
ToLocalTime(DateTime) Method

Returns the date/time of the specified time for the time zone represented by this TimeZoneInfo object. The translation is made using this computer's time zone information.
Public Overloads Function ToLocalTime( _
   ByVal time As Date _
) As Date
public DateTime ToLocalTime( 
   DateTime time


The date/time to be translated.

Return Value

The translated date/time for this time zone.

If the Kind property of the specified time is set to 'Local', the specified time is implied to already be expressed as a local time. This method returns the time unchanged in that case. If the Kind property is set to 'Utc' or 'Unspecified', the specified time is implied to be expressed as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This method converts the specified time to the local time for this time zone, applying the DaylightUtcOffset to adjust for daylight saving time if applicable.

Note: If the caller is uncertain as to the value of the specified time's Kind property, use the overload of this method which allows the DateTimeKind to be expressed independently of the value of the specified time's Kind property.

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the properties and methods on the TimeZoneInfo object to obtain information about the time zones registered on the local computer.

Imports Infragistics.Win

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        '	Get an array list of the time zones on this computer
        Dim timeZones As ArrayList = Infragistics.Win.Utilities.GetTimeZones()
        If timeZones Is Nothing Then Return

        '   Iterate the array list and display information on each time zone.
        Dim i As Int32
        Dim crlf As String = vbCrLf
        Dim tab As String = vbTab
        For i = 0 To timeZones.Count - 1

            Dim tzi As TimeZoneInfo = timeZones(i)

            Dim info As String = String.Empty
            info += "Time Zone: " + tzi.StandardName + crlf
            info += tab + "Daylight Name: " + tzi.DaylightName + crlf
            info += tab + "Display Name: " + tzi.DisplayName + crlf
            info += crlf
            info += tab + "UTC Offset: " + tzi.UtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf
            info += tab + "Additional Daylight Saving Time UTC Offset: " + tzi.DaylightUtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf
            info += tab + "Additional Standard Time UTC Offset: " + tzi.StandardUtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf

            If tzi.DaylightDate <> DateTime.MinValue Then
                info += tab + "Daylight savings time begins on " + tzi.DaylightDate.ToLongDateString() + crlf
            End If

            If tzi.StandardDate <> DateTime.MinValue Then
                info += tab + "Standard time begins on " + tzi.StandardDate.ToLongDateString() + crlf
            End If

            info += crlf
            info += tab + "The current date is " + tzi.Today.ToLongDateString() + crlf
            info += tab + "The current time is " + tzi.Now.ToShortTimeString() + crlf
            info += crlf

            Dim isDST As Boolean = tzi.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.Now)
            info += tab + "Daylight savings time is "

            If Not isDST Then
                info += "not "
            End If

            info += "in effect." + crlf

            Dim time As DateTime = New DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 9, 0, 0)
            info += tab + "At 9AM (actual time) in the current time zone, the local time is " + tzi.ToLocalTime(time).ToShortTimeString() + crlf


    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using System.Diagnostics;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Get an array list of the time zones on this computer
			ArrayList timeZones = Infragistics.Win.Utilities.GetTimeZones();
			if ( timeZones == null )

			//	Iterate the array list and display information on each time zone.
			int i;
			string crlf = "\r\n";
			string tab = "\t";
			for ( i = 0; i < timeZones.Count; i ++ )
				TimeZoneInfo tzi = timeZones[i] as TimeZoneInfo;

				string info = string.Empty;
				info += "Time Zone: " + tzi.StandardName + crlf;
				info += tab + "Daylight Name: " + tzi.DaylightName + crlf;
				info += tab + "Display Name: " + tzi.DisplayName + crlf;
				info += crlf;
				info += tab + "UTC Offset: " + tzi.UtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf;
				info += tab + "Additional Daylight Saving Time UTC Offset: " + tzi.DaylightUtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf;
				info += tab + "Additional Standard Time UTC Offset: " + tzi.StandardUtcOffset.TotalHours.ToString() + " hours" + crlf;

				if ( tzi.DaylightDate != DateTime.MinValue )
					info += tab + "Daylight savings time begins on " + tzi.DaylightDate.ToLongDateString() + crlf;

				if ( tzi.StandardDate != DateTime.MinValue )
					info += tab + "Standard time begins on " + tzi.StandardDate.ToLongDateString() + crlf;

				info += crlf;
				info += tab + "The current date is " + tzi.Today.ToLongDateString() + crlf;
				info += tab + "The current time is " + tzi.Now.ToShortTimeString() + crlf;
				info += crlf;

				bool isDST = tzi.IsDaylightSavingTime( DateTime.Now );
				info += tab + "Daylight savings time is ";
				if ( ! isDST )
					info += "not ";

				info += "in effect." + crlf;

				DateTime time = new DateTime( DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 9, 0, 0 );
          info += tab + "At 9AM (actual time) in the current time zone, the local time is " + tzi.ToLocalTime(time).ToShortTimeString() + crlf;

				Debug.WriteLine( info );

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also