
Subitems Recording

Supported Controls and Subitems


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamDataGrid control.

SubItem type Argument Format


gridField, "{FILTER}[id0]", igAt, 65, 11

Specifies the field identifier and coordinates of the location.


gridRecord, 0, igAt, 21, 12

Specifies the position on the row (zero-based index), and coordinates of the location.


gridCell, "{0}[id0]", igAt, 73, 14

Specifies the position on the row (zero-based index) with column name, and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamDataTree control.

SubItem type Argument Format


treeNode, ARRAY("Beverages"), igAt, 56, 14

Array with one Node, or more if a tree is hierarchical and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamDockManager control.

SubItem type Argument Format


dockPaneContent, ARRAY("Docked", "Left", 0, "Pane1"), igAt, 54, 9

Specifies the content area of a Pane of xamDockManager using an array with content state, positions and identifier, and location coordinates.


dockPaneTab, ARRAY("Docked", "", 0, "Document 1"), igAt, 54, 9

Specifies the tab identifier as "Docked", the name of the tab content, and location coordinates.


dockPaneHeader, ARRAY("Docked", "Left", 0, "Pane1"), igAt, 238, 11

Specifies the state of the panel ("Docked" or "Unpinned"), position ("Left" or "Right"), panel identifier, and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamDiagramToolbox control.

SubItem type Argument Format


dtbCategory, "Basic Shapes", igAt, 65, 11

dtbCategory, 1, igAt, 2, 2

Identification of the category subitem is either by string text name

Or by the integer index


dtbItem, ARRAY("Basic Shapes", "Circle"), igAt, 21, 12

dtbItem, ARRAY("Basic Shapes", 2), igAt, 21, 12

dtbItem, ARRAY(0, 2), igAt, 21, 12

dtbItem, ARRAY(0, "Circle"), igAt, 21, 12

dtbItem, 0, igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Item subitem is either by a two dimensional array of category name or index, and item name or index of the item inside the category

Or by the integer index of the item overall


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamGrid control.

SubItem type Argument Format


xGrdCell, "{1}[CustomerID]", igAt, 26, 9

Specifies the position of the grid cell (zero-based index) using the row index with column name, and coordinates of the location.


xGrdColumn, "[CustomerID]", igAt, 43, 13

Specifies the column name and the coordinates of the location.


xGrdRow, 0, igAt, 9, 14

Specifies the position on the row (zero-based index), and coordinates of the location.

xamMenu xamContextMenu

The following table lists the different types of sub items in X amMenu and XamContextMenu controls.

SubItem type Argument Format


mnuItem, "Create", igAt, 28, 26

Specifies the Item identifier and the coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamNetworkNode control.

SubItem type Argument Format


nwkNode, "Node45", igAt, 32, 11

Specifies the active node name (when clicked), and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamOutlookBar control.

SubItem type Argument Format


obarGroup, "Group 1", igAt, 112, 11

Specifies the group identifier and the coordinates of the location.


obarGroupContent, "", igAt, 18, 58

Specifies the group content using the coordinates of the location.


obarGroupHeader, "", igAt, 81, 13

Specifies the group header using the coordinates of the location.


obarNavArea, "", igAt, 2, 3

Represents the Navigation area of XamOutlookBar .


obarOverflowArea, "", igAt, 21, 17

Specifies the overflow area (at the bottom) of the XamOutlookBar using the coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamPivotDataSelector control.

SubItem type Argument Format


pvtArea, "Rows", igAt, 117, 57

Specifies the pivot area identifier and coordinates of the location.


pvtAreaItem, ARRAY("Rows", "Product Categories"), igAt, 108, 13

Specifies the pivot area item identifier using an array with Item and item group, and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamPivotGrid control.

SubItem type Argument Format


pvtgRow, 1, igAt, 44, 11

Specifies the position on the row (zero-based index), and coordinates of the location.


pvtgColumn, 0, igAt, 116, 10

Specifies the position on the column (zero-based index), and coordinates of the location.


pvtgCell, ARRAY(iDataRowIndex, iDataColumnIndex)

Specifies array coordinates as zero-based index (Row, Column) of the cell e.g. ARRAY(0,2)


pvtgPivotArea, "Rows", igAt, 117, 57

Allows fixed set of values:

  • "Rows"

  • "Columns"

  • "Filters"

  • "Measures"


pvtgPivotAreaItem, ARRAY("Rows", "Product Categories"), igAt, 108, 13

Specifies the pivot area item using an array and location coordinates.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamPropertyGrid control.

SubItem type Argument Format


prpgFilterArea, "", igAt, 65, 11

Identification of the Filter area subitem is ignored, as there is only one. But the parameter cannot be empty.


prpgProperty, "FontWeight", igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Property subitem is only by the string text DisplayName


prpgCategory, "Basic Shapes", igAt, 65, 11

Identification of the Category subitem is only by the string text DisplayName


prpgDescription, "" igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Description area subitem is ignored, as there is only one. But the parameter cannot be empty.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamRibbon control with an example from a recorded script.

SubItem type Argument Format


rbnAppMenuFooter, "", igAt, 25, 13

Represents the Application Menu Footer Toolbar of XamRibbon .


rbnAppMenuLeft, "", igAt, 25, 13

Represents the Application Menu Left Area of XamRibbon .


rbnAppMenuRecent, "", igAt, 25, 13

Specifies the recent item with coordinates of the location.


rbnGroup, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Ribbon Tab", 0, 0, 0, "Aqua"), igAt, 57, 13

Specifies the ribbon group identifier using an array that contains the group name, tab name and tool name, and coordinates of the location.


rbnQAT, "", igAt, 25, 13

Specifies the coordinates of the location of the Quick Access toolbar


rbnQuickCustomMenu, "QAT Item", igAt, 20, 30

Specifies the "Quick Customize Menu" identifier and coordinates of the location of an item in the "Quick Customize Menu"


rbnTabItem, "Ribbon Tab", igAt, 36, 12

Tab item name or index and coordinates of the location.


rbnTool, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Ribbon Tab", 0, 0, 0, "Aqua"), igAt, 57, 13

Specifies the ribbon tool identifier using an array that contains the group name, tab name and tool name, and coordinates of the location.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamSpreadsheet control with an example from a recorded script.

SubItem type Argument Format


sshtCell, "A1", igAt, 65, 11

Identification of the cell subitem is by string combination of ColumnName and Row number


sshtColumn, "D", igAt, 21, 12

sshtColumn, 0, igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Column subitem is string column name

Or by the zero based integer index of the column


sshtRow, "D", igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Row subitem is number corresponding to the row


sshtSheet, "Sheet1", igAt, 21, 12

sshtSheet, 0, igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the Column Sheet is string Sheet name

Or by the zero based integer index


sshtFormulaBarNameBox, null, igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the FormulaBarNameBox subitem is ignored, as there is only one. But the parameter cannot be empty.


sshtFormulaBarTextEditor, null, igAt, 21, 12

Identification of the FormulaBarTextEditor subitem is ignored, as there is only one. But the parameter cannot be empty.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in xamTabControl control.

SubItem type Argument Format


tabHeader, "Tab1", igAt, 23, 12

Specifies tab header identifier, and coordination of the location.


tabContent, "", igAt, 47, 119

Specifies the (X, Y) coordinates of the tab content.


tabCloseButton, "Tab7", igAt, 3, 6

Specifies the tab header identifier, and coordinates of the close button located on the tab itself.

tabCloseButton, "", igAt, 3, 6

This is another close button located outside of the tab area, which functions to close any active tab when clicked.


The following table lists the different types of sub items in X amTreemap control.

SubItem type Argument Format


tmapNode, Array(0, "NJ"), igAt, 5,5

Represents a node of XamTreemap .

Supported Methods

Click action methods

Below is a list of methods that support recording of subitems with a click action:


PanArea and ZoomArea methods are also supported during record subitem for controls: xamNetworkNode , xamOrgChart , xamDataChart , xamGeographicMap


Enabling RecordBaseClick action

Enable the RecordBaseClick option of the control proxy

Enable the control proxy RecordBaseClick option using the Test Automation Settings Utility and navigating by means of Windows start menu.

  1. Locate and drill down into the …\infragistics21.1\WPF Test Automation for Micro Focus… folder as illustrated in the following images.

The following screenshot illustrates the Infragistics folder hierarchy and the relative location of the toolset.


  1. The next screenshot shows the location of settings Reset and RootOverride to enable the RecordBaseClick option. This particular screenshot depicts enabling the RecordBaseClick option on the XamPivotGridProxy’s settings, as indicated by the presence of the checkmark in its corresponding value column.


RecordBaseClick action

RecordBaseClick is a member of IGProxySetting enumeration which handles every click action on the control. Default value is set to false.

  • Turning on the RecordBaseClick feature allows you to record only the supported methods. None of the control’s other methods are recorded

  • The RightClickSubItem or RightClickControl methods allow recording even if the RecordBaseClick feature is turned off

  • When clicking subitems with the left mouse button:

igAt –used to record the X and Y coordinates of the region

igPercent –used to record the coordinates as percentages.

The following recorded script displays the array coordinates (1, 0) as (Row, Column) respectively, and the corresponding click coordinates, for example, when clicked at the center with percentage used with igPercent.

XamPivotGrid("xamPivotGrid1").ClickSubItem pvtgCell, ARRAY(1, 0), igPercent, 0.5, 0.5

To enable the igPercent option, you need to follow the same steps as described in Usage, and use the check box for RecordClickPercent in the second step.

  • When clicking the mouse’s left button on:

    • a control’s SubItem, records the SubItem methods such as ClickSubItem, DblClickSubItem or RightClickSubItem

    • The control itself, records the control methods such as: ClickControl , DblClickControl or RightClickControl if sub item is not found for the control at the point of click.


Feature limitations


You can only use the Settings Utility to toggle the RecordBaseClick feature On or Off in between QuickTest Professional Product (QTP) recording sessions. In other words, you will need to restart the QTP session for the changes to take effect.

  • Limitations of the Settings Utility also apply to all the Record control settings including the RecordBaseClick , RecordItemsByIndex , RecordClickPercent and RecordForceFireEvents options.

  • Using the Settings Utility to modify any of the control settings, during the recording session, requires the user to stop and restart the recording for the modified control setting to apply.

  • Recording of ClickSubItem and DblClickSubItem is disabled in the following areas:

Content areas of the XamTabControl, XamDockManager and XamOutlookBar.

Filter dialogs of the XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector.

Examples and Previews

Examples summary

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Example Description

Illustrates the recording action with xamGrid control including the preview and the recorded script.

Illustrates the recording action with xamPivotGrid control including the preview and the recorded script.

Illustrates the recording action with xamRibbon control including the preview and the recorded script.

Illustrates the recording action with RibbonTool of xamRibbon control including the preview and the recorded script.

Illustrates the recording action with RibbonTabItem of xamRibbon control including the preview and the recorded script.

Example with xamGrid


The following table lists the different types of subitems in xamGrid control when recording ClickSubItem , DblClickSubItem and RightClickSubItem actions, and annotated in the image following the table.

SubItem type Description


xamGrid header cell control.


xamGrid row cell panel control.


xamGrid cell control.


The xGrdRow SubItem is treated slightly differently than the other subitems. Due to the fact that the row consists of cells, clicking on a row will record the action as xGrdCell rather than xGrdRow . The xamGridRow gets recorded in all scenarios when the click is not directly on the cell within that row, such as the row selector or the row expansion indicator.

Subitems Recording 3.png

Single-click action

Clicking any of the subitems (Outlined in the preview) with left mouse button, records the ClickSubItem action as follows:

XamGrid("myGrid").ClickSubItem xGrdColumn, "[Company]", igAt, 62, 7
XamGrid("myGrid").ClickSubItem xGrdRow, 1, igAt, 37, 12
XamGrid("myGrid").ClickSubItem xGrdCell, "{1}{1}[OrderDate]", igAt, 42, 10

In the above recorded script:

  • The first parameter (xGrdColumn) is the subItemType

  • The second parameter ([Company]) identifies the clicked sub-item

  • The third parameter (igAt) represents the X and Y coordinates of the mouse click action relative to SubItem.

Double-click action

Performing a double-click action instead of a single-click on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), records the following action:

XamGrid("myGrid").DblClickSubItem xGrdColumn, "[Company]", igAt, 62, 7
XamGrid("myGrid").DblClickSubItem xGrdRow, 1, igAt, 37, 12
XamGrid("myGrid").DblClickSubItem xGrdCell, "{1}{1}[OrderDate]", igAt, 42, 10

Right-click action

Performing a right-click action on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), records the following action:

XamGrid("myGrid").RightClickSubItem xGrdColumn, "[Company]", igAt, 62, 7
XamGrid("myGrid").RightClickSubItem xGrdRow, 1, igAt, 37, 12
XamGrid("myGrid").RightClickSubItem xGrdCell, "{1}{1}[OrderDate]", igAt, 42, 10

Example with xamPivotGrid


The following table lists the different types of subitems in xamPivotGrid control when recording ClickSubItem , DblClickSubItem and RightClickSubItem actions, and annotated in the image following the table.

SubItem type Description


xamPivotGrid area control.


xamPivotGrid item control within an area.


xamPivotGrid column header cell control.


xamPivotGrid cell control.


xamPivotGrid row header cell control.

Subitems Recording 4.png

Single-click action

Performing single-click action by clicking on any of the subitems (Outlined in the preview) with the left mouse button, which records the ClickSubItem as follows:

XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").ClickSubItem pvtgPivotArea, "Measures", igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").ClickSubItem pvtgPivotAreaItem, ARRAY("Columns", "Measures"), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").ClickSubItem pvtgColumn, 0, igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").ClickSubItem pvtgCell, ARRAY(1, 1), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").ClickSubItem pvtgRow, 6, igAt, 2,

Double-click action

Performing a double-click action on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action:

XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").DblClickSubItem pvtgPivotArea, "Measures", igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").DblClickSubItem pvtgPivotAreaItem, ARRAY("Columns", "Measures"), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").DblClickSubItem pvtgColumn,
 0, igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").DblClickSubItem pvtgCell,
ARRAY(1, 1), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").DblClickSubItem pvtgRow,
 6, igAt, 2,2

Right-click action

Performing a right-click action on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action:

XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").RightClickSubItem pvtgPivotArea, "Measures", igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").RightClickSubItem pvtgPivotAreaItem, ARRAY("Columns", "Measures"), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").RightClickSubItem pvtgColumn, 0, igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").RightClickSubItem pvtgCell, ARRAY(1, 1), igAt, 2,2
XamPivotGrid("myPivotGrid").RightClickSubItem pvtgRow, 6, igAt, 2,2

Example with xamRibbon


The following image illustrates the click area in xamRibbon control when recording ClickControl , DblClickControl and RightClickControl actions.

Subitems Recording 5.png

Single-click action

Clicking the region(Outlined in the preview) with the left mouse button, records the ClickControl as follows:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").ClickControl igAt, 50,4

Double-click action

Performing a double-click action instead of a single-click on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").DblClickControl igAt, 50,4

Right-click action

Performing a right-click action on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").RightClickControl igAt, 50,4

Example with xamRibbon (RibbonTool)


The following image illustrates the RibbonTool SubItem type in xamRibbon control when recording ClickSubItem , DblClickSubItem and RightClickSubItem actions.

Subitems Recording 6.png

Single-click action

  1. Clicking the SubItem (Outlined in the preview) with the left mouse button, records the ClickSubItem as follows:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").ClickSubItem RibbonTool, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Format", "Text Style", 0, 1, 2), igAt, 1,2
  • The RibbonTool is a SubItem type

  • The ARRAY parameter is the identifier of the tool that is clicked

  • The igAt 1,2 are the X and Y coordinates of the mouse click relative to the tool.


If the proxy setting of RecordClickPercent is enabled (set to true ) a single click of the mouse’s left button at the center of the SubItem of the control, records igPercent instead of igAt as demonstrated in the following script.

XamRibbon("myRibbon").ClickSubItem RibbonTool, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Format", "Text Style", 0, 1, 2), igPercent, 0.5, 0.5

Double-click action

Performing a double-click action instead of a single-click on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action :

XamRibbon("myRibbon").DblClickSubItem RibbonTool, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Format", "Text Style", 0, 1, 2), igAt, 1,2

Right-click action

Performing a right-click action on the SubItem (Outlined in the preview), which records the following action:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").RightClickSubItem RibbonTool, ARRAY("RibbonGroup", "Format", "Text Style", 0, 1, 2), igAt, 1,2

Example with xamRibbon (RibbonTabItem)


The following image illustrates the RibbonTabItem SubItem type in xamRibbon control when recording ClickSubItem , DblClickSubItem and RightClickSubItem actions.

Subitems Recording 7.png


Clicking the RibbonTabItem SubItem (Outlined in the preview) with the left mouse button, records the ClickSubItem as follows:

XamRibbon("myRibbon").ClickSubItem RibbonTabItem, "Format", igAt, 5,6

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides reference information about the methods for mouse action emulation on Infragistics controls.