
Infragistics.Controls.DataSource Namespace

ClassAverageSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the average.
ClassCountSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for counting the number of items.
ClassDataSourceDataProviderSchemaChangedEventArgs Provides information about a schema change event.
ClassDataSourceLocalDataProvider Represents a local data source data provider for in memory data.
ClassDataSourceRowExpansionChangedEventArgs Provides information about row expansion or collapse.
ClassDataSourceSchemaChangedEventArgs Provides information about a schema change event that has occurred.
ClassDataSourceSpecialRow Represents a spcial row
ClassDefaultDataSourceSchema A default implemenation of a data source schema.
ClassDefaultODataLiteralEmitter A default implementation of an OData literal emitter.
ClassDefaultSectionInformation Represents information about a section in a data source.
ClassDefaultSummaryResult Represents the result of a summary.
ClassFilterExpression Represents a filter expression for use with the grids and data sources.
ClassFilterExpressionCollection Represents a colleciton of filter expressions.
ClassFilterExpressionVisitor Visits a filter expression for processing.
ClassFilterFactory Assists in building filters to use with the grids and datasources.
ClassFunctionFilterExpression Represents a filter expression that is a function applied to some parameter expressions.
ClassLiteralFilterExpression Represents a literal value filter expression.
ClassMaxSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating a maximum value.
ClassMinSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating a minimum value.
ClassODataDataSourceFilterExpressionVisitor Visits an a filter expression and emits an odata expression.
ClassODataDataSourceSchema Represents the schema of the items within a page of the virtual data source.
ClassODataSchemaProvider Interrogates an OData data source for its schema.
ClassOperationFilterExpression Represents a filter expression that is an operator being applied to other expressions.
ClassPropertyReferenceFilterExpression Represents a filter expression that is a property access.
ClassProvideCalculatorEventArgs Event arguments for the ProvideCalculator event.
ClassSortDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of sort elements that are applied to a data source or provider.
ClassSumSummaryCalculator Summary calculator for calculating the sum.
InterfaceIDataSource AddOnSchemaChangedListener Represents a data source for use in components which need advanced access to data.
InterfaceIDataSourceDataProvider Represents an interface that can be implemented to create a data provider for a data source.
InterfaceIDataSourceDataProviderUpdateNotifier Can be implemented to serve as a target for data provider update events.
InterfaceIDataSourceExecutionContext Represents an execution context that DataSources and DataProviders can syncrhonize execution with, or use to delay execution of some logic.
InterfaceIDataSourceLocalDataProvider Represents a local data provider which has synchronous access to actual data items.
InterfaceIDataSourcePage Represents a single page of data from a data source.
InterfaceIDataSourceSchema Represents information about the properties available on items of a data source.
InterfaceIDataSourceSupportsCount A data source that supports indicating the actual count of its items.
InterfaceIDataSourceSupportsIndexedAccess A data source that supports indexed access to its items.
InterfaceIDataSourceUpdateNotifier Represents the events that a data source can notify consumers about.
InterfaceIDataSourceVirtualDataProvider Represents a virtual data provider for a data source. A virtual data provider is paged and will load requested pages asynchronously.
InterfaceIFilterExpression Interface for filter expressions.
InterfaceIODataLiteralEmitter Emits OData literals.
InterfaceISectionInformation Gets information about a section in a data source.
InterfaceISummaryResult Interface describing the result of a summary.
InterfaceISupportsDataChangeNotifications Implementors support being notified of changes to data collections.
InterfaceISupportsExpansionChangeNotifications Implementors support being notified of expansion changes.
DelegateDataSourceDataProviderSchemaChangedHandler Called when the schame for a data provider has changed.
DelegateDataSourceExecutionContextExecuteCallback Represents a callback to perfom action syncrhonized with an exeuction context.
DelegateDataSourceFilterBuilderBuildCallback A callback for interacting with the filter builder factory.
DelegateDataSourcePageLoadedCallback Represents a callback for when a page is successfully loaded by a virtual data source.
DelegateDataSourceRowExpansionChangedHandler Called when a row is expanded or collapsed.
DelegateDataSourceSchemaChangedHandler Called when a data source schema changes.
DelegateProvideCalculatorEventHandler Called by custom summaries when they require a new SummaryCalculator instance.
EnumerationDataSourcePageRequestPriority Indicates the priority for a page request.
EnumerationDataSourceRowType The row type.
EnumerationDataSourceSchemaPropertyType Enumerates the available property types on a data source schema.
EnumerationDataSourceSectionHeaderDisplayMode Enumerates possible display modes for section headers.
EnumerationDataSourceSummaryScope Enumerates different calculation modes for summaries in the data source.
EnumerationFilterExpressionFunctionType Indentifies the function type for a filter function expression.
EnumerationFilterExpressionOperatorType Identifies the operator type of an operator filter expression.
See Also