
2013 Volume 1

Known Issues and Limitations

Issues / Limitations chart

The table below briefly describes the known issues/limitations of the Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing Volume 21.1 release. Detailed explanations and the possible workarounds are provided for all of the issues in the blocks following the table.


Yes.png – workaround

No.png – no known workaround

Fix.png – fix planned

Control Issue Description Resolved?


Showing a hidden column by selecting its name in the hidden columns menu does not get recorded. It should record a ShowColumn method call.

Solution / Workaround Fix.png

Replay operations fail whenever any of the RecordEncapOpen, RecordEncapClose, FieldEncapOpen or FieldEncapClose strings is empty or the RecordEncapOpen and FieldEncapOpen strings are identical.

Solution / Workaround


Replaying a test on a xamContextMenu is incorrect when the control’s Name property is not set.

Solution / Workaround


When inserting a Standard Checkpoint for verifying grouped data, an exception is thrown that the Checkpoint cannot be created.

Solution / Workaround





Replay operations fail whenever any of the RecordEncapOpen, RecordEncapClose, FieldEncapOpen or FieldEncapClose strings is empty or the RecordEncapOpen and FieldEncapOpen strings are identical.

Solution / Workaround


The drop-down or menu selected items are recorded incorrectly. They are recorded as WpfMenu and/or WpfObject.

Solution / Workaround


The test recording and application fail when the tag items are created dynamically by setting the control’s ItemsSource property.

Solution / Workaround

All WPF Controls

UFT records an additional Click action when recording a Right Click against Ultimate UI for WPF controls.

Yes.png Fix.png

All WPF Controls

UFT prevents you from opening the existing or creating new scripts after using Version-Free assemblies.

Yes.png Fix.png

The ShowColumn method does not record in QTP

Issue description

Showing a hidden column by selecting its name in the hidden columns menu does not get recorded. It should record a ShowColumn method call.

An example of the hidden column menu affected by this issue is shown below:


Solution / workaround

There are two workarounds for this issue:

  1. Code the ShowColumn method call by hand in the script. For example:

Set grid=WpfWindow("MyApp").XamGrid("MyGrid")

grid.ShowColumn "[Company]"

  1. Use the Column Chooser Dialog to show the hidden column. This alternate way of showing the hidden column will record properly. An example of the Column Chooser Dialog is shown below:


Replay Operation

Issue description

Encountering any of the following scenarios will cause the replay operation to fail.

  1. When any of the following settings is empty:

    • RecordEncapOpen

    • RecordEncapClose

    • FieldEncapOpen

    • FieldEncapClose

Known Issues and Breaking Changes Replay Operation 1.png
  1. When the RecordEncapOpen proxy setting is the same as the FieldEncapOpen setting.

Known Issues and Breaking Changes Replay Operation 2.png

For example, XamDataCards sample uses these proxy settings. If any of the previously stated scenarios and conditions is true, actions using these settings such as ExpandCard , SelectionAdded , ActivateRecord , and ActivateCell will fail.

Solution / workaround

To ensure successful replay action confirm that any one of the RecordEncapOpen, RecordEncapClose, FieldEncapOpen or FieldEncapClose strings is not blank and that the RecordEncapOpen and FieldEncapOpen settings are unique from one another.

Incorrect Replaying of a Test on a xamContextMenu Application

Issue description

Replaying a test on a xamContextMenu control application may be incorrect.

Solution / workaround

A xamContextMenu Name property value must be set.

Inserting a Standard Checkpoint for grouped data fails in scripts for xamDataPresenter control

Issue description

When inserting a Standard Checkpoint for verifying grouped xamDataPresenter data, an exception is thrown that the Checkpoint cannot be created because the Table Content section of the Checkpoint displays only flat data (not grouped and hierarchical data).

Solution / workaround

After grouping the records, expand the group-by record and activate an internal record in that group.

Incorrect Recording of xamRibbon Drop-down or Menu Selected Items

Issue description

The recording of selected menu or drop-down items of a xamRibbon control may be incorrect. The WpfMenu and/or WpfObject are recorded instead.

Solution / workaround

Before replaying the test script, remove the incorrect recordings.

Test Recording Fails on a xamTagCloud Application

Issue description

Recording a test on a xamTagCloud control application may cause the application to crash due to an issue in the control code. This happens when the tag items are created dynamically by setting the control’s ItemsSource property.

Solution / workaround

The control bug is fixed in the latest Ultimate UI for WPF Service release so to solve this automation issue you need to upgrade your application to use the latest Infragistics service release build.

UFT Records an additional click on right-click action


When using Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing, the UFT records an additional Click action when recording a Right-Click against Ultimate UI for WPF controls.

During replay, the UFT plays the script as recorded, extraneous Right-Click action and all resulting, in errors and unintended results.

Solution / Workaround

You need to inspect and manually remove all of the extraneous recorded Click actions from your script.

UFT prevents you from opening the existing scripts or creating new scripts


When using Test Automation WPF version-free assemblies with UFT, it may cause an unexpected behavior in UFT preventing you from opening the existing or creating new scripts. This behavior will return with the exception as illustrated in the following screen shot.


Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

KnownIssues and BreakingChanges 2013 Volume 1.png

Solution / Workaround

With UFT closed, using the Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe) remove every key with Test Automation in its name under the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\SettingInfo\AddIn Manager

KnownIssues and BreakingChanges 2013 Volume 2.png

Related Topics

The following table lists other topics you may find useful.

Topic Purpose

This topic describes the supported environment and QuickTest Professional product versions supported by Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF.

This topic explains the available options for getting help with your Infragistics product and how to prepare for contacting technical support.

This section contains information about:

  • How to install and configure the Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF product

  • How to switch between different CLR versions and different product versions

  • How to remove the Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF product

The topics below provide reference information about the verifiable properties and the recordable and replay-only methods for testing the Ultimate UI for WPF controls.