
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinScrollBar Namespace

ClassMinMaxButtonUIElement UIElement class for Min/Max (First/Last) scroll buttons.
ClassScrollArrowUIElement UIElement class for scroll arrows for a ScrollBar.
ClassScrollBarInfo Object used to maintain the state information for a ScrollBar.
ClassScrollBarInfo.ScrollBarAccessibleObject An accessible object representing a scrollbar.
ClassScrollBarInfo.ScrollPatternProviderBase Base class which provides support for the UIA IScrollProvider pattern based on a ScrollBarInfo.
ClassScrollBarInfo.ScrollTipShownEventArgs Event Args for ScrollTips
ClassScrollBarKeyActionMapping ScrollBarKeyActionMapping
ClassScrollBarKeyActionMappings ScrollBarKeyActionMappings
ClassScrollBarKeyActionMappings.ScrollBarKeyActionMappingEnumerator Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator
ClassScrollBarLook Object used to maintain the Appearance information for a ScrollBar.
ClassScrollBarLookTypeConverter TypeConverter for the ScrollBarLook class.
ClassScrollBarUIElement Main UIElement class for a ScrollBar
ClassScrollContextMenuManager Context menu control used by the UltraScrollBar
ClassScrollThumbUIElement UIElement used to render a scroll thumb.
ClassScrollTrackSubAreaUIElement UIElement class for the area above or below the ScrollThumbUIElement in a ScrollTrackUIElement
ClassScrollTrackUIElement UIElement class for the scroll track area of a ScrollBar.
ClassUltraScrollBar UltraScrollBar control.
ClassUltraScrollBarControlUIElement Main UIElement for the UltraScrollBar control.
ClassUltraScrollBarEventManager UltraScrollBarEventManager
EnumerationScrollBarAction Enumerates the possible actions for the UltraScrollBar control.
EnumerationScrollBarArrowStyle Enumeration of scroll arrow orientations.
EnumerationScrollBarDisplayStyle Determines if a scrollbar will be shown.
EnumerationScrollBarPropertyIds Enumeration of Property identifiers for the UltraScrollBar, ScrollBarInfo and ScrollBarLook classes.
EnumerationScrollBarState Bit flags that describe the state of the UltraScrollBar control.
EnumerationScrollBarViewStyle Used to determine the style of UltraScrollBar
EnumerationScrollMode Enumeration indicating how the display is updated while the scroll bar thumb is being dragged.
EnumerationScrollTipStyle Used to determine when scroll tips should be displayed as the thumb is dragged.
EnumerationUltraScrollBarEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraScrollBar events
EnumerationUltraScrollBarEventIds Enumerations that uniquely identify the UltraScrollBar events.
See Also