| Class | Description |
| AfterNavigatorClosedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.AfterNavigatorClosed event. |
| AutoHideControl | Container control used to display the DockableControlPane that appear when the mouse is over an unpinned tab. |
| AutoHideControlUIElement | Main control UIElement for the AutoHideControl control. |
| AutoHideSplitterUIElement | AutoHideSplitterUIElement |
| BeforeDockChangeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.BeforeDockChange event. |
| BeforeNavigatorDisplayedEventArgs | Cancelable event arguments for the UltraDockManager.BeforeNavigatorDisplayed event. |
| CancelableControlPaneEventArgs | Event parameters used for cancelable events which pass a single DockableControlPane. |
| CancelablePaneButtonEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.BeforePaneButtonClick event. |
| CancelablePaneEventArgs | Event parameters used for a cancelable event which pass a single DockablePaneBase. |
| CancelablePanesEventArgs | Event parameters used for cancelable events which pass an array of DockablePaneBase instances. |
| CaptionButtonImageUIElement | ImageUIElement for rendering the image of a PaneCaptionButtonUIElement |
| ControlPaneEventArgs | Event parameters used for events which pass a single DockableControlPane. |
| DockableControlPane | A dockable pane containing a Windows Forms System.Windows.Forms.Control. |
| DockableControlPaneEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockableControlPane objects of the DockableControlPanesCollection. |
| DockableControlPanesCollection | A collection of DockableControlPane instances. |
| DockableGroupPane | A dockable pane which can contain one or more DockablePaneBase instances. |
| DockablePaneBase | Abstract base class for dockable panes. |
| DockablePaneBaseEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockablePaneBase objects of the DockablePanesCollection. |
| DockablePanePropertyDescriptor | Provides a description of the DockablePaneBase object. |
| DockablePanesCollection | A collection of DockablePaneBase instances |
| DockablePanesCollectionEditor | UIEditor for the SubObjectArray collections. |
| DockableWindow | A docked control containing a DockableControlPane |
| DockableWindowPlaceholderUIElement | UIElement which will be the site for the pane control containing a DockableControlPane |
| DockableWindowUIElement | Main control element for a DockableWindow control. |
| DockAreaPane | A dockable pane which serves as the top-level ancestor group pane for all other DockablePaneBase instances. |
| DockAreaPaneConverter | DockAreaPane converter |
| DockAreaPaneEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockAreaPane objects of the DockAreasCollection. |
| DockAreasCollection | A collection of DockAreaPane instances. |
| DockControlBase | Base class for the controls that contain a DockablePane |
| DockEventManager | Class for managing the events of an UltraDockManager object. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count. |
| FloatingWindowContainer | Form used to display a floating DockAreaPane |
| FloatingWindowContainerUIElement | FloatingWindowContainerUIElement |
| GroupSettings | Maintains defaultable property settings for a group of DockablePaneBase instances. |
| GroupSettingsResolved | Represents the resolved settings exposed by a group pane's DockableGroupPane.GroupSettings. |
| GroupTabManager | This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
| InitializeNavigatorItemDescriptionEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItemDescription event. |
| InitializeNavigatorItemEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.InitializeNavigatorItem event. |
| InitializePaneEventArgs | Event parameters used for UltraDockManager.InitializePane event |
| MdiChildForm | MdiChild form used to contain a DockableControlPane displayed as an mdi child. |
| MdiChildFormBase | MdiChild form used to contain a DockableControlPane displayed as an mdi child. |
| NavigatorSettings | Contains various properties related to the Navigator functionality of the UltraDockManager. |
| PaneBaseConverter | DockablePaneBase converter |
| PaneButtonEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraDockManager.AfterPaneButtonClick event. |
| PaneCaptionButtonUIElement | PaneCaptionButtonUIElement |
| PaneCaptionGrabHandleUIElement | UIElement representing the grab handle of the pane's caption text area. |
| PaneCaptionTextAreaUIElement | UIElement representing the caption text area of a pane caption. |
| PaneCaptionUIElement | PaneCaptionUIElement |
| PaneControlAreaUIElement | UIElement representing the contents area of a DockablePaneBase |
| PaneDisplayedEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.PaneDisplayed event. |
| PaneEventArgs | Event parameters used for events which pass a single DockablePaneBase. |
| PaneHiddenEventArgs | Event arguments for the UltraDockManager.PaneHidden event. |
| PanesCollectionConverter | Generic DockablePaneBase Collection TypeConverter |
| PaneSettings | Maintains defaultable property settings for an DockablePaneBase. |
| PaneSettingsResolved | Represents the resolved settings exposed by a pane's DockablePaneBase.Settings. |
| PanesEventArgs | Event parameters used for events which pass an array of DockablePaneBase instances. |
| PaneSlidingGroupUIElement | PaneSlidingGroupUIElement |
| PaneSplitterUIElement | PaneSplitterUIElement |
| PaneSplitterUIElementBase | Abstract base class for a splitter uielement that affects pane sizing. |
| PaneUIElement | Main UIElement for a DockablePaneBase |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| SerializableDockableControlPaneEnumerator | Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the DockableControlPane objects of the DockableControlPanesCollection that need to be serialized. |
| TabManagerBase | This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
| TabsCollection | This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
| UltraDockManager | A component for managing the docking and floating of controls on a form. |
| UltraDockManager.UltraDockManagerApplicationSettings | Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store |
| UltraDockManagerRole | Component role class used to manage the style settings for an UltraDockManager |
| UltraWinDockAssemblyStyleInfo | A class that provides the application styling definitions for the UltraWinDock assembly. |
| UnpinnedTabArea | A docked control representing the area where the tabs for unpinned DockableControlPane objects are displayed. |
| UnpinnedTabAreaUIElement | Main ControlUIElement for the UnpinnedTabArea control |
| UnpinnedTabManager | This class supports the UltraDockManager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
| Utilities | Utility class containing common static helper methods |
| WindowDockingArea | A docked control which manages the display of a DockAreaPane instance. |
| WindowDockingAreaSplitterUIElement | WindowDockingAreaSplitterUIElement |
| WindowDockingAreaUIElement | Main control element for the WindowDockingArea control |