
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView Namespace

ClassActiveTaskChangedEventArgs Event arguments class for the ActiveTaskChanged event.
ClassActiveTaskChangingEventArgs Event arguments class for the ActiveTaskChanging event.
ClassCellActivatedEventArgs Event arguments class for the CellActivated event.
ClassCellActivatingEventArgs Event arguments class for the CellActivating event.
ClassCellChangeEventArgs Event arguments class for the CellChange event.
ClassCellDeactivatingEventArgs Event arguments class for the CellDeactivating event.
ClassContextMenuInitializingEventArgs Event arguments class for the ContextMenuInitializing event.
ClassDetailsAreaSettings Class which manages the settings of the detailsArea area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument
ClassExpandableEditorWithText EditorWithText class implementation
ClassExpandableEditorWithText.ExpandedStateChangingEventArgs Contains information about the ExpandedStateChanging event.
ClassExpandableEditorWithText.ExpansionInfo Holds information regarding the expansion state of a consumer of the ExpandableEditorWithText editor.
ClassExpandableEditorWithText.IndentationInfo Holds information regarding level indentation for a consumer of the ExpandableEditorWithText editor.
ClassExpandableEditorWithText.IndentationLevelChangingEventArgs Contains information about the IndentationLevelChanging event.
ClassExpandableEditorWithTextExpansionIndicatorUIElement The expansion indicator UIElement used by the ExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement.
ClassExpandableEditorWithTextIndentationUIElement UIElement used by the ExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement to change the level at which a Task resides.
ClassExpandableEditorWithTextUIElement EditorWithTextUIElement class implementation
ClassGanttViewContextMenu IGContextMenu-derived class which realizes the intrinsic context-sensitive menu functionality for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassGanttViewContextMenuItem IGMenuItem-derived class which encapsulates the menu items shown by default for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassGanttViewEventManager Handles event firing for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassGanttViewReadOnlyMenuItemsCollection Encapsulates the list of menu items which are displayed by default for the GanttViewContextMenu.
ClassInitializeTaskGridRowEventArgs Event arguments class for the InitializeTaskGridRow event.
ClassKeyAreaSettings Class which manages the settings of the keyArea area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument
ClassLegendSettings Class which manages the settings of the legend area of an UltraGanttViewPrintDocument
ClassResolvedTaskSettings Class which resolves the properties of a specific task in an UltraGanttView control.
ClassResourceParseErrorEventArgs Event arguments class for the ResourceParseError event.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassTaskAddedEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskAdded event.
ClassTaskAddingEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskAdding event.
ClassTaskDeletedEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskDeleted event.
ClassTaskDeletingEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskDeleting event.
ClassTaskDialogDisplayingEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskDialogDisplaying event.
ClassTaskElementDragCompleteEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskElementDragComplete event.
ClassTaskElementDraggingEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskElementDragging event.
ClassTaskFieldInfo Class which identifies a task and a specific field within that task.
ClassTaskFieldInfoEventArgs Event arguments class for events that provide a TaskFieldInfo.
ClassTaskToolTipDisplayingEventArgs Event arguments class for the TaskToolTipDisplaying event.
ClassTimeline Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the timeline-related aspects of the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettings Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettingsDeadline Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettingsMilestone Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettingsPercentComplete Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettingsSummary Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassToolTipSettingsTaskDependency Class which exposes properties that provide a way to customize the tooltips displayed for tasks for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassUltraGanttView Windows Forms control which presents a WinSchedule Project, along with its Tasks, using a grid on one side and a timeline on the other.
ClassUltraGanttViewPrintDocument Component for rendering the ganttView information of an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraCalendarInfo to the printer.
ClassUltraGanttViewRole Role class for the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraTimelineView control.
ClassUltraWinGanttViewAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassVerticalSplitterDraggedEventArgs Contains information about the VerticalSplitterDragged event.
ClassVerticalSplitterDraggingEventArgs Contains information about the VerticalSplitterDragging event.
DelegateActiveTaskChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveTaskChanged event.
DelegateActiveTaskChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ActiveTaskChanging event.
DelegateCellActivatedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the CellActivated event.
DelegateCellActivatingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the CellActivating event.
DelegateCellChangeHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the CellChange event.
DelegateCellDeactivatingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the CellDeactivating event.
DelegateContextMenuInitializingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ContextMenuInitializing event.
DelegateExpandableEditorWithText.ExpandedStateChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ExpandedStateChanging event.
DelegateExpandableEditorWithText.IndentationLevelChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the IndentationLevelChanging event.
DelegateInitializeTaskGridRowHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the InitializeTaskGridRow event.
DelegateResourceParseErrorHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ResourceParseError event.
DelegateTaskAddedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskAdded event.
DelegateTaskAddingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskAdding event.
DelegateTaskDeletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskDeleted event.
DelegateTaskDeletingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskDeleting event.
DelegateTaskDialogDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskDialogDisplaying event.
DelegateTaskElementDragCompleteHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskElementDragComplete event.
DelegateTaskElementDraggingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskElementDragging event.
DelegateTaskToolTipDisplayingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the TaskToolTipDisplaying event.
DelegateVerticalSplitterDraggedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the VerticalSplitterDragged event.
DelegateVerticalSplitterDraggingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the VerticalSplitterDragging event.
EnumerationAutoDisplayDefaultContextMenu Constants which determine whether the default context menu is automatically displayed when the user right-clicks within the appropriate area of the control.
EnumerationAutoDisplayTaskDialog Constants which determine whether the TaskDialog is automatically displayed when the user double-clicks within the appropriate area of the control.
EnumerationAutoSizeGrid Options for automatically sizing the columns and rows of the grid before printing.
EnumerationAutoSizeTimelineColumns Options for automatically sizing the columns of the timeline portion of the GanttView before printing.
EnumerationContextMenuArea Constants which describe the area of the control over which the context menu is being displayed.
EnumerationDetailsAreaSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the DetailAreaSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationDisplayAreas Options for determining which parts of the Ganttview are display (grid, timeline, or both).
EnumerationGanttViewContextMenuAction Constants which describe the action taken when an intrinsic menu item is clicked.
EnumerationGanttViewEventGroups Enumeration which groups events based on which phase of a change they represent.
EnumerationGanttViewEventIds Uniquely identifies each DayView event.
EnumerationGanttViewHorizontalResizeMode Constants which determine how the control reacts to changes in its overall width.
EnumerationGanttViewPropertyIds Constants which identify properties of the UltraGanttView control.
EnumerationGanttViewSplitterDragPhase Constants which describe the phase of a drag operation involving the VerticalSplitterUIElement.
EnumerationKeyAreaSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the KeyAreaSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationLegendSettingsPropertyIds Identifiers for the properties of the LegendSettings object and related sub-objects.
EnumerationPropertyIds Enumeration which contains constants that identify the properties of the UltraGanttView control and its sub-objects.
EnumerationShowLegend Options for determining where to show the legend in the UltraGanttViewPrintDocument.
EnumerationTaskDragPhase Constants which identify the various phases for the TaskElementDragging event.
EnumerationTaskDragType Constants which describe which property of a Task is changed by a drag/drop operation.
EnumerationTimelineTaskPositioning Constants which describe the manner in which a TaskUIElement is positioned on the timeline portion of the control.
See Also