
VisiblePosition Property

Gets or sets the visible position of the tool.
Public Property VisiblePosition As Integer
public int VisiblePosition {get; set;}

The VisiblePosition allows you to position a tool at a particular wedge in the menu. By default, positions start at the top of the menu and continue around the menu clockwise. The starting position can be changed via the RotationInDegrees and / or RotationAsPercentageOfWedge properties. By default, the VisiblePosition of a tool is -1, which indicates that the tool will fill the first position in which it can fit (see WedgeSpan). Tools whose VisiblePositions are set to something other than -1 have precedence over tools whose VisiblePositions are -1. So they are positioned first. Tools with a VisiblePosition of -1 are then placed into the first open slot into which they can fit completely. If two tools have the same VisiblePosition (other than -1), then the first tool in the Tools collection will take precendence and the successive tools may not be displayed or may be only partially displayed. For example, if tool A has a VisiblePosition of 2 and a WedgeSpan of 1, and tool B has a VisiblePosition of 2 and a WedgeSpan of 2, tool A will be completely visible in position 2 and tool B will be partially visible in position 3 (assuming there is no tool with a VisiblePosition of 3). Tools whose VisiblePosition exceed the WedgeCount of the menu will not be displayed. Tools whose total VisiblePosition and WedgeSpan exceed the wedge count, will be partially displayed.


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also