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Getting Started with Infragistics for WPF

The Ultimate UI for WPF help documentation assumes that you are already familiar with key concepts of Microsoft® WPF™. In order to take full advantage of the power of the product, it is strongly recommended that you gain knowledge of the fundamental concepts of WPF.

For more information on the key concepts and features of WPF, see this MSDN Library topic.

Once you are familiar with WPF, you will need to install the relevant Infragistics for WPF NuGet packages that correspond to the controls that you want to use in your application. For more information regarding the usage of NuGet packages, see this topic on Microsoft’s site.

For information on setting up our NuGet feeds and seeing which controls exist in which packages, see the following topics:

Once you have added the appropriate NuGet packages to your application, you will need to add the corresponding XAML namespace definitions. Once finished, you are ready to use Infragistics for WPF controls. For documentation on specific controls and components, see this topic.