
ComponentRoleDefinition Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ComponentRoleDefinition.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorComponentRoleDefinition ConstructorInitializes a new ComponentRoleDefinition  
Public Properties
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AllEditorsRepresents the type that should be returned by the EditorType property to indicate that the component can use any editor.  
Public PropertyComponentTypeReturns a type that identifies the component for which the definition represents.  
Public PropertyCustomPropertiesGets or sets an array of custom property definitions that the component role exposes.  
Public PropertyEditorTypeReturns or sets what type of editor the component may use.  
Public PropertyNameReturns a string that uniquely identifies the component role and is used to locate/identify component style information.  
Public PropertyRelatedRolesGets or sets an array of the roles that the control uses.  
Public PropertySharedObjectsGets or sets an array of the names of custom shared objects that the component uses.  
Public PropertySupportedPropertiesIndicates which of the stock properties are supported by the component.  
Public PropertyUsesScrollbarsReturn or sets a boolean indicating whether the component uses uielement scrollbars.  
Public PropertyUsesToolTipsReturn or sets a boolean indicating whether the component uses the Infragistics.Win.ToolTip class.  
See Also