
xamGrid - Recordable Methods

Topic Overview


This topic provides reference information about the recordable user methods for testing the xamGrid™ control.

xamGrid Test Object Recordable User Actions Summary

Recordable user actions summary chart

The following table briefly explains the recordable methods for testing the control. Detailed information about a particular method can be found in the Recordable Methods Reference topic for the respective User action type.

User action type User action Method

Hide a column.

Move a column.

Open the Hidden Columns Menu.

Resize a column.

Exiting Edit mode.

Copy to clipboard.

Paste from clipboard.

Switching the row to Edit mode.

Setting the provided value to the specified xamGrid cell.

Clearing the filter value in the specified cell.

Closing the xamGrid filter menu drop-down.

Opening the xamGrid filter menu drop-down.

Setting a comparison operator for a specified filter cell.

Activating the specified cell.

Expanding the specified row.

Collapsing the specified row.

Selecting a specified xamGrid item (column, row, or cell).

Adding one or more xamGrid items of a specified type (column, row, or cell) to an existing collection.

Changing an existing collection by adding and removing one or more xamGrid items of a specified type (column, row, or cell)l.

Removing one or more xamGrid items of a specified type (column, row, or cell) from an existing collection.

Fixing a specified column.

Sorting a specified column.

Grouping the data by the specified column.

Ungrouping the data by the specified column.

Closing the summaries menu.

Opening the summaries menu.

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Topic Purpose

This topic provides information about the user actions of the xamGrid control which you can test and the elements you can inspect.

This topic provides reference information about the replay-only user methods for testing the xamGrid control.

This topic provides reference information about the common enumerations used for testing the xamGrid control.

This topic provides reference information about the inspectable test object properties of the xamGrid control.

This topic provides reference information about the proxy class that supports the testing of the xamGrid control in Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing software.