| Name | Description |
| AcquireTileContent | |
| AddLabelPanel | Adds a label panel to the view. |
| AddToInfoBox | |
| AttachAxis | Attaches and axis to the view. |
| AttachSeries | Attaches a series to the view. |
| CancelMouseInteractions | Cancels any pending mouse interaction with the plot area. |
| CompleteMouseCapture | Completes the mouse capture held on the plot area. |
| CreateLayout | Called to create the visual layout for the view. |
| DisplayZoomTiles | |
| FocusChart | Focuses the chart element. |
| GetDefaultHorizontalAxisTitleMargin | |
| GetDefaultVerticalAxisTitleMargin | |
| GoToDraggingVisualState | Transitions to the dragging visual state. |
| GoToIdleState | Transitions the view to the idle state. |
| GoToPanningVisualState | Transitions to the panning visual state. |
| HideDragPath | Hides the drag path. |
| HideHorizontalCrosshair | Hides the horizontal crosshair. |
| HidePlotContent | |
| HidePreviewPath | Hides the preivew path. |
| HideTooltip | Hides the tooltip. |
| HideVerticalCrosshair | Hides the vertical crosshair. |
| HideZoomTiles | |
| JustZoomed | |
| OnActualHitTestModeChanged | |
| OnAttachedToUI | |
| OnDetachedFromUI | |
| OnInit | Called to initialize the view. |
| OnTemplateProvided | Called when the template is provided. |
| OnTileZoomEnding | |
| OnZoomPanInteractionEnding | |
| OnZoomPanInteractionStarting | |
| PlotAreaCaptureMouse | Makes the plot area capture the mouse. |
| RemoveAxis | Removes an axis from the view. |
| RemoveLabelPanel | Removes a label panel from the view. |
| RemoveSeries | Called when a series should be removed. |
| SeriesAttached | Returns if a series is attached to the view. |
| SetDefaultCursor | Sets the PlotArea's cursor to null, which effectively sets it to the system default cursor. |
| SetHandCursor | Sets the hand cursor for the view. |
| ShowHorizontalCrosshair | Makes the horizontal crosshair visible. |
| ShowPlotContent | |
| ShowPreviewPath | Makes the preview path visible. |
| ShowVerticalCrosshair | Makes the vertical crosshair visible. |
| UpdateDragPath | Updates the path for the drag rectangle. |
| UpdateHorizontalCrosshair | Updates the position of the horizontal crosshair. |
| UpdateInfoBoxXTranslation | Moves the info box. |
| UpdateOverviewPlusDetailRects | Called wehn the OPD rects need to be updated. |
| UpdatePreviewPath | Upates the preview path. |
| UpdateVerticalCrosshair | Updates the positioning of the vertical crosshair. |
| UpdateZoombars | Called when the zoombars should be updated with new zoom values. |