Contains information about the DateNavigationButtonClicked event. |
| DateRange | DateRange object. |
| DateRangeEnumerator | Enumerator class for the SelectedDateRanges collection |
| DateRecurrence | Exposes properties that define a recurring date pattern. |
| DateTimeInterval | Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control. |
| DateTimeIntervalLabelToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed. |
| DateTimeIntervalsCollection | Repository for objects of type DateTimeInterval, in which the date/time intervals that are to be displayed above the PrimaryInterval are stored. |
| DateTimeIntervalsCollectionBase | Read-only repository for objects of type DateTimeInterval. |
| DateTimeRange | Immutable class which represents a range of time that can span across multiple days in the UltraTimelineView control. |
| DateValidationErrorEventArgs | Event Args for the ValidationError event of the UltraCalendarCombo |
| Day | Day object. |
| DayEnumerator | Enumerator class for the DaysCollection |
| DayLook | DayLook object. |
| DayLook.DayLookTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule DayLook. |
| DayLookEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DayOfMonth | DayOfMonth object. |
| DayOfMonth.DayOfMonthTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfMonth. |
| DayOfMonthEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DayOfWeek | DayOfWeek object. |
| DayOfWeek.DayOfWeekTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfWeek. |
| DayOfWeekEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DayOfWeekHeaderClickedEventArgs | Event parameters used by the DayOfWeekHeaderClicked event (UltraMonthViewSingle) |
| DayOfWeekLook | DayOfWeekLook object. |
| DayOfWeekLook.DayOfWeekLookTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule DayOfWeekLook. |
| DayofWeekLookEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DayOfWeekSettings | Object which exposes properties for settings that apply to a particular day of the week for a particular Owner. |
| DayOfWeekSettings.DayOfWeekSettingsTypeConverter | Type converter class for DayOfWeekSettings instances. |
| DayOfWeekSettingsCollection | Collection class which contains instances of DayOfWeekSettings objects. |
| DayOfWeekSettingsEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DayOfWeekTextUIElement | Represents the day of week portion of the header text for a DayHeaderUIElement when the ViewStyle is set to 'Office2007' |
| DayOfYear | DayOfYear Object. |
| DayOfYear.DayOfYearTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule DayOfYear. |
| DayOfYearEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| DaysCollection | A collection of Day objects. |
| DaySelectableItemProxy | Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Day object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection. |
| DaysOfMonthCollection | A collection of DaysOfMonth objects. |
| DaysOfMonthLookCollection | A collection of DayLook objects. |
| DaysOfWeekCollection | A collection of DaysOfWeek objects. |
| DaysOfWeekLookCollection | A collection of DaysOfWeekLook objects. |
| DaysOfYearCollection | A collection of DayOfYear objects. |
| DaysOfYearLookCollection | A collection of DayLook objects. |
| DayToolTipEventArgs | Cancelable EventArgs for the BeforeDisplayToolTip event. |
| DayViewEventManager | UltraDayViewEventManager class. |
| DisplayAppointmentDialogEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event. |
| DisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialogEventArgs | Event arguments that are passed to the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentRecurrenceDialog event. |
| Holiday | Holiday object. |
| Holiday.HolidayAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group. |
| Holiday.HolidayTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Holiday. |
| HolidayEnumerator | Enumerator for the HolidaysCollection |
| HolidayEventArgs | Event parameters for events which need to pass a single Holiday. |
| HolidaysCollection | A collection of Holiday objects. |
| HolidaysSubsetCollection | A collection of Holiday objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day. |
| HolidaySubsetEnumerator | Enumerator for the HolidaysSubsetCollection |
| HolidayToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Contains information about the HolidayToolTipDisplaying event. |
| HotTrackableUIElementBase | UIElement-derived class for elements that exhibit hot-tracking effects. |
| InitializeDayEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeDay event |
| InitializeMonthEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeMonth event. |
| InitializeWeekEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeWeek event. |
| InitializeYearEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraCalendarInfo.InitializeYear event. |
| InViewColumn | A logical column that is currently in view on an UltraDayView control. |
| InViewColumnsCollection | The collection of logical columns that are currently in view on an UltraDayView control. |
| InViewColumnsCollection.InViewColumnEnumerator | Enumerator class for the InViewColumnsCollection. |
| LogicalDayDurationTypeConverter | TypeConverter for the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayDurationproperty. |
| LogicalDayDurationTypeEditor | UITypeEditor-derived class which allows modification of the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayDuration property. |
| LogicalDayOffsetTypeConverter | TypeConverter for the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayOffsetproperty. |
| LogicalDayOffsetTypeEditor | UITypeEditor-derived class which allows modification of the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayOffset property. |
| Month | Month object. |
| MonthLook | MonthLook object. |
| MonthLook.MonthLookTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule MonthLook. |
| MonthLookEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| MonthOfYear | MonthOfYear object. |
| MonthOfYear.MonthOfYearTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule MonthOfYear. |
| MonthOfYearEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| MonthSelectableItemProxy | Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Month object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection. |
| MonthsOfYearCollection | A collection of MonthsOfYear objects. |
| MonthsOfYearLookCollection | Collection of MonthLook objects. |
| MonthViewMultiEventManager | UltraMonthViewMultiEventManager. |
| MoreActivityIndicatorClickedEventArgs | Event parameters used by the MoreActivityIndicatorClicked event |
| Note | Note object. |
| Note.NoteAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group. |
| Note.NoteTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Note. |
| NoteDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataError event. |
| NoteDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.NoteDataInitialized event. |
| NoteEnumerator | Enumerator class for the NotesCollection. |
| NoteEventArgs | Event parameters for events which need to pass a single Note. |
| NotesCollection | A collection of Notes objects. |
| NotesDataBinding | Class that handles data binding for the UltraCalendarInfo component's UltraCalendarInfo.Notes collection. |
| NotesSubsetCollection | A collection of Note objects for a particular Year, Month, Week or Day. |
| NotesSubsetEnumerator | Enumerator for the AppointmentsSubsetCollection |
| Outlook2007ColorScheme | Class which exposes color properties which are used by the visual elements of the UltraDayView, UltraWeekView, UltraMonthViewSingle, and UltraMonthViewMulti controls when the 'Office2007' UltraCalendarLook.ViewStyle is in effect. |
| Outlook2007ColorSchemeCollection | Collection class for the Outlook2007ColorScheme instances which provide the Office2007 look for UltraScheduleControlBase controls. |
| Owner | An Owner of Appointments and Notes. |
| OwnerDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataError event. |
| OwnerDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.OwnerDataInitialized event. |
| OwnerDateSettings | Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a specific date as displayed for a specific Owner. |
| OwnerDateSettingsCollection | Provides a repository for OwnerDateSettings instances. |
| OwnerHeaderToolTipDisplayingEventArgs | Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed. |
| OwnerRecurringDateSettings | Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for a recurring pattern of dates as displayed for a specific Owner. |
| OwnerRecurringDateSettingsCollection | Provides a repository for OwnerRecurringDateSettings instances. |
| OwnersCollection | The collection of Owners. |
| OwnersCollection.OwnerEnumerator | Enumerator class for the OwnersCollection. |
| OwnersDataBinding | Scheduler data bindings for owners. |
| OwnerTimeSlotSettings | Enables customization of workdays, working hours, and time range appearances for an Owner. |
| PrimaryIntervalChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the PrimaryIntervalChanged event. |
| Project | Encapsulates a WinSchedule project. |
| ProjectDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ProjectDataError event. |
| ProjectDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ProjectDataInitialized event. |
| ProjectsCollection | Collection class for the Project object. |
| ProjectsDataBinding | Handles complex data binding functionality for the Projects collection. |
| ReadOnlyAppointmentsCollection | Read-only collection class for appointments. |
| ReadOnlyTasksCollection | Repository for Task objects which cannot be modified by external callers. |
| RecurrenceDialog | Dialog used to modify the properties of a DateRecurrence object. |
| RecurrenceEditTypeDialog | Simple dialog used to prompt end users for whether they want to open/delete one member of a recurrence or the entire series. |
| Reminder | Reminder object. |
| Reminder.ReminderTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule Reminder. |
| ReminderDialog | Dialog frmReminder. Used to display reminders. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| ResourcesCollection | Collection class for the Owner objects which are available to assist toward the completion of a Task. |
| RootTasksCollection | Collection class for the Task object. |
| SelectableTimeSlot | SelectableTimeSlot class that supports ISelectableItem and represents timeslots that have been selected. |
| SelectedActivitiesCollectionBase | Base class for the SelectedAppointmentsCollection, SelectedHolidaysCollection, and SelectedNotesCollection classes. |
| SelectedAppointmentsCollection | A collection of SelectedAppointments objects. |
| SelectedAppointmentsDeletedEventArgs | Contains information about the SelectedAppointmentsDeleted event. |
| SelectedAppointmentsDeletingEventArgs | Contains information about the SelectedAppointmentsDeleting event. |
| SelectedDateRanges | SelectedDateRanges Collection |
| SelectedDateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanged event. |
| SelectedDateTimeRangeChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the SelectedDateTimeRangeChanging event. |
| SelectedHolidaysCollection | A collection of Holidays that have been selected. |
| SelectedNotesCollection | A collection of SelectedNotes objects. |
| SelectedTimeSlotRange | Represents a range of selected time slots. |
| SelectionStrategyExtended | Strategy used for multiple selection of items. |
| SelectionStrategyExtendedAutoDrag | Strategy used when multiple items can be selected but pressing the left button and dragging does not select other items but instead starts dragging the selected item immediately. |
| SortedTaskField | Defines the Task property on which the sorting is based. |
| SortedTaskFieldsCollection | Provides sorting support for the Tasks collection. |
| SubObjectArrayEditorNone | UIEditor for the SubObjectArray collections. |
| SubObjectsArrayBase | Base array class for objects which derive from SubObjectBase. |
| SubObjectsArrayBase.SerializableSubObjectArrayBaseEnumerator | Class for enumerating over the serializable objects in the collection. |
| SummaryTaskException | Thrown when a summary Task is modified illegally. |
| SymbolCharactersUIElement | The SymbolCharactersUIElement handles the rendering of symbol characters. |
| Task | Encapsulates a task for the UltraGanttView control. |
| TaskColumn | Encapsulates a Column of the UltraGanttView Grid |
| TaskColumn.TaskColumnTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule TaskColumn. |
| TaskColumnsCollection | Collection class for the Task object. |
| TaskConstraintViolationEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskConstraintViolation event. |
| TaskDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.TaskDataError event. |
| TaskDataInitializedEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.TaskDataInitialized event. |
| TaskDependenciesCollection | Collection class for the TaskDependency object. |
| TaskDependency | Defines a link between two tasks, whereby the progress of one task is dependent on the progress of another. |
| TaskDependencyException | Thrown when the contents of a task's Dependencies collection is modified illegally. |
| TaskEventArgs | Event arguments class for events that are related to a Task. |
| TaskException | Thrown when a property of the Task object is modified illegally. |
| TaskPromptUserEventArgsBase | Base event arguments class for events which provide a way to prompt the user. |
| TaskResourceParseException | Thrown when an string could not be parsed into an Owner object by a task's Resources collection. |
| TasksCollection | Collection class for the Task object. |
| TasksDataBinding | Handles complex data binding functionality for the Tasks collection. |
| TaskSettings | Class which defines how users may modify tasks. |
| TaskWorkingHourViolationEventArgs | Event arguments class for the TaskConstraintViolation event. |
| TimeInterval | Encapsulates the depiction of a regularly occurring interval of time in the UltraTimelineView control. |
| TimelineViewEventManager | Handles event firing for the UltraTimelineView control. |
| TimeRange | Represents a range of time that is specific to a particular date. |
| TimeRangeAppearance | Associates an Appearance object with a TimeRange for the purpose of defining a custom appearance for one or more TimeSlot objects as displayed for a given Owner. |
| TimeRangeAppearancesCollection | Provides a repository for TimeRange instances. |
| TimeRangesCollection | Provides a repository for TimeRange instances. |
| TimeSlot | An object that represents a time slot in the UltraDayView control. |
| TimeSlotEnumerator | Type-safe enumerator for the TimeSlots collection. |
| TimeSlotsCollection | A collection of TimeSlot objects. |
| TimeSlotSettings | Enables customization of workdays and working hours. |
| TimeSlotSettingsCollectionBase | Provides a repository for TimeSlotSettings-derived instances. |
| TimeSpanUITypeEditorControl | UserControl-derived class used to edit TimeSpan values. |
| TimeTypeConverter | TimeTypeConverter object |
| TimeUIEditorDropdown | UIEditor for Times. Displays a dropdown of times in 30 minute increments. |
| TimeUIEditorNone | UIEditor for times. This editor will have just an edit window and validate the time entered based on the system settings. |
| TimeZoneInfoTypeEditor | Class to show dropdown from which to select time zones. The returned value is the TimeZoneInfo that was selected. |
| TimeZoneStandardNameTypeConverter | TypeConverter for the UtcOffset of time zones. |
| TimeZoneUtcOffsetTypeConverter | TypeConverter for the UtcOffset of time zones. |
| TimeZoneUtcOffsetTypeEditor | class to show dropdown from which to select time zones. The returned value is a TimeSpan that contains the UTC offset for the time zone that was selected. |
| ToolTipEventArgs | Base class for events which notify the listener that a tooltip is about to be displayed. |
| UltraCalendarCombo | Infragistics UltraCalendarCombo |
| UltraCalendarComboRole | Role class for the UltraCalendarCombo control. |
| UltraCalendarInfo | Manages and exposes all date-related data to UltraSchedule controls. |
| UltraCalendarInfo.UltraCalendarInfoApplicationSettings | Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store |
| UltraCalendarLook | Manages the Appearance information for UltraSchedule controls. |
| UltraCalendarLook.UltraCalendarLookApplicationSettings | Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store |
| UltraDayView | Infragistics UltraWinSchedule UltraDayView control. |
| UltraDayViewKeyActionMapping | Key/Action mapping object for UltraDayView. |
| UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings | UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings. |
| UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings.UltraDayViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator | UltraDayViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator |
| UltraDayViewRole | Role class for the UltraDayView control. |
| UltraMonthViewMulti | Infragistics UltraMonthViewMulti |
| UltraMonthViewMultiBase | Abstract base class for multi-month controls. |
| UltraMonthViewMultiBaseRole | Abstract ComponentRole-derived class for the UltraMonthViewMultiBase-derived controls. |
| UltraMonthViewMultiRole | Role class for the UltraMonthViewMulti control. |
| UltraMonthViewSingle | Infragistics UltraMonthViewSingle. |
| UltraMonthViewSingle.MonthViewSingleActivitiesAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleBase | Infragistics UltraMonthViewSingleBase abstract base class. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleBase.DayAccessibleObjectBase | The Accessible object for a day. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleBase.MonthViewSingleBaseActivitiesAccessibleObjectBase | The Accessible object for a group. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleBase.OwnerAccessibleObjectBase | The Accessible object for a owner. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleEventManager | Class for managing a UltraMonthViewSingle control's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleRole | Role class for the UltraMonthViewSingle control. |
| UltraMonthViewSingleUIElement | The main element for an UltraDayView (occupies the entire client area) |
| UltraScheduleArrayConverter | Generic Collection TypeConverter |
| UltraScheduleArrayPropertyDescriptor | Provides a description of the DayOfWeek object. |
| UltraScheduleControlBase | UltraScheduleControlBase. |
| UltraScheduleControlRoleBase | Abstract ComponentRole class for the UltraScheduleControlBase-derived controls. |
| UltraScheduleInfoArray | UltraScheduleInfoArray. |
| UltraScheduleLookArray | UltraScheduleLookArray. |
| UltraSchedulePrintDocument | Component for rendering the calendar information of an UltraCalendarInfo to the printer. |
| UltraTimelineView | Infragistics schedule control which presents appointments along a horizontal time line, optionally grouped by their respective owners. |
| UltraTimelineViewKeyActionMapping | Encapsulates a keyboard action for the UltraTimelineView control. |
| UltraTimelineViewKeyActionMappings | Defines default keboard behavior for the UltraTimelineView control. |
| UltraTimelineViewRole | Role class for the UltraTimelineView control. |
| UltraWeekView | Infragistics UltraWeekView. |
| UltraWeekView.WeekViewActivitiesAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a group. |
| UltraWeekViewRole | Role class for the UltraWeekView control. |
| UltraWeekViewUIElement | The main element for an UltraWeekView (occupies the entire client area) |
| UltraWinScheduleAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
| UnassignedProject | Represents the UnassignedProject. |
| ValidateAppointmentEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointment event. |
| ValidateAppointmentRecurrenceEventArgs | Event parameters for the UltraCalendarInfo.ValidateAppointmentRecurrence event. |
| VariancesCollection | A collection of Appointment objects that represent individual occurrences of a recurring Appointment that have been modified from the original recurrence. |
| VariancesEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the VariancesCollection. |
| VisibleDateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the VisibleDateTimeRangeChanged event. |
| VisibleDay | An object that represents a visible day in the UltraDayView control. |
| VisibleDayEnumerator | Enumerator for the VisibleDays |
| VisibleDayEventArgs | Event parameters used by the UltraDayView.InitializeVisibleDay event. |
| VisibleDaysCollection | A collection of VisibleDay objects. |
| VisibleOwnersCollection | The collection of Owners whose Visible property is set to true. |
| Week | Week object. |
| WeekHeaderClickedEventArgs | Event parameters used by the UltraMonthViewSingle.WeekHeaderClicked event. |
| WeekLook | WeekLook object. |
| WeekLook.WeekLookTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraWinSchedule WeekLook. |
| WeekLookEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| WeekOfYear | WeekOfYear object. |
| WeekOfYear.WeekOfYearTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraSchedule WeekOfYear. |
| WeekOfYearEnumerator | Used to enumerator the objects in the collection |
| WeekSelectableItemProxy | Provides an ISelectableItem implementation for the Week object which uses the UltraCalendarInfo.AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection. |
| WeeksOfYearCollection | A collection of WeekOfYear objects. |
| WeeksOfYearLookCollection | Collection of WeekLook objects. |
| Year | Year object. |
| YearLook | YearLook object. |