| Name | Description |
| AddCustomFWElemInstancePropertiesToReflectionHelperCalls | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| AddCustomTypeBasedPropertiesToReflectionHelperCalls | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| AddCustomTypeValueConvertersToReflectionHelperCalls | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| AddHandler | Overloaded. Adds an event handler of the named event to the SourceElement. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| AsmError_MouseEvent | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| BringElementIntoView | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| BringFWElementPointInView | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| CleanReturnValueForReturnToQTP | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ClearKeyState | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ClearLoadedHandlers | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ClearMouseHelpers | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ConvertObjectArrayToString | Converts the input object or object array to a comma-delimited string |
| EnsureVisibility | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| fnSetFocus | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| fnSetProxySetting | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| fnSetTreeItemState | Internal proxy method that sets the check state(Check,Uncheck or Indeterminate) of an item of the DateFilterTreeView control obtained via its identifier |
| fnToggleExpandOfTreeItem | Internal proxy method that expands an item of the DateFilterTreeView control obtained via its identifier |
| GetClickEnums | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetCollectionCount | Returns the count of items in the input collection |
| GetCollectionItem | Returns the item of the collection at the specified index |
| GetDateFilterTreeViewItemArg | Creates a valid QTP variant value of the supplied item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| GetDateFilterTreeViewItemFromArg | Retrieves the DateFilterTreeView item from its QTP variant for the Replay action. |
| GetHitTestObject | Returns the item of the DateFilterTreeView control that was moused down upon |
| GetIntIndexedValueFromCollection | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetItem | Returns the item from the given collection obtained via its identifier |
| GetItemHeader | Returns the header of the item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| GetItemId | Returns the identifier of the specified item from the input collection |
| GetItemProperty | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetKeyState | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetLogicalName | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase) |
| GetMouseActionPoint | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetMousedDepObject | Returns the DependencyObject on which the mouse is clicked (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetNAPropReflectionHelper | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetOwningUIElement | Returns the owning UI element of the input source object (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetProxySettings | Returns the Proxy Settings from which the identifier of the required item will be obtained (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetRecordableEnums | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetRectFromFrameworkElement | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetRectRegionPoint | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetReflectionHelperMembers | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetReflectionHelperValue | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetSelItem | Returns the item from the current argument string and the current argument type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| GetSubItemId | Overloaded. Returns the unique identifier of the sub-item obtained from the input object. In most cases, the source object is either the Original Source or the Moused dependency object obtained from the MouseLocationHelper (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| GetSubItemReflectionHelper | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| InvokeAction | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| InvokeActionForInt | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| InvokeActionForObject | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| InvokeActionForString | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| InvokeActions | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| IsInt | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase) |
| IsItemVisible | Determines if the specified item of the DateFilterTreeView control is visible or not |
| IsNumeric | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase) |
| IsPartOf | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| IsPositiveInt | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase) |
| IsQueuedAction | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| IsRecordBaseClick | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| LostFocus | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| MouseActionOnControlEX | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseActionOnSubItemEX | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseClick | Overloaded. Performs a mouse click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseDblClick | Overloaded. Performs a mouse double click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseDown | Overloaded. Performs a mouse down operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseMove | Overloaded. Performs a mouse move operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseRightClick | Overloaded. Performs a mouse right click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| MouseUp | Overloaded. Performs a mouse up operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| NeedRecordBaseClick | Returns true to indicate that base clicks should be recorded for the control and false to stop recording the base clicks (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ParseSelItemArgToList<T> | Parses a given string argument into a list of items of the specified type T (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| PropertyListToString | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| Record | Overloaded. Sends the Recorded action to QTP (Handles Queueing) (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| RecordClickActionHelper | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| RecordDebug | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| RecordEX | Overloaded. Sends RecordAction.RecString to QTP (Final Layer) (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| RecordOnAncestor | Returns true if recording should be allowed on ancestor FrameworkElements. This is useful for scenarios where a control is embedded within a control of the same type (say, XamTabControl within a XamTabControl). We can control recording only on the actual child control and not all its ancestors. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ReportError | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ReportPass | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ReportWarning | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ScrollItemIntoView | Overloaded. Scrolls the specified framework element into view (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SendQueue | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SendStringWithModKeys | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SetItemProperty | Overloaded. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SetKeyState | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SetReflectionHelperValue | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_KeyUp | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_LostFocus | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_LostKeyboardFocus | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_MouseDown | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_MouseLeave | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_MouseUp | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_PreviewKeyDown | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_PreviewMouseDown | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| SourceElement_PreviewMouseUp | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| timerKeepLine_Elapsed | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase) |
| ToggleButton_Checked | Event handler for the checking of an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| ToggleButton_Indeterminate | Event handler for setting the Indeterminate state on an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| ToggleButton_Unchecked | Event handler for the unchecking of an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| TreeViewItem_Collapsed | Event handler for the collapsing of an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| TreeViewItem_Expanded | Event handler for the expansion of an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| TreeViewItem_PreviewKeyDown | Event handler for the key down on an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| TreeViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Event handler for the left button down on an item of the DateFilterTreeView control |
| TypeValidate | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| ValidateForReplay | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| WaitForFWElemRectToStopChanging | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |
| Yield | (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase) |