
Creating a Drilldown Chart (Part 3 of 5)

This topic is a continuation of Creating a Drilldown Chart (Part 2 of 5).

The BuildChart method accepts a string that represents the value of an entity which, will be used to build a SQL query that will fetch the appropriate chart data. The value of the parameter represents a field from each of the different entities which vary from drill level to drill level.

For example, at Level 1 a value is not needed as all the customers are displayed. At Level 2, a Customer ID needs to be passed to the method to display all the orders related to that customer. At Level 3, an Order ID needs to be passed to the method to display all the order details related to that order.

Each level must clearly define what entity attribute is represented by the parameter. In the code, the drill level as well as the parameter value is used to build a query that fetches data from the appropriate database tables.

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub BuildChart(ByVal FieldValue As String)
    Dim theCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand
    theCommand.Connection = Me.sqlConnection1
    theCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    Dim s As String = String.Empty
    Select Case _currDrill
    Case 1 'theChartInfo should be null at this level
          'Build the command
          s += " select TOP 10 a.customerID as 'Customer', count(b.OrderID) as 'Order Count' "
          s += " FROM "
          s += " Customers a, Orders b "
          s += " WHERE a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID "
          s += " GROUP BY a.CustomerID "
          s += " ORDER BY 2 DESC "
          theCommand.CommandText = s
          'Set Chart properties for this drill level
          Me.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.BarChart3D
          Me.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = True
          'Set DataSource
          Me.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = Me.GetChartData(theCommand)
          'Set link labels for this level
          Me.lnk1.Text = "Root"
          Me.lnk1.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk1.Visible = True
          Me.lnk2.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk2.Visible = False
          Me.lnk3.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk3.Visible = False
          'Set the UI labels for this level
          Me.lbl1.Enabled = True
          Me.lbl2.Enabled = False
          Me.lbl3.Enabled = False
'Level 2: We can get the actual Orders PER customer
    Case 2
          'Build the command
          s += " select TOP 10 CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), a.OrderID) as 'Order ID',
                 count(b.OrderID) as 'Line Items' "
          s += " FROM Orders a, [Order Details] b "
          s += " WHERE a.OrderID = b.OrderID AND "
          s += " a.CustomerID = @CustomerID "
          s += " group by a.OrderID order by 2 DESC "
          theCommand.CommandText = s
          theCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", FieldValue)
          'Set Chart properties for this drill level
        Me.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.PieChart3D
        Me.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = True
        'Set DataSource
          Me.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = Me.GetChartData(theCommand)
          'Set link labels for this level
          Me.lnk1.Enabled = True
          Me.lnk1.Visible = True
          Me.lnk2.Text = FieldValue
          Me.lnk2.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk2.Visible = True
          Me.lnk3.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk3.Visible = False
          'Set the UI labels for this level
          Me.lbl1.Enabled = False
          Me.lbl2.Enabled = True
          Me.lbl3.Enabled = False
    'Build the command
    Case 3
          s += " select a.ProductName as 'Product', b.Quantity as 'Quantity' "
          s += " FROM Products a, [Order Details] b WHERE a.ProductID = b.ProductID "
          s += " AND b.OrderID = @OrderID ORDER BY b.Quantity ASC"
          theCommand.CommandText = s
          theCommand.Parameters.Add("@OrderID", FieldValue)
          'Set Chart properties for this drill level
          Me.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.CylinderColumnChart3D
          Me.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = True
          'Set DataSource
          Me.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = Me.GetChartData(theCommand)
          'Set link labels for this level
          Me.lnk1.Enabled = True
          Me.lnk1.Visible = True
          Me.lnk2.Enabled = True
          Me.lnk2.Visible = True
          Me.lnk3.Text = FieldValue
          Me.lnk3.Enabled = False
          Me.lnk3.Visible = True
          'Set the UI labels for this level
          Me.lbl1.Enabled = False
          Me.lbl2.Enabled = False
          Me.lbl3.Enabled = True
    Case Else
          Throw New ApplicationException("Unhandled Drill Level")
    End Select
End Sub

In C#:

private void BuildChart(string FieldValue)
    SqlCommand theCommand = new SqlCommand();
    theCommand.Connection = this.sqlConnection1;
    theCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    string s = string.Empty;
    switch (_currDrill)
        case 1:  // theChartInfo should be null at this level
            // Build the command
	   s += " select TOP 10 a.customerID as 'Customer', count(b.OrderID) as 'Order Count' ";
	   s += " FROM ";
	   s += " Customers a, Orders b ";
	   s += " WHERE a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID ";
	   s += " GROUP BY a.CustomerID ";
	   s += " ORDER BY 2 DESC ";
	   theCommand.CommandText = s;
	   // Set Chart properties for this drill level
	   this.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.BarChart3D;
	   this.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = true;
	   // Set DataSource
	   this.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = this.GetChartData(theCommand);
	   // Set link labels for this level
	   this.lnk1.Text = "Root";
	   this.lnk1.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk1.Visible = true;
	   this.lnk2.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk2.Visible = false;
	   this.lnk3.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk3.Visible = false;
	   //S et the UI labels for this level
	   this.lbl1.Enabled = true;
	   this.lbl2.Enabled = false;
	   this.lbl3.Enabled = false;
       case 2: //Level 2: We can get the actual Orders PER customer
	   // Build the command
	   s += " select TOP 10 CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), a.OrderID) as 'Order ID',
	          count(b.OrderID) as 'Line Items' ";
	   s += " FROM Orders a, [Order Details] b ";
	   s += " WHERE a.OrderID = b.OrderID AND ";
	   s += " a.CustomerID = @CustomerID ";
	   s += " group by a.OrderID order by 2 DESC ";
	   theCommand.CommandText = s;
	   theCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", FieldValue);
	   // Set Chart properties for this drill level
	   this.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.PieChart3D;
	   this.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = true;
	   // Set DataSource
	   this.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = this.GetChartData(theCommand);
	   // Set link labels for this level
	   this.lnk1.Enabled = true;
	   this.lnk1.Visible = true;
	   this.lnk2.Text = FieldValue;
	   this.lnk2.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk2.Visible = true;
	   this.lnk3.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk3.Visible = false;
	   // Set the UI labels for this level
	   this.lbl1.Enabled = false;
	   this.lbl2.Enabled = true;
	   this.lbl3.Enabled = false;
       case 3:
	   // Build the command
	   s += " select a.ProductName as 'Product', b.Quantity as 'Quantity' ";
	   s += " FROM Products a, [Order Details] b WHERE a.ProductID = b.ProductID ";
	   s += " AND b.OrderID = @OrderID ORDER BY b.Quantity ASC";
	   theCommand.CommandText = s;
	   theCommand.Parameters.Add("@OrderID", FieldValue);
	   // Set Chart properties for this drill level
	   this.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.CylinderColumnChart3D;
	   this.ultraChart1.Legend.Visible = true;
	   // Set DataSource
	   this.ultraChart1.Data.DataSource = this.GetChartData(theCommand);
	   // Set link labels for this level
	   this.lnk1.Enabled = true;
	   this.lnk1.Visible = true;
	   this.lnk2.Enabled = true;
	   this.lnk2.Visible = true;
	   this.lnk3.Text = FieldValue;
	   this.lnk3.Enabled = false;
	   this.lnk3.Visible = true;
	   // Set the UI labels for this level
	   this.lbl1.Enabled = false;
	   this.lbl2.Enabled = false;
	   this.lbl3.Enabled = true;
	   throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled Drill Level");