| Name | Description |
| CheckBoxMemberPath | Gets / sets the path to the property on the XamDataTreeNode.Data object to populate the System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox of the XamDataTreeNode. |
| CheckBoxMemberPathResolved | Resolves the CheckBoxMemberPath property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| CheckBoxSettings | Gets a reference to the CheckBoxSettingsOverride object that controls all the properties for System.Windows.Controls.CheckBoxes on this NodeLayout. |
| CollapsedIconTemplate | Gets / sets the System.Windows.DataTemplate that will be displayed on nodes that are currently collapsed on the . |
| CollapsedIconTemplateResolved | Get the System.Windows.DataTemplate which will be used for the XamDataTreeNode's on this NodeLayout when they have children and they are collapsed. |
| DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) |
| DisplayMemberPath | Gets / sets the path to the property on the XamDataTreeNode.Data object to populate the text of the XamDataTreeNode. |
| DisplayMemberPathResolved | Resolves the DisplayMemberPath property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| EditingSettings | Gets a reference to the TreeEditingSettingsOverride object that controls all the properties for editing on this NodeLayout. |
| EditorTemplate | Gets / sets the System.Windows.DataTemplate that will be displayed when the XamDataTreeNode object goes into edit mode. |
| ExpandedIconTemplate | Gets / sets the System.Windows.DataTemplate that will be displayed on nodes that are currently expanded. |
| ExpandedIconTemplateResolved | Get the System.Windows.DataTemplate which will be used for the XamDataTreeNode's on this NodeLayout when they have children and they are expanded. |
| HeaderContentResolved | Resolves the HeaderTemplate property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| HeaderTemplate | Gets / sets the System.Windows.DataTemplate which will appear on header nodes. |
| HeaderText | Gets / sets the text that will appear for XamDataTreeNode objects acting as header nodes. |
| Indentation | Gets / sets how much each XamDataTreeNode is indented from it's parent. |
| IndentationResolved | Resolves the Indentation property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| IsDraggable | Gets / sets whether or not XamDataTreeNode objects associated with the NodeLayout are draggable. |
| IsDraggableResolved | Resolves the IsDraggable property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| IsDropTarget | Gets / sets whether or not XamDataTreeNode objects can be dropped on this NodeLayout. |
| IsDropTargetResolved | Resolves the IsDropTarget property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| IsEnabledMemberPath | Gets / sets the path to the property on the XamDataTreeNode.Data object to populate the XamDataTreeNode.IsEnabled of the XamDataTreeNode. |
| IsEnabledMemberPathResolved | Resolves the IsEnabledMemberPath property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| IsExpandedMemberPath | Gets / sets the path to the property on the XamDataTreeNode.Data object to populate the XamDataTreeNode.IsExpanded of the XamDataTreeNode. |
| IsExpandedMemberPathResolved | Resolves the IsExpandedMemberPath property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| IsSelectedMemberPath | Gets / sets the path to the property on the XamDataTree.ItemsSource object to populate the XamDataTree.SelectedDataItems of the XamDataTree. Note that it should be a Boolean property path name that is on each data item whose value will be used to determine if the node is selected. |
| IsSelectedMemberPathResolved | |
| ItemTemplate | Gets / sets the System.Windows.DataTemplate that will be used to create the VisualTree for every XamDataTreeNode for this particular NodeLayout in the XamDataTree |
| ItemTemplateResolved | Gets the actual System.Windows.DataTemplate that will be used to create the VisualTree for every XamDataTreeNode for this particular NodeLayout. |
| Key | Gets / sets the unique string which can be used to identify this NodeLayoutBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Menus.NodeLayoutBase) |
| NodeLayouts | Gets a Collection of NodeLayout objects that will be used only for the root level of the XamDataTree |
| NodeStyle | Gets / sets the System.Windows.Style which will be assigned to XamDataTreeNode objects associcated with this NodeLayout. |
| NodeStyleResolved | Resolves the NodeStyle property for a particular NodeLayout. |
| TargetTypeName | Get/Sets the System.Type.Name or System.Type.FullName that this NodeLayout object should represent. |
| Tree | Gets the XamDataTree that the NodeLayout belongs to. |
| Visibility | Gets/Sets the Visibility of the NodeLayout |