
Embed Different Editors within WinGrid Cells of the Same Column

The WinGrid™ UltraGridCell object’s Editor property allows you to specify a different editor control on a cell-by-cell basis. Traditionally, developers would handle the WinGrid control’s InitializeRow event to test for certain conditions and then provide a specific editor for each cell within a particular column. A simple example of this would be to have a data source where one column’s data type can vary on a cell-by-cell basis. The cell of the first row may be a numeric and the cell of the second row may be a Boolean. You would then write code to specify a numeric editor for the first UltraGridCell and then specify a checkbox editor for the next UltraGridCell. With WinControlContainerEditor™, you can take this concept to the next level by specifying a combination pair of editing/rendering controls on a cell-by-cell basis.

This topic shows you how various controls like the Microsoft® .NET ProgressBar, TrackBar and Infragistics WinGauge™ are embedded within different cells of the same WinGrid column.

It is assumed that a WinGrid control bound to the Products table of the Northwind database is dropped onto the form along with two WinControlContainerEditor components, a ProgressBar, TrackBar, and Infragistics WinGauge control. For information on setting up WinControlContainerEditor, please see the Embed Any Control within WinGrid Cell using UltraControlContainerEditor Component topic. Write the following code within the IntializeLayout event of the WinGrid control.


Note: Please see the Embed Any Control within WinGrid Cell using ControlContainerEditor Object topic for information about the Editor class (used in the following code) that sets up the WinGauge control with the ControlContainerEditor Object.

In Visual Basic:

e.Layout.Override.RowSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowSizing.AutoFixed
Me.ultraControlContainerEditor1.RenderingControl = Me.progressBar1
Me.ultraControlContainerEditor2.RenderingControl = Me.trackBar1
Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(6).Cells(6).EditorComponent = Me.ultraControlContainerEditor1
Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(7).Cells(6).EditorComponent = Me.ultraControlContainerEditor2
Dim editor As New Editor(Me.ultraGauge1, Me.numericUpDown1)
Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(8).Cells(6).Editor = editor

In C#:

e.Layout.Override.RowSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowSizing.AutoFixed;
this.ultraControlContainerEditor1.RenderingControl = this.progressBar1;
this.ultraControlContainerEditor2.RenderingControl = this.trackBar1;
this.ultraGrid1.Rows[6].Cells[6].EditorComponent = this.ultraControlContainerEditor1;
this.ultraGrid1.Rows[7].Cells[6].EditorComponent = this.ultraControlContainerEditor2;
Editor editor = new Editor(this.ultraGauge1, this.numericUpDown1);
this.ultraGrid1.Rows[8].Cells[6].Editor = editor;
WinControlContainerEditor Embedding different Editors within a particular WinGrid Column 01.png